Unpacking Parallel TCG: A Primer on this Unparalleled Synthesis of Art, Strategy, and Blockchain Tech

10 min readAug 23, 2023


Dive into the captivating universe of Parallel, the digital trading card game where strategy meets sci-fi in a card game like no other. Whether you’re a newcomer eager to understand the factions or a player seeking clarity on gameplay mechanics, this guide is tailored for you. Embark on a journey through the game’s intricate facets, and let’s demystify the world of Parallel together.

In realms where stars and circuits blend,

A game emerges, setting new trends.

Through galaxies vast and digital seas,

Parallel’s call beckons with ease.

Its universe, both ancient and new,

Holds secrets that few ever knew.

Mystical forces and tech entwined,

In this game, both worlds are combined.

The Paragons, leaders of might and lore,

Guide players through battles, myths, and more.

With every card drawn, a story unfolds,

Of cosmic wars and sagas untold.

To navigate this vast expanse,

One needs guidance, a fighting chance.

For in this game, as you’ll soon see,

Strategy and lore set players free.

So heed this guide, for it imparts,

The wisdom to master Parallel’s arts.

With every tip and strategy shared,

You’ll conquer realms, both seen and aired.

// FAQ

  1. What is Parallel?

Parallel is a Sci-Fi Trading Card Game (TCG) that allows collectors to truly own their cards and other game items. These cards can be used to build a deck and play in an online PC client, which is currently in development.

2. What are the five Parallels?

The five Parallels refer to the five streams of evolution that humans have undergone simultaneously: Augencore, Earthen, Kathari, Marcolian, and The Shroud.

3. Can Parallel print more cards and affect the rarity of my cards?

Each Parallel card is unique to its edition size, and its supply cannot be increased. Future expansion sets will not affect the rarity of previously released sets but may contain modified versions of earlier cards.

4. When will the game be released?

The game is under active development with Early Access Game Testing scheduled for 2023.

5. What do you need to play the Parallel game?

You don’t need any cards to start playing. All you need is a Parallel account. Everyone starts on Rookie Mode, which uses pre-made starter decks.

To play competitively, you need a deck of 40 cards. This can be from a single Parallel, combined with Universal cards. Universal cards are not specific to any Parallel and can be used in all decks. There are limitations on the number of copies of a card in a deck. Players can have multiple decks and choose which Parallel to play for each match. The deck can be a mix of digital cards and NFT collectible cards.

6. Do I need all Parallels to play? All you need is a Parallels account to dive into the game. While you can play and complete the rookie mode without owning any cards, you won’t be eligible for rewards. Successfully finishing the rookie mode will grant you apparitions without any charges. However, to truly reap rewards, you’ll need to link the NFTs to your gameplay.

7. Will the cards contain their in-game stats/attributes?

The cards won’t directly display character/attribute stats for in-game balancing reasons.

8. Do I need an Ethereum wallet to buy Parallel NFT cards?

While you can use an Ethereum wallet, there are also options on exchanges like Opensea to purchase the collection using a Debit or Credit card.

9. What does Parallel have to do with NFTs?

Each card is a unique 3D art piece represented by an NFT (ERC-1155) on the Ethereum network. Owning the NFT version of the cards can enhance the in-game experience or provide different experiences outside the game.

10. How were Parallel NFT cards released?

Parallel Cards were released in Pack Drops. The final pack drop was on January 14th, 2023, completing the Parallel Base Set. An expansion named “Planetfall” is planned, with the release date to be announced.

// The World of Parallel

Parallel is a Trading Card Game (TCG) set in the distant future of our solar system. The game’s lore is rooted in an event known as “The Priming,” a global cataclysm that led to humanity’s exodus from Earth. As a result, humanity split into five distinct factions, each known as a “Parallel,” and each developed in its own unique way.

// The Five Parallels


The Marcolian

  • Origin: Left Earth for Mars.
  • Characteristics: Militaristic, prideful, and opportunistic.
  • Society: Built on rapid technological innovation.

The Augencore

  • Origin: Settled among the resource-rich asteroids of our solar system.
  • Characteristics: Heavily reliant on mechanical modifications.
  • Society: Nomadic, working tirelessly to maintain their way of life.

The Kathari

  • Origin: Settled on Europa after suffering from high radiation levels upon leaving Earth.
  • Characteristics: Turned to cloning technology to sustain their population due to the effects of radiation.

The Shroud

  • Origin: Colonists who became devout followers of a cosmic entity known as “The Great One.”
  • Characteristics: Interpreters and followers of the mysterious bidding of the Entity.

The Earthen

  • Origin: Remained on Earth after The Priming.
  • Characteristics: Changed by a mysterious force called “Miasma” that reshaped the planet.
  • Society: Inhabit a rejuvenated Earth with a deep connection to all life on the planet.

// Getting Started with Parallel TCG

Parallel TCG offers multifaceted enjoyment, from collecting and trading to deck building and actual gameplay.

  • Developed by Parallel Studios, Parallel TCG seamlessly integrates traditional card gameplay with innovative web3 or blockchain features.
  • Your primary mission in the game: Strategically deploy your cards to reduce your opponent’s Health points to zero.

Starting a Match:

  • You start in Rookie mode Here, you can utilize preset starter decks. Simply choose your desired faction and jump into a match.
  • To really play and earn rewards, you’ll need a deck composed of 40 cards. These can hail from a single faction, but you also have the flexibility to incorporate Universal cards.
  • Both contenders kick off with a hand of five cards. Not satisfied with your initial draw? The Mulligan phase allows you a one-time chance to redraw.
  • As the game progresses, players draw one card each turn, ensuring a steady flow of options.

Basics of Gameplay:

  • All the information you need to strategize is readily available on the game field.
  • The core of the game revolves around playing cards to launch attacks on your opponent while simultaneously countering their moves.
  • For instance, if you have a unit card boasting 1 attack and 3 health, it can effectively obliterate an opponent’s unit with 2 attack and 1 health.

Major Card Types:

  • Units: These are your primary cards, complete with attack and health stats. Some even come with a special ‘vehicle’ attribute.
  • Effects: These cards are all about immediate impact, offering one-off abilities like strengthening your units or dealing direct damage.
  • Relics: Unique in their function, relics occupy their own space on the battlefield, providing ongoing effects. The catch? They’re immune to standard unit attacks.
  • Upgrades: Think of these as power-ups. Attach them to units to bestow benefits, be it health enhancements or unique abilities.

Factions and Paragons:

  • Dive into the lore of Parallel TCG, and you’ll discover five distinct factions, each with its own thematic essence.
  • Integral to each faction are the Paragons. These hero units are game-changers, offering a mix of passive and active benefits to shape your gameplay strategy.

Card Functions, Energy, and Banking:

  • Every card in your deck has a specific function. For example, the “Annihilate” card, when played, can obliterate any target unit or relic.
  • Playing cards requires energy, denoted by their energy cost. To bring the “Annihilate” card into play, you’d need five energy units.
  • To accumulate energy, you have the option to ‘bank’ a card from your hand. While banking is optional, it’s a crucial strategy for deploying high-cost cards later in the game.

Winning the Game:

  • Victory is achieved by strategically playing your cards to drain your opponent’s Health points to zero.

// Glossary of Terms

General Terms

  • Life: Player’s health.
  • Enemy: Opposing player.
  • Paragon: Deck’s chosen leader card, providing passive and active abilities.
  • Bank: Act of putting a card into a player’s Energy Bank.
  • Waste (verb): Act of putting a card into the player’s Waste from their Deck.
  • Searching the Waste: Drawing a card from the Waste Pile when the deck is empty, causing health loss.
  • Reveal: Flipping over a Banked card face-up.
  • Conceal/Concealed: Hidden cards to the enemy player.
  • Destroy: Removing a Unit from the Field to the Waste Pile.
  • Banish: Removing a card from the Field and placing it into the Singularity.
  • Leaves Play: When a card leaves the Field for any reason.
  • Remove from game: Cards inaccessible to both players for the remainder of the game.

Game Field Areas

  • Bank/Energy Bank: Area for banked cards.
  • Energy: “Currency” used to play cards.
  • The Field: Area where Units, Relics, and Upgrades are played.
  • Waste Pile: Player’s discard pile.
  • Singularity: Area for Banished cards, specific to the Shroud Parallel.

Card Types & Actions

  • Energy Cost: Cost to play the card.
  • Unit: Card type placed on the Field, with stats, abilities, and keywords.
  • Relic: Card type granting abilities to a Player.
  • Effect: Card type representing immediate one-time effects.
  • Upgrade: Card type attaching to a Unit, modifying its stats/abilities.
  • Stats: Numerical value of a Unit’s Attack and Health.
  • Ability: Card text/actions.
  • Activate: Activating card abilities.
  • Muster: Ability triggering when a unit enters play.
  • Attach: Putting one card on another.
  • Token Unit: Unit created by another card.


  • Armed: Units deal damage before non-Armed Units.
  • Assault: Triggers a Unit’s ability if damage was dealt to the Enemy Player.
  • Attuned: Unit changes between Dormant and Awakened State.
  • Battle Ready: Card can attack on its deployment turn.
  • Counter: Marker modifying a card or interacting with an ability.
  • Decay: Unit and adjacent units take 1 damage at the start of the turn.
  • Defender: Unit can block attacks targeting the Player or another Unit.
  • Evasive: Card’s attacks can’t be blocked by Defender Units.
  • Intel X: Triggers if the Enemy has “x” or more revealed banked cards.
  • Pacifist: Cannot Attack but can defend.
  • Salvage X: When Wasted, move up to X of its Equipped Upgrades to other Units.
  • Shielded: Unit is immune to the next Enemy Card Effect targeting it.

// Leveling Up

This was just a quick crash course. Ready for a deeper dive into beginner’s strategies? See my follow-up article to read on and learn much more about Parallel TCG:

OFFICIAL PARALLEL WEBSITE: https://parallel.life/

Hope to play with you soon!


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