Parallel TCG // A Beginner’s Strategy Guide to Playing the Latest Blockchain-Enabled Card Game

25 min readAug 23, 2023


Stepping into the world of Parallel TCG can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. But fear not, for this guide is your compass, leading you through the maze of beginner challenges. Whether you’ve played a few matches or are just about to start, these beginner strategies are designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Dive in as we unravel the secrets to a strong start in the Parallel Trading Card Game, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the adventures ahead. This guide is also geared towards content creators, with some useful tips such as SEO suggestions and community engagement.


I. // Understand the Basics

III. // Energy Management is Key

IV. // Prioritize Board Control

V. // Stay Adaptable

VI. // Dive into the Meta

VII. // Practice Makes Perfect

VIII. // Engage with the Community

IX. // Watch and Learn

X. // SEO Tips for Content Creators

XI. // Monetization and Trading

XII. // Technical Requirements

XIII. // Glossary of Terms

I. // Understand the Basics

Before diving into advanced strategies, ensure you have a solid grasp of the game’s fundamentals. Familiarize yourself with Paragons, the energy mechanism, and the different card types. Remember, a strong foundation is key to mastering any game.
Also, see this beginner’s guide first if you didn’t yet — this current article is essentially a “Part 2” of that guide, so make sure you check it out, first.

Paragons: The Heart of Your Deck

Paragons are not just cards; they are the leaders that define the overall strategy and theme of your deck. Think of them as the generals leading your army into battle. Each Paragon comes with its unique abilities, both active and passive, that can dictate the flow of the game. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen Paragon, you can tailor the rest of your deck to complement and enhance their abilities.

Energy Mechanism

In most traditional card games, players have a set amount of resources they can use each turn. However, Parallel TCG introduces a unique twist with its energy mechanism. Instead of automatically gaining energy or putting down specific mana/energy cards, players must make strategic decisions about which cards to bank, effectively trading them for energy. This adds a layer of depth to the game, as players must constantly weigh the immediate benefits of playing a card against the potential future advantages of banking it for energy .

Diverse Card Types: Tools at Your Disposal

Parallel TCG boasts a variety of card types, each serving a distinct purpose. Units are your primary means of controlling the board and dealing damage. Effects, on the other hand, offer immediate abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Upgrades enhance your units, giving them an edge in combat, while Relics provide ongoing benefits that can shape the course of the game. Familiarizing yourself with each card type and understanding when and how to use them is crucial.

The Importance of the Mulligan Phase

The game begins with a Mulligan phase, where players can view a portion of their deck and decide which cards to keep and which to redraw. This phase is more critical than it might seem at first glance. A good Mulligan can set the tone for the rest of the game, ensuring you have the right cards to execute your strategy from the get-go. It’s essential to understand your deck’s core strategy and aim for a starting hand that aligns with that strategy. A common play is to redraw very expensive cards, such as 8 energy, but it may not always be so simple.

Continuous Learning: The Path to Mastery

While understanding the basics is crucial, Parallel TCG is a game of depth and complexity. As you play more, you’ll encounter situations that challenge your understanding and force you to think outside the box. Embrace these challenges. Each game, whether a victory or a defeat, is an opportunity to learn and refine your understanding of the game’s fundamentals. The path to mastery is paved with continuous learning and adaptation.

II. // Deck Synergy is Crucial

While it’s tempting to include all your powerful cards, it’s essential to ensure they synergize. Look for card combinations that can create powerful combos, giving you an edge over your opponent.

The Art of Combining Cards

At its core, Parallel TCG is about creating synergies between cards. It’s not just about having powerful cards but about how they interact with each other. A well-synergized deck can often outperform a deck filled with individually strong cards that don’t work well together. When building your deck, think about how each card can potentially interact with others, setting up chain reactions or combos that can be devastating for your opponent.

Understanding Archetypes

In the world of TCGs, deck archetypes are broad categories that define a deck’s primary strategy or theme. Whether it’s an aggressive deck that aims to win quickly, a control deck that seeks to dominate the late game, or a combo deck that looks to assemble a specific set of cards for a game-winning play, understanding these archetypes can guide your deck-building process. When you choose an archetype, ensure that the cards you select support that strategy, creating a cohesive and synergistic deck.

Flexibility within Synergy

While synergy is vital, it’s equally important to have flexibility within your deck. This means including cards that can be useful in a variety of situations. Sometimes, a game won’t go as planned, and you’ll need to adapt on the fly. Having versatile cards that can function in multiple roles, whether it’s offense, defense, or utility, ensures that you’re never caught off guard, regardless of what your opponent throws at you.

The Role of Tech Cards

Tech cards are specific cards included in a deck to counter prevalent strategies or cards in the meta. While they might not always synergize perfectly with your primary strategy, they can provide a significant advantage in certain matchups. It’s a delicate balance to strike: you don’t want to dilute your deck’s primary synergy too much, but having a few tech cards can be the difference between victory and defeat against specific opponents.

Iterate and Refine

Deck-building is as much an art as it is a science. As you play more games, you’ll get a better sense of which cards work well together and which ones don’t. Don’t be afraid to make changes, swap out cards, and experiment with different combinations. The best decks are often the result of countless iterations and refinements, shaped by both victories and defeats.

While individual card strength is essential, the synergy between them is what truly defines a powerful deck in Parallel TCG. By focusing on creating cohesive and complementary card interactions, you’ll be better positioned to face any challenge on the battlefield.

III. // Energy Management is Key

In Parallel TCG, you don’t gain energy automatically. Be strategic about which cards to bank for energy. Sometimes, holding onto a card for a future play is more beneficial than an immediate energy gain.

The Delicate Balance of Energy

Energy in Parallel TCG is akin to the lifeblood of your strategy. Without it, even the most powerful cards remain dormant in your hand. But unlike many traditional card games where resources increase steadily each turn, Parallel demands a more proactive approach. Every decision to bank a card for energy is a trade-off, a balance between the potential of the card in hand and the immediate need for energy. This unique mechanism introduces a layer of depth, forcing players to think several moves ahead and anticipate their future energy needs.

Strategic Banking

The act of banking a card isn’t just about gaining energy; it’s a strategic decision that can influence the flow of the game. For instance, banking a high-cost card early on might provide you with the necessary energy to play it in later turns. Conversely, banking a low-cost card might allow for more immediate plays, setting the tempo of the match. Players must constantly evaluate their hand, considering both the current state of the board and potential future scenarios, to make the most informed banking decisions.

The Long Game vs. Immediate Gains

There will be situations where the allure of immediate power tempts players to use all their cards without banking. While this can lead to powerful plays that catch an opponent off guard, it can also leave a player starved for energy in subsequent turns. On the other hand, consistently banking cards and amassing energy can set up devastating late-game plays, but might cede early game control to the opponent. Recognizing when to prioritize the long game and when to seize immediate advantages is a skill that players will refine over time.

Adapting to Opponent’s Energy Strategy

Just as you’re making decisions about energy management, so is your opponent. Observing their banking patterns can provide valuable insights into their strategy and hand composition. If an opponent is consistently banking cards, they might be setting up for a big play, and you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Conversely, if they’re frequently playing cards without banking, it might indicate a more aggressive strategy, necessitating a more defensive approach on your part.

In essence, energy management in Parallel TCG is not just a mechanic; it’s a strategic battleground. Mastering this aspect of the game is crucial for success, as it influences every decision, from deck-building to in-game tactics. Proper energy management can be the difference between a resounding victory and a crushing defeat.

IV. // Prioritize Board Control

Having control of the board gives you a significant advantage. Use your units effectively, target key threats, and leverage effects to maintain dominance on the board.

The Importance of Board Presence

In Parallel TCG, as with many strategy card games, board presence is paramount. A strong board presence not only allows you to dictate the pace of the game but also forces your opponent to react to your moves. By establishing and maintaining a solid board presence, you can apply consistent pressure on your opponent, forcing them into defensive positions and potentially leading them to make suboptimal plays. A board filled with your units serves as both an offensive tool and a defensive barrier, protecting your health and threatening your opponent’s.

Identifying and Neutralizing Threats

A crucial aspect of board control is the ability to identify and neutralize key threats posed by your opponent. This doesn’t always mean having the most units on the board; it’s about recognizing which of your opponent’s cards pose the most significant threat to your strategy and dealing with them effectively. Whether it’s using effects to remove a problematic unit, deploying a unit with the right attributes to counter an opponent’s card, or using upgrades to enhance your units’ capabilities, understanding the board’s dynamics and making informed decisions is crucial.

Leveraging Effects for Board Advantage

Effects in Parallel TCG offer a range of utilities that can swing the board in your favor. From dealing direct damage to drawing additional cards or enhancing your units, effects can provide the edge you need in tight situations. However, it’s essential to use them judiciously. An effect used at the right moment can turn the tide of a game, while one used impulsively might result in a wasted opportunity. Always consider the broader game state and potential future scenarios before committing to an effect.

The Tempo Game

Board control isn’t just about sheer numbers; it’s also about tempo. Tempo refers to the pace at which you and your opponent play cards and develop your respective boards. By controlling the tempo, you can force your opponent to play at your desired pace, whether it’s speeding up the game with aggressive plays or slowing things down to set up more complex strategies. Recognizing when to push for a tempo advantage and when to hold back is a nuanced skill that comes with experience and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics.

Board control in Parallel TCG is a multifaceted concept that goes beyond merely having more units than your opponent. It’s about understanding the game’s dynamics, making strategic decisions, and constantly adapting to the ever-changing state of the board. Mastering board control is a journey, but one that’s essential for those aiming to reach the pinnacle of Parallel TCG gameplay.

V. // Stay Adaptable

Parallel TCG is a game of strategy and adaptability. Always be ready to adjust your tactics based on your opponent’s moves and the current state of the board.

The Fluid Nature of Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of Parallel TCG, no two games are identical. Even with a well-crafted strategy in mind, the unpredictable nature of card draws and the diversity of deck compositions mean that players must be prepared for a myriad of scenarios. Rigidly adhering to a single strategy can be a recipe for disaster. Instead, the best players understand the fluid nature of the game, recognizing when to pivot their approach and when to double down on their initial game plan.

Reading Your Opponent

Adaptability isn’t just about reacting to the state of the board; it’s also about anticipating your opponent’s moves. By paying close attention to their plays, card choices, and even their hesitations, you can glean insights into their strategy and hand composition. This information is invaluable, allowing you to preemptively counter their moves or adjust your tactics to exploit their weaknesses. Over time, this skill of reading and predicting opponents becomes second nature, transforming reactive plays into proactive strategies.

Embracing Versatility in Deck Building

One of the foundations of adaptability lies in the deck-building phase. While it’s tempting to build a deck solely focused on a singular strategy, incorporating versatile cards that can function in multiple roles ensures you’re never caught off guard. These “flex” cards might not always be the most powerful in a vacuum, but their ability to adapt to various situations makes them invaluable in practice. By building a deck with adaptability in mind, you equip yourself with the tools to navigate a wide range of game scenarios.

Learning from Every Outcome

Every game, whether a victory or a defeat, offers lessons. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning is crucial for adaptability. Analyzing your games, identifying misplays or strategic errors, and understanding the reasons behind each outcome will refine your adaptability skills. Over time, you’ll develop an intuitive sense of when to stick to your plan and when to deviate, ensuring you’re always in the best position to seize victory.

The Psychological Edge of Adaptability

Beyond the tactical advantages, there’s a psychological component to adaptability. Players who demonstrate a high degree of flexibility can be unpredictable, making it challenging for opponents to devise a counter-strategy. This unpredictability can lead to opponents second-guessing their decisions or playing more conservatively out of fear of the unknown. By staying adaptable, you not only enhance your gameplay but also introduce an element of psychological warfare, further tilting the odds in your favor.

Adaptability in Parallel TCG is both a tactical and psychological tool. By embracing change, anticipating challenges, and continuously learning, players can navigate the complexities of the game with confidence and finesse.

VI. // Dive into the Meta

Stay updated with the current game meta. Knowing which cards or strategies are dominant can help you prepare counter-strategies or even adopt them to your advantage.

Understanding the Meta Landscape

The term “meta” refers to the prevailing strategies, card choices, and deck compositions that dominate the game at any given time. This landscape is shaped by a combination of factors, including card releases, balance changes, and player innovations. By keeping a finger on the pulse of the meta, players can gain insights into the most effective strategies and the best ways to counter them. It’s like having a roadmap of the game’s competitive landscape, guiding your decisions both in deck-building and in-game tactics.

The Evolution of the Meta

One of the fascinating aspects of Parallel TCG, and card games in general, is the ever-evolving nature of the meta. As players experiment with new strategies and card interactions, dominant decks can rise and fall in prominence. Additionally, the introduction of new cards or changes to existing ones can shake up the meta, leading to fresh strategies and tactics. Embracing this constant evolution and being willing to adapt is crucial for staying competitive. It’s not enough to understand the meta at a single point in time; players must be prepared to evolve with it.

Crafting Counter-Strategies

Knowledge of the meta isn’t just about understanding dominant strategies; it’s also about devising ways to counter them. If a particular deck or card is prevalent, consider incorporating cards or strategies specifically designed to counteract them. This “teching” against the meta can give you a significant advantage, especially if you can anticipate the strategies you’re most likely to face. It’s a game of cat and mouse, where understanding your opponent’s likely moves allows you to stay one step ahead.

Adopting Dominant Strategies

While crafting counter-strategies is essential, there’s also merit in adopting dominant strategies yourself. If a particular deck or strategy is proving to be especially effective, consider trying it out. Not only can this provide you with a competitive edge, but it also offers valuable insights into the strategy’s strengths and weaknesses. By playing the dominant strategy, you can better understand how to play against it, gaining a deeper appreciation of its nuances and potential vulnerabilities.

Engaging with the Community

One of the best ways to stay updated with the meta is to engage with the Parallel TCG community. Join forums, watch streams, participate in discussions, and attend tournaments. The collective wisdom of the community is a valuable resource, offering insights, discussions, and debates about the current state of the game. By immersing yourself in the community, you not only stay updated with the meta but also become part of the conversation, shaping the future of Parallel TCG.

Diving into the meta is about more than just understanding dominant strategies; it’s about actively engaging with the game’s evolving landscape. By staying informed, adapting to changes, and actively participating in the community, players can navigate the complexities of Parallel TCG with confidence and skill.

VII. // Practice Makes Perfect

The more you play, the better you’ll understand the game’s nuances. Regular practice will help you anticipate opponent moves, recognize patterns, and develop winning strategies.

The Journey of Mastery

Parallel TCG, like any strategy game, has layers of depth that reveal themselves over time. While understanding the rules and basic strategies is a starting point, true mastery comes from experiencing the game in all its intricacies. Each game played is a lesson, a puzzle that challenges your understanding and hones your skills. Over time, patterns emerge, strategies solidify, and what once seemed complex becomes second nature. The journey from novice to expert is paved with practice, persistence, and a passion for the game.

Recognizing and Adapting to Patterns

One of the significant benefits of regular practice is the ability to recognize patterns. Whether it’s identifying common strategies, predicting opponent moves based on their plays, or understanding the flow of a game, these patterns become clearer with experience. Recognizing them allows you to adapt your strategies on the fly, turning potential challenges into opportunities. Moreover, understanding these patterns gives you insights into the broader meta, helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Developing Personal Strategies

While understanding the meta and dominant strategies is essential, there’s also immense value in developing personal strategies. The more you play, the more you’ll discover card combinations, tactics, and playstyles that resonate with you. These personal strategies, honed through practice, can often catch opponents off guard, as they might not be as widely recognized or understood as the dominant meta strategies. Over time, these personal strategies can evolve, incorporating elements from various sources and reflecting your unique approach to the game.

Learning from Mistakes

Every game, win or lose, offers valuable lessons. Regular practice not only amplifies your successes but also highlights areas of improvement. Mistakes, while sometimes frustrating, are invaluable learning opportunities. By analyzing misplays, understanding their consequences, and adapting accordingly, you turn these setbacks into stepping stones towards mastery. Embracing a growth mindset, where every experience is a chance to learn and grow, is crucial for continuous improvement.

Engaging in Diverse Challenges

While practicing against AI or familiar opponents is beneficial, it’s equally important to challenge yourself against a diverse range of players and strategies. Engaging in online matches, participating in tournaments, or even casual games against unfamiliar opponents exposes you to a broader range of strategies and playstyles. These diverse challenges force you to adapt, think on your feet, and refine your strategies, further accelerating your growth as a player.

While understanding the game’s mechanics and strategies is essential, there’s no substitute for hands-on experience. Regular practice, combined with a willingness to learn, adapt, and grow, is the cornerstone of success in Parallel TCG. Whether you’re aiming to be a casual player or a competitive powerhouse, the mantra remains the same: practice makes perfect.

VIII. // Engage with the Community

Join online forums, Discord servers, or any community related to Parallel TCG. Engaging with fellow players can provide insights, deck recommendations, and gameplay tips.

The Power of Collective Wisdom

The Parallel TCG community is a treasure trove of knowledge, experience, and passion. Players from all over the world, each with their unique perspectives and strategies, come together to discuss, debate, and share their love for the game. By immersing yourself in this community, you tap into the collective wisdom of countless players. Whether you’re seeking advice on a specific strategy, feedback on a deck, or simply looking to discuss the latest updates, the community is an invaluable resource.

Building Relationships and Networks

Beyond the strategic insights, engaging with the community offers an opportunity to build relationships with fellow players. These connections can lead to friendly matches, collaboration on deck-building, or even partnerships in team events. Furthermore, as you become more active in the community, you’ll find mentors who can guide you, peers with whom you can collaborate, and newcomers you can mentor. This network not only enhances your gameplay experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Staying Updated with the Latest Trends

The world of Parallel TCG is dynamic, with new cards, strategies, and updates regularly introduced. Being an active member of the community ensures you stay updated with these changes. Whether it’s a discussion on a newly released card’s potential impact or a deep dive into the shifting meta, the community is often the first place where these discussions take place. By staying engaged, you ensure you’re always in the loop, ready to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of Parallel TCG.

Participating in Community Events

Many online communities organize events, tournaments, and challenges that offer players a chance to test their skills, showcase their strategies, and earn bragging rights. Participating in these events not only sharpens your gameplay but also provides a platform to interact with players you might not encounter otherwise. Whether it’s a friendly competition or a high-stakes tournament, these community-driven events enhance your Parallel TCG experience and offer unique opportunities for growth and recognition.

Giving Back to the Community

As you grow and evolve as a player, there’s also an opportunity to give back to the community. Sharing your insights, offering advice to newcomers, or even creating content like guides, videos, or tutorials can make a significant impact. By contributing to the community, you not only establish yourself as a knowledgeable player but also help foster a positive and collaborative environment for all members.

The Parallel TCG community is more than just a group of players; it’s a vibrant ecosystem where knowledge, passion, and camaraderie converge. Engaging with this community enriches your gameplay experience, offers countless opportunities for growth, and connects you with players who share your passion for the game. Whether you’re a newcomer seeking guidance or a veteran looking to share your expertise, the community welcomes you with open arms.

IX. // Watch and Learn

Watch replays or streams of top players. Observing their strategies and gameplay can offer invaluable lessons and expose you to a variety of tactics.

The Value of Observation

In the world of Parallel TCG, there’s a wealth of knowledge to be gained not just from playing, but also from observing. Top players, with their refined strategies and deep understanding of the game, offer a masterclass in gameplay with every match they play. By watching these players, you get a front-row seat to high-level strategies, nuanced plays, and tactical decisions that might not be immediately apparent during regular gameplay.

Diverse Strategies on Display

One of the significant advantages of watching top players is the exposure to a wide range of strategies and deck compositions. While reading about a particular strategy or deck can be informative, seeing it in action, complete with real-time decision-making and reactions to opponent moves, brings a level of clarity and understanding that’s hard to replicate. Whether it’s an aggressive early-game strategy, a control-oriented approach, or a unique combo-driven deck, watching these strategies unfold provides insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential counters.

Analyzing Decision-Making

Beyond the specific strategies and plays, there’s immense value in analyzing the decision-making processes of top players. Why did they choose to bank a particular card for energy? Why did they prioritize one threat over another? What was the rationale behind a seemingly unconventional play? By delving into these questions and seeking answers, you develop a deeper understanding of the game’s intricacies and the multitude of factors that influence each decision. Over time, this analytical approach can significantly enhance your own gameplay and decision-making.

Engaging with Streamers and Content Creators

Many top players in the Parallel TCG community are also content creators, streaming their games, offering commentary, and engaging with their audience. Engaging with these streamers, asking questions, and participating in discussions can be incredibly beneficial. It’s an opportunity to gain direct insights, clarify doubts, and even get feedback on your strategies or plays. Moreover, these interactions foster a sense of community, connecting players, fans, and experts in a shared passion for the game.

Incorporating Lessons into Your Gameplay

While watching and analyzing are valuable, the true benefit comes from incorporating these lessons into your gameplay. After observing a particular strategy or tactic, try it out in your games. Experiment with the approaches you’ve seen, adapt them to your style, and refine them based on your experiences. This iterative process of observation, learning, and application is a powerful tool for continuous improvement and mastery of Parallel TCG.

The world of Parallel TCG offers a rich tapestry of strategies, tactics, and gameplay nuances. By taking the time to watch, analyze, and learn from top players, you equip yourself with the tools, knowledge, and insights to elevate your gameplay and thrive in the competitive landscape of Parallel TCG. Whether you’re a casual player or an aspiring pro, there’s always something new to learn, and watching the best in action is one of the most effective ways to do so.

X. // SEO Tips for Content Creators

If you’re a content creator, ensure you optimize your Parallel TCG content for search engines. Use relevant keywords like “Parallel TCG beginner guide” or “Parallel TCG strategies” to attract organic traffic.

The Power of SEO in the Gaming Niche

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool for content creators, especially in niche markets like online card games. With the growing popularity of Parallel TCG, there’s a burgeoning audience hungry for quality content, guides, and insights. By optimizing your content for search engines, you position yourself to be the go-to source for this eager audience. It’s not just about creating great content; it’s about ensuring that content reaches the people who are actively searching for it.

Keyword Research and Implementation

The foundation of any SEO strategy is effective keyword research. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush can provide insights into the search terms people are using when looking for Parallel TCG content. Once you’ve identified these keywords, it’s crucial to incorporate them naturally into your content, titles, meta descriptions, and even image alt tags. However, remember that while keywords are essential, they should not compromise the quality and readability of your content. Strive for a balance between SEO optimization and delivering value to your readers.

Staying Updated with SEO Trends

The world of SEO is dynamic, with search engine algorithms constantly evolving. What works today might not be as effective tomorrow. As a content creator, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest SEO trends and best practices. Regularly review and update your content to ensure it remains relevant and optimized. Additionally, engage with SEO communities, attend webinars, and subscribe to SEO newsletters to keep your knowledge up-to-date.

Optimizing User Experience

SEO isn’t just about keywords and meta tags; it’s also about providing an optimal user experience. Ensure your website or platform is mobile-friendly, has fast loading times, and offers easy navigation. Search engines prioritize sites that offer a good user experience, so it’s in your best interest to ensure your audience can access and consume your content seamlessly.

As Parallel TCG continues to grow in popularity, the demand for quality content will only increase. By leveraging SEO best practices, content creators can ensure their content reaches a wider audience, establishes authority in the niche, and drives organic traffic. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just starting out, integrating SEO into your content strategy is a surefire way to enhance visibility, engagement, and growth in the Parallel TCG community.

XI. // Monetization and Trading

Parallel TCG stands out not just for its gameplay but also for its integration with the world of blockchain and NFTs. This fusion brings about unique opportunities for monetization and trading:

  • Trading Cards: Within the Parallel ecosystem, players have the ability to trade their cards with others. This can be done through various platforms that support NFT trading, ensuring that players can diversify their decks or acquire specific cards they’re after.
  • Value of Rare Cards: Just like traditional card games, certain cards in Parallel TCG are rarer than others. These rare cards, especially if they’re limited edition or possess unique attributes, can fetch a higher value in the market. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on community forums or trading platforms to gauge the current value of these prized assets.
  • In-Game Purchases: Parallel TCG may offer in-game purchases, allowing players to buy card packs or access special events. These purchases can provide players with a competitive edge or simply enhance the overall gaming experience.
  • Monetization Strategies: Given the game’s NFT nature, players can also view their card collection as an investment. Over time, as the game gains popularity and certain cards become scarce, their value can appreciate. Players can monetize their collection by selling cards they no longer need or by strategically investing in cards they believe will increase in value.

XII. // Technical Requirements

For those new to Parallel TCG and the broader world of NFTs and cryptocurrencies, there are some technical aspects to be aware of:

  • Ethereum Wallet: To trade, buy, or sell NFT cards, players will need an Ethereum wallet. This digital wallet will store your NFT cards and allow you to engage in transactions. Popular options include MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Trust Wallet.
  • Gas Fees: Every transaction on the Ethereum network requires a fee, commonly referred to as ‘gas’. These fees can fluctuate based on network congestion. It’s essential to be aware of these fees when making transactions, as they can sometimes be high.
  • Secure Storage: Given the value associated with NFTs, it’s crucial to ensure the security of your digital assets. Always keep your wallet’s private key safe and consider using hardware wallets for added security.
  • Platform Compatibility: Ensure that the platform or marketplace you’re using to trade or purchase cards is compatible with Parallel TCG. Not all platforms may support the specific ERC-1155 standard used by Parallel.
  • Updates and Patches: As with any online game, Parallel TCG will likely receive updates and patches. Ensure your system meets the game’s requirements and regularly check for updates to enjoy a smooth gaming experience.

(NOTE: If your PC cannot run the app, or you have a Mac, please inquire into the Discord for the solution, which may include a remote-PC-play subscription (Shadow PC Gaming:

Both the monetization and technical aspects of Parallel TCG add layers of depth to the game, making it not just a gaming experience but also a fantastic integration with the world of digital assets and blockchain technology.

I can think of no better application of NFT technology than for an online competitive TCG. The best part about all of this is that the game itself kicks ass. It’s an awesome video game and I see people playing this in the years to come.

XIII. // Glossary of Terms

General Terms

  • Life: Player’s health.
  • Enemy: Opposing player.
  • Paragon: Deck’s chosen leader card, providing passive and active abilities.
  • Bank: Act of putting a card into a player’s Energy Bank.
  • Waste (verb): Act of putting a card into the player’s Waste from their Deck.
  • Searching the Waste: Drawing a card from the Waste Pile when the deck is empty, causing health loss.
  • Reveal: Flipping over a Banked card face-up.
  • Conceal/Concealed: Hidden cards to the enemy player.
  • Destroy: Removing a Unit from the Field to the Waste Pile.
  • Banish: Removing a card from the Field and placing it into the Singularity.
  • Leaves Play: When a card leaves the Field for any reason.
  • Remove from game: Cards inaccessible to both players for the remainder of the game.

Game Field Areas

  • Bank/Energy Bank: Area for banked cards.
  • Energy: “Currency” used to play cards.
  • The Field: Area where Units, Relics, and Upgrades are played.
  • Waste Pile: Player’s discard pile.
  • Singularity: Area for Banished cards, specific to the Shroud Parallel.

Card Types & Actions

  • Energy Cost: Cost to play the card.
  • Unit: Card type placed on the Field, with stats, abilities, and keywords.
  • Stats: Numerical value of a Unit’s Attack and Health.
  • Ability: Card text/actions.
  • Activate: Activating card abilities.
  • Relic: Card type granting abilities to a Player.
  • Upgrade: Card type attaching to a Unit, modifying its stats/abilities.
  • Effect: Card type representing immediate one-time effects.
  • Muster: Ability triggering when a unit enters play.
  • Attach: Putting one card on another.
  • Token Unit: Unit created by another card.


  • Armed: Units deal damage before non-Armed Units.
  • Assault: Triggers a Unit’s ability if damage was dealt to the Enemy Player.
  • Attuned: Unit changes between Dormant and Awakened State.
  • Battle Ready: Card can attack on its deployment turn.
  • Counter: Marker modifying a card or interacting with an ability.
  • Decay: Unit and adjacent units take 1 damage at the start of the turn.
  • Defender: Unit can block attacks targeting the Player or another Unit.
  • Evasive: Card’s attacks can’t be blocked by Defender Units.
  • Intel X: Triggers if the Enemy has “x” or more revealed banked cards.
  • Pacifist: Cannot Attack but can defend.
  • Salvage X: When Wasted, move up to X of its Equipped Upgrades to other Units.
  • Shielded: Unit is immune to the next Enemy Card Effect targeting it.


Hope to play with you soon.


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