Shawn Cullen
18 min readDec 18, 2019

**First know; A greatest matter I must record is** that of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary security, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a matter of persons managing information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass into being savable, servicable. No, what matter we face is not that !

**Therefore what is it that we face?** What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become.** Here you see the leading foundation point of law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report** which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securites !!! Now you see what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!! — I am the author of unprecedented insights Shawn Gordon Cullen — 2020–2021

**Photo introduction page**

**Here-are-the-unprecedented-paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen-Proof-of-scandal-Proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted **

**The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = THE REST IS ON SHAWN G. CULLEN PERFECTLY ADDRESSING JUDGE AND FORCED PROCEEDING = FURTHER PARAMOUNT PROOF !!! 2020**

Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!!

**Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — Black Eyes — 2020 -New Year —

**Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my life, knowledge and free speech — **Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal **to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to falsely brand and label** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone, (terrorism)** 2020 -New Year —

**Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal — First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted**

**Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted to ‘attempt’ to stop campaign.**

**Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court, **

**Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy, fitting with Part 6 of Conspiracy and Scandal**

**LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE = Part 7 of Conspiracy and Scandal **to false brand and lable to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — 2020 New Year

Right here Shawn gives **perfect proofs which prove persons running systems are attracted to youth and that they legalized youth porn in Alberta and Canada.** How can any see this proof and call Shawn a liar or act as if he is a liar, if they their self are not a cursed liar or totally mad ???

**Added pdf proof **

**Here is paramount proof by Shawn’s own lawyer;**

**Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world**, on sick leave …


**MESSAGE TO SATANISTS AND TO SHAWN’S ADVERSARIES** Shawn speaks to scriptures, false belief in Aliens, speaks of supernatural signs. Shawn says;

**Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity** in Alberta;

Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption by psychiatric persons protecting a market of material and state involved family nudism

**City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal;**

**Shawn boldly tells the police what the reality is;**

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

The twitter world needs to wake up ;

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton


Two hackers were caught at work with respect to this link;

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

**Watch for this, which is a latest conspiracy** to threaten Shawn and his liberties. If people do not hear from Shawn you need to make noise !!!


Alberta Health Cleaning Conspiracy Scandal. = Alberta Health Services Persons in bed with Alberta Police Services Persons;



Edmonton Remand Guards Admit facility is run by hypocrites that lust at youth and run by persons that traffic and exploit children. How were they hired? What political persons and system persons are they in bed with?

Read this public report and impact statement from the leading witness and very profoundly victimized author Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta.

Shawn says; “In the Jasper place building where I live I got a December 9th 2019 dated letter put on my door that warned that Alberta Health Services would be appearing to conduct a room to room inspection for December 17th 2019. I strongly suspect that was to attempt to find something to use against me, while they knew I was taken by corrupt eps cops, taken away from December 12th to December 17th 2019.

December 12th when I went to see that judicially forcibly misapplied probation officer at 9620–103A Avenue I was rather met by two cops that entrapped me and abducted me. They said I breached a condition. (a unjustly judicially forcibly misapplied condition following a totally phony june 2019 kangaroo trial.) I was brought in to that corrupt downtown headquarters. Inside I told a male cop and a female cop that they are “heading to hell for arresting me”. They interestingly responded by saying they are “already in hell”. I then said; “you have not been in hell-fire”. That male eps cop then strangely said; “O you’d be surprised”. I then said “no you were not, if you were you would be in terror.” That male cop said; “you don’t know me and I don’t know you.” I then said, “I know that satanists are running systems in Alberta.” That male cop then said; “alright then”.

This was inside downtown headquarters. Was that a admission that I was arrested by satanists? I must say yes !!! While conspiring a arrest, from November 27th through into December Cops knew my friends publicly posted, ‘therefore published’ my full official story report (64 parts), in which I have given the proof exposing that persons running systems in Edmonton and Alberta were for years and are playing in material of youth porn under guise of investigating.

Yes December 12th 2019 I was abducted! They chose to (double-dip) arrest me December 12th 2019, yes double-dip arrest me for a Sept 9th 2019 unjust unconstitutional (arrest-find) in which they took a lap top they found inside an old bathroom rad in my Dwayne’s House room where I lived in September. Weeks later in court that laptop they dismissed yes dismissed that Sept 9th arrest charge yet although from Sept 9th they only needed weeks to know what was in that computer hard-drive, (they sat on that), and used that to entrap and abduct me three months later on December 12, (at a time when they had known from November 27th to December 12th that my friends published my story with my published proof exposing that persons running systems in Edmonton and Alberta (have been for years), (and in June 2019 throughout a unjustly forced phony trial forced on me) as they are today six months later, playing in material of youth porn under guise of investigating. They were sitting on that forensics knowledge before and while knowing about my published proof exposing that by a non-criminal-warning message system persons were and are inviting people of all ages to that which definitely never was really blocked, that which is all found under the title The proof which is in my 2019–2020 full public interest report !!!

Although it is irrelevant, a complete examination of a 100 GB of data on a hard drive can have over 10,000,000 pages of electronic info and may take between 15 to 35 hours or more to examine. And because of the quickening 2019 super media nature of my story exposing systematic disinformation and misinformation, it is not believable to think they would not of used greatest forensic speed.

And there are added matters that weigh in, which is that of media evidencing that there is systematic tyranny and hypocrisy at work to accuse to divert, disconcert, hurt and bury under remand dirt. by guards and by Alberta Health medical staff inside remand after he officer Stephen Laurence Huggett was convicted of possessing youth porn in 2009. Citing sexual harassment by police, bullying labeled a rat. TLS Enterprises reported evidence of a “boys club” running Edmonton’s Remand and that work computers are used to access porn. (perhaps nnclub youth porn and child porn).

It is not so much about Huggett. I know as a leading witness from 2015 to 2019 that without any doubt hypocrites acting as guards and health staff target any that are a reputation threat. They are behind, inmates harassing and murdering inmates. Now the public and others have got the truth !!!

After a long night in a cell December 13th 2019 morning inside that downtown headquarters via a video screen I spoke to a (JP) Justice of the Peace with respect to bail and their sat on so-called Dec 12th charge. That December 13 morning I told that JP I publicly gave proof charging police first and I said prosecutors wanting to deny my bail are involved in that material. That JP strangely said she would mute me if I interrupt. I said, what?, mute me?, for expressing myself! I said this is my life on the line. I said I exposed that persons running our systems are playing in material of youth, under guise of investigating. I said this is a witch hunt. I said, persons running systems are not above the law. That JP tried referencing a individual named Clark that acted as a false witness in Sept 2019 by acting as if I used inappropriate language, and yet a civilian investigation has exposed that Clark left comments on a reddit thread proving Clark has comments accommodating or lending to beastiality and incest. I did not raise that but I said referencing Clark is propaganda. And I said that lap top taken in September was not mine and I said even if that were there is a section of the criminal code called sub-section 6 that gives citizens the lawfull right to access and make material public if that is to reveal and or expose for the public good. By that time the corrupt female prosecutor by that JP actually turned and suggested a publication ban. I then said Ohh no you are not going to try a cover-up. I said I am online and I have proven I am not guilty of anything and was falsely branded. I told that JP my published report which my friends published is found through That JP chose to adjourn til December 16th 2019.

On that December 13th 2019 morning I was sent to Edmonton’s Remand. There a remand guard named D Orien put me through a body scanner. D Orien was saying filthy words at me and harassing me. I had a suppository for mild hemorrhoids but did not tell that guard, because he spoke like a violent pervert. I was put in a dry cell waiting to be put on a unit. I had a issue because of that suppository. I was put in a dry-cell by the administration section. All night they had the cell intercom turned off and they would not see if I needed to use a washroom. I was forced to pass urine into a brown paper lunch bag and later into a styrofoam cup.

The morning of December 14th I found the intercom was turned on. Between 8:30am and 9:30am I used the cell intercom to tell a guard that the cell intercom was turned off all night and that I was forced to pass urine into a brown paper bag and later into styrofoam cups. That guard that answered the intercom in malicious mockery said; “geeee that sucks.” He then a second after turned off the intercom. That confirmed I was being targeted by remand facility criminal neglect and terrorism. That entire day likewise I was not fed any food and water, not til after 5pm when I waved down a supervisor. I asked what time it was. Codex and surveillance should verify this which is a 100% real public interest record.

The next day December 15th I was not fed til after 12 when I waved down a supervisor. I asked if I could be re-scanned and taken out of dry-cell and put on a unit. Later Guard D. Orien and a guard named Unston put me through their body scanner. I told Orien that I would be seeking criminal charges against him. That is when of greatest interest, Unston said to me. Epstein never lasted long. By that I took that as a admission and death threat. By using that language that guard likened his self and that other guard to systematic traffickers of children that murdered Jeffrey Epstein in a jail cell. I told Unston and Orien that I am not Epstein, I am a social scientist and everything I have to say is already published. I asked Unston what his full name was, yet he gave a different name. I then said yeah well your guard uniform says Unston. Inside the man’s change room Unston took and threw into the garbage my phone numbers for lawyers. He said what do you think about that? I said; that breaches my charter rights. The surveillance camera in that bathroom change room recorded that matter. That shows a conspiracy to isolate me and want to keep me from reaching the world outside of Edmonton’s Remand.

That language incriminated a measure of Edmonton’s remand and Edmonton’s system to trafficking and/or exploitation of youth and children. That confirms that remand accusers are abusers. This public interest record on what those guards messaged is the truth, the whole truth and not any thing other as God as my witness. I have not misinterpreted what Unston said, that was a death threat that Orien was a party to.

December 16th I was brought down to the remand video-tron court floor where I spoke to a video screen through which I saw a different JP for bail. (a male JP) I quickly said my life was threatened by a way I was compared to Epstein. I told of the names D.Orien and Unston, and I said I was not fed and not let out to use a washroom, which forced me to pass body fluid into a paper bag and Styrofoam cups. I said I was not given the basic necessities of life. That JP said; “I am very sorry to hear that”. I said I have proven in my published story online proof I am not guilty and in my published report have proven that persons running systems are playing in a market of material under guise of investigating, and I said for the record that that prosecutor is involved in that. I said because I could not get to a phone I have not been able to talk to a lawyer. That JP asked me whether or not I wanted to adjourn til the 17th or next week. I said December 17th 2019.

I was brought to the infirmary and found the intercom not working in the cell. I was brought down to that video tron floor in cuffs and shackles. I told a guard named Loyd that it is corrupt that I was brought down in cuffs and shackles. I said I am a publicly proven social scientist with business owners and citizens across the city who are my supporters. I said they are at work to cause a illusion that I need manacles. I said it is propaganda and shows there are corrupt people at work managing Edmonton’s remand. Loyd responded by saying, “you could not be more correct”. On that December 17th 2019 day I faced a different JP, (a different female than that first JP). I was surprised to hear prosecutor James Rowan talk about me getting bail. And he reminded the court I am seeking to appeal that June 2019 false conviction. I am guessing, what was not known is that (legal aid at one level has obstructed justice and exposed its wickedness at youth and children, yes exposed itself by denying me financial coverage.) I am trying to find a lawyer with honour and integrity to help me. Dec. 17th 2019 I got bail !!!

A plea date for that unjust double-dip charge is set for January 15th 2019. I am letting businessmen and friends and others know just in case I am in danger of being abducted (a fifth time) in a attempt to hide me away so the people of Alberta and others do not hear from me.

You see in a smoking gun short time I suffered extreme systematic abuse to my constitutional rights and every charter right. This latest witch-hunt charge must be thrown out.

Points to have in mind; That Sept lap top as I told the court in Sept 2019, was not mine but belonged to a Dwayne’s Home resident I paid who agreed to edit audio and pdf data if I swore on the bible that I did not condemn him by divulging who he is. For months I had told many Dwayne’s House persons about the nnclub reality. I was asked why I had to capture and make evidence of material public. I said by saving a image you can check what is called property which tells you evidence of file type, file size, image id, and perhaps other evidence. And I said I am a social scientist who acted on a law section called sub-sec. 6 which gave me every reason and right to do what I did for our public good. And in Dwayne’s House, occupancy of persons rooms are at times transient and any can ask to have a security key set to access any room number if they ask. And I know from years of experience there are guards that cannot be trusted with security of rooms. Exposed cops do not get to dramatically attempt to hyper re-use that Sept. dismissed lap top they sat on to terrorize and hyper displace the real significant context of everything I have published which is my real story and which is of international and local constitutional interest.

I have witnessed for years corrupt eps cops and system persons using ambiguity, verbosity, and intentional deviations away from needed language helpfull in keeping everyone on track to what we are really talking about, Yes designing language and terms to war at the Pellucidity of everything I reveal and all I expose.

I am now one of the most abducted, illegally hidden away, systematically abused and lied about and misrepresented citizens in Canadian history. S.G.C.

Shawn Cullen

I am told that a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer knows Shawn Cullen is sound and not guilty yet she is pricking up a reminder to Shawn that he must follow