KaijuKingz P2E Status Update

Augminted Labs
4 min readMar 20, 2022


It’s been just two weeks since we published our first Medium article on KaijuKingz’ revamped P2E ecosystem. That article detailed our new token $SCALE, our new evolution of Mutants, the role of DNA, and Scientists as the new risk protocol to our revamped ecosystem. The totality of this ecosystem is poised to launch in early April, and will be set off by the minting of our new collection of Scientists.

As we approach the date of our P2E ecosystem launch and its accompanying Scientist mint, it is important to acknowledge that a Scientist will be necessary to play Monster x Monster — the upcoming KaijuGame that will utilize Mutant DNA in its game mechanics. We are currently seeking out communities to work with for ML distribution, as well as to integrate their projects into our collection as their own custom Scientist traits. If you are a community leader please reach out to any of our KaijuKingz staff members, or through the ticket system in our Discord.

Scientist Minting Experience

The mint for these Scientists will be an interactive experience, where you will select from a panel and produce your very own Augminted Labs Scientist. You will be in the Kaijuverse, booting up a terminal and accessing the Scientist deployment protocol, where you will follow through with all necessary steps to start your Scientist off on their Augminted Labs journey — you will ready them up to steal all the $SCALE, Mutant DNA, and Baby Kaijuz they could ever dream of.

Your Scientist, having just graduated top of their class and passing their Augminted Labs entrance exam, is thrilled to start their very first day of performing experiments on Kaijuz. Their name, bio, and supervisor are all to be entered into the Augminted Labs ALOS database, and their employee photo will be snapped to finalize their employment onboarding procedures. They’re then off to their first day of tasks and responsibilities, where they are required to test the abilities of Mutant Kaijuz to analyze and understand their battle capabilities. This work is dangerous, yet rewarding, so make sure you follow through with it — a certain voice might compel you.

Machinations and Infographic

Community members have created well-constructed infographics and simulations to represent our P2E ecosystem and to onboard current and new Kingz into its mechanics. Chouapo developed a complicated yet fully functional rendition through Machinations. In this simulator, you can select any number of Genesis, Baby, or Mutant Kaijuz and experiment with how many $SCALE they will produce. You can also test the likelihood of DNA extraction success and outcome, and calculate anticipated potential Scientist rewards.

Xull developed a more accessible and shareable infographic depicting all of the mechanics of our ecosystem. This visual will be utilized as an introduction to all the interactions of tokenomics and is available through the !p2e command in the KaijuKingz Discord.

Merch Updates

KaijuKingz merch is continually being developed with new patterns, styles, and items. Our new items ideas include shorts, bowler tees, socks, footwear and accessories; our talented design team is finishing up their pre-production ideation and design mockups. We are additionally in contact with an exceptional manufacturer who is capable of producing all of the styles, items, and accessories we are envisioning — and all to the quality you’d expect for a King. Any feedback or ideas for new designs are appreciated and can be submitted in our Discord.

Sorashima Sunday

Sorashima Sunday is our new weekly recurring Twitter Spaces event. This platform will be regularly hosted by Tyler from the KaijuKingz team, as well as a co-host from the community. The event will serve as a weekly opportunity to catch up with all the goings-on of KaijuKingz as well as a chance to hear from fellow community members and hang out. Topics will vary and cover a gamut of topics, make sure you drop by our next Sorashima Sunday on 3/27 in the evening, EST.

Couple Other Updates

  • The previously purchased NFT Worlds land is being developed. We are currently in contact with a well known building team who we hope to develop our plot, which we will then host for any holder to visit, explore, or chill out in. Expect further updates over the coming weeks.
  • We are working with a mobile developer to port over Rooftop Rampage to iOS and Android. Additional details to come, but look forward to a more polished and fine-tuned KaijuGaming experience — now more accessible than ever.



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.