Caveat Emptor — #Unisport Web Page Hijacks Your Psychological Vulnerabilities

For those of you who believe Unisport when they write that print and flags on their products are free

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
4 min readApr 13, 2017

Tryk her for Den Dansk udgave.

They proclaim loudly and proudly:

“With UNIid you can get exclusive customization”

Unisport welcomes you warmly to their purchases page to encourage you to get “free” lettering on your football boots.

With huge bold letters, in the centre of the page, you can get both flags (“Free”), and lettering ( “Free”).


As my economics professor never got tired of reminding us:

There’s no such thing as a free lunch

There’s no such thing as a free lunch

If you, like me, yielded to your child’s demands for a new pair of football boots at a late stage in the season, you may soon regret it.

My 14 year old son set everything up for me. He went to the site, chose the type of football boot he wanted and his size on Unisport’s side.

All I had to do was fill out credit card details and press the buy button.

To make a long story short, the boots were too small for him and Unisport refused either to give the money back or to let me have a credit note.

Yes, I made a mistake.

I have three sons and have purchased a great deal of sports kit at Unisport. I contacted them several times but they just suggested that I sell the shoes on our local version of Loot.

My point is, customized print is NOT free. It has so far cost me 800kr, two visits to the store, two phone calls with disempowered and intransigent customer service agents who were not quite as accomodating as Magnus, the shop assistant indicated that they would be.

I returned to Unisport’s page to check whether they had warned me that the right to return lapses if you get printing or embroidery.

They had!

The problem was that it was JUST outside the field of view when you need to press “Go to payment”.

Check this out:

Where is it?

The warning that my 800kr was about to move past the point of no return forever?

I would have had to actively scroll down to view this:

Who on earth would scroll down to view this?

Who on earth would do that?

In striking contrast to the invitations for “free” flags and lettering which stands there boldly demanding attention in the centre of the page in neon green.

Do YOU think that this positioning is coincidental?

I tried to talk to someone in Unisport which could decide to give me my money back or get another pair in a larger size, no lettering this time, natch.

The boss wasn’t there, he told me.

Ahhh, I’ve heard that before:

I searched for the owner of Unisport.
There was no owner listed in the Danish Registry of Companies, only one address in a distant suburb of Copenhagen, Kirke Værløse.

So in my moment of need, I turned to the Internet and it yielded up its secrets:

Martin Lumbye Board of Directors to Sports Nordic Holding A / S: Sportmaster & Unisport & Rezet.

Joachim Gabrielsson Unisport Scandinavia
Filip Domagala ceo
Jimi Steen Petersen Head of customer care
Jesper Haase Manager Unisport
Jakob Michaelsen
Mike Jørgensen Store Manager
Christensen, Jesper Rechter CFO / CFO Unisport A / S
Hannah Freyberg
Marcos Lemus
Juuso Rantanen
Thomas Skov

Carlos Prieto

Let’s start with Martin Lumbye …
Fortunately he is on Twitter…

Thank you for reading.

Click the green heart below to support consumer empowerment.

Variable pricing is an attempt for commerce to regain control of the Internet:

