Augur Weekly Development Update — November 15th

2 min readNov 16, 2017

Contract review has been going well, and all of our audits are underway. The UI team is getting close to wrapping up the new client design. Augur became a signer on Rinkeby, and we successfully deployed our contracts to the test net.

Augur made the decision this past week to migrate its community discussion from Slack to Discord. You can join the chat with an invite from All our discussions are public, and we welcome you to come talk with us.

We announced the Augur Bounty Program this past week, with quite an enthusiastic response. Our first bounty for ~30 Solium linting rules was completed in under three days by various developers. Almost all the new rules have been merged into Solium-Plugin-Security, and we encourage you to check them out if you’re a Solidity developer.

Our second bounty for a portable Solidity debugger is still active for 2,000 REP, which we’ve put in a Bounties.Network bounty contract. Thank you to everyone who’s contributed so far, we will have more Ethereum related tooling bounties coming out over the coming weeks.

Questions? Ask us on StackExchange, or join our Discord chat.





An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.