KaijuKingz P2E Bug Bounty

Augminted Labs
3 min readMay 6, 2022



KaijuKingz’ collection of Scientists is coming to launch soon. These Scientists are releasing with a whole host of tokenomics and a complex P2E ecosystem (best explained in this Medium article and in this Machinations/Infographic). There will be new tokens, new risk protocols, probabilities, and interactions on the contract side.

As we close out development of this intricate ecosystem, it is essential that we create a public interface for review of our contract development. In addition to private audits, this public audit (also known as a Bug Bounty program) will ensure that the contract is as secure and efficient as possible. Those who discover a bug or inefficiency in our contract and whose bug is verified and replicable will receive a reward according to the scope of the exploit discovered.

The Task and Rewards

There are three categories of potential bugs, with scaling rewards according to their severity (rewards may be claimed as the NFT or its floor value equivalent in ETH):

  1. Minor Bug: this would cause the contract to be less gas efficient, less scalable, or less interoperable. Reward: Mutant Kaiju
  2. Major Bug: this may cause the contract to need to be redeployed, it may have a workaround, but would likely have potential to cause users to lose some assets. Reward: Baby Kaiju
  3. Critical Bug: this category of bug would result in a total failure of the contract, would cause users to lose assets or for the overall ecosystem to collapse. Reward: Genesis Kaiju

An example of a bug that would result in a reward may be a line of code that is inefficient and by reworking it we may provide an overall net positive gas benefit to user interaction with the contract — this would be a minor bug. Additional kinds of bugs could be any that result in probabilities not calculating properly or users being improperly bled of our $SCALE or $RWASTE token — these could fall into the major or critical bug categories.

Where and How

In order to review the contract and submit bugs for review by our team, please visit the following public GitHub repository:


Bug bounty rewards only apply to the GitHub repository above and they do not apply to any already deployed contracts (i.e. Genesis, $RWASTE, and Mutant contracts). Comment any bugs that you discover and our team will contact you if we verify them. Questions regarding this process can be asked by opening a ticket in the KaijuKingz discord.



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.