Shawn Cullen
33 min readOct 17, 2019




I Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of internet material I believed political people and policing people were playing in. I am the first citizen in the history of the world to hold 250 political people on a great email list for years while telling them they could not ask me to take them off the email list because I was investigating Canada's national securities and the character of the constitution and history. I warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gave me the right to send and make public proof. I sent evidence to persons running things. After hundreds of federal leaders letting me for years, a few Ontario liars designed a way to conjure up a false arrest, threaten and torture me day and night for years, and they forced me to face a brutally phony trial. Many acted brutally and disrespectfully unresponsive as a abomination of desolation and conspiracy to act as if I was out of place. Now we know what was behind their brutally arrogant and curse loving self-righteous ignoring, that went on for years. They that were later used to abduct me, falsely branded. Like a out-raged systematic mad harlot they turned and targeted me. Now I have proven all my rights were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. And I (WAS) to my email list warning saying I am able to prove the nature of people. I said therefore be patient!!!

"All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not ever be found or thrown in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops."

I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get policy makers and others on my email list, to communicate !

They that conspired to abduct me, (falsely arrest me), thought I would not live or not get free to let you know my true story!

THEY CONSPIRED TO LOCK ME AWAY BY HABEAS CORPUS BREACHES and they (broke federal information laws) to act as if I am dull-minded, lacking insight, not understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define. Yes corrupt system persons tried to put my life into a man-size paper shredder. I have in deed proven and reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand and behind closed doors by habeas corpus breaches they acted berserk and hyper irregular to attempt to falsify and misrepresent my personal and private info, health records! And they strangely suggested my physical health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his health. A number of times I witnessed in court system persons suggesting my health would likely deteriorate. When I raised my voice to rebuke and condemn that, I was threatened to keep quite or I was taken away !! Were system persons plotting to harm my health to cause my demise behind closed doors !!! Was Prosecutor Rowan? !!! That would further evidence a mad want to unrightly war at my provincially needed and internationally needed free speech.

What motive would Alberta Health persons conceal for targeting me? Here there appears a clue; Now what if I were to say to you that what tells us family lust activities in Edmonton is legalized.IS; my published report which exposed proofs of prima facie evidence of years of system-left publicly accessibly available market of material (clue), and my published Alberta legalized unclothed family grounds activities (clue)? You might say they are not system story records that lead you to see inside and are not seen here as records of evidences that there are state involved family-lust (parties). The following is evidence, yes, a part taken from a record inside of 2011 pdf reports emailed to hundreds of political persons nine years ago. The following public record visibly evidences there were and are parties, yes just ahead is evidence there is a visible motive of family lust parties that which is a visible motive to target; my reporting that persons running systems are accusing the citizenry of what systems are into. The public interest record clue just ahead here shows what evidences prima facie that there are system adversaries that are behind years of unjust effects to my freedom and greatest threatening and trouble to my civil rights which I have faced.

They conspired to turn all on me, the one proving, conspired to hide me away like a prisoner of war, as they threatened and tortured me day and night for greater than three years and thought I would kill myself from abuse or thought I would lose memory of my knowledge and facts. I did not, and now the truth is published on the world-wide internet !!! And believe it or not there is evidence I am still at risk, which is why people must not re-victimize me by ignoring and leaving me supportless. They that forced that unjust trial on me even acted out denial (did not answer to) my online evidence that a eps officer called me and approved of my years of investigating ; Yes four into system advances they acted out blind and deaf denial that I had posted this record before August 28, long before that time when I was immorally misled far away from my apartment of tens years and unlawfully and violently taken like a abduction or kidnapping, at 11:30 at night while citizens were asleep. Here is the record;

"On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, "You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its much deeper than concern". I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn't make any sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and earlier exhibits and other reporting was contrary to the law. Knowing hundreds of federal law policy designers let me make that public for years, proves for years they had not not any limits on my civil online investigating and that they had let wide measures of publishing. And sub-section 6 gave me the right. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. - I said these points in court - As a official legal word I truthfully publicly say this is the truth and whole truth as God as my witness.

That 2019 judge named Jerke did not in any way address my 2019 court room report on Macleod!!!

In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the June 2019 court of that long time published 2015 re-published public interest report on Macleod which a number of times I emailed hundreds of federal political people and posted, and with what the lawyer said he told the june 2019 court room that to get further evidence I called eps downtown headquarters and a cop told me on the phone that there are many Macleods and that records on old badge numbers are not always kept.

And four years after that 2015 time that I was taken, yes four years later in 2019 a eps officer on the June 2019 witness stand in that phony proceeding, said he was not aware if any other eps officer contacted me before 2015. Yes he said that (even though I publicly posted for years to document that Macleod called me). Not at any time in four years from 2015 since the false arrest to 2019 did any cop acknowledge seeing my widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that.


I even got unique federal letters which not any other Canadian citizen have gotten ;

"I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada's Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and sending proofs reporting matters and questions on material. In court prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. For years I put the letters within the report pages I emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters. Prosecutor Rowan did not want the court record to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was a witness) investigating wide open sites (for years) and they prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. They that stole my email evidences hyper used that term rambling on the witness stand, and 99 % of my email messages were not spoken of, and what was used was selected to address my words out of context to falsify court records throughout that forced phony trial.

Here you see through the pdf file link that the federal Criminal Law Attorney for Canada examined and acknowledged he was aware I was investigating online material. He

And with respect to persons inside systems that targeted me and my civil rights I have proven by nature there are youth which do design as older people which system persons and humans by nature are attracted to. The insights I have published prove that saying this is not the full truth of our world is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth, and that by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting), (a person to person hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity effect to a number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide tyranny !!! That will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration designs, economic designs and health designs! And since it is a great matter of propaganda mind wiring and brain-washing we must be carefull which words we magnify and how much !!! A key instruction !!!

Yes earlier reality report operations were in 2009. I uploaded a June 2009 phone-call with the Canadian Attorney General‟s office. I told the federal office that all material before June 7th 2009 is not the report. - The Justice Minister‟s DMA said; “ Yeah exactly, you told me that the real thing is the June 7th report, nothing before that”. Strangely I later got a letter recording a earlier May 13th update . In the federal letter the Justice Minister wrote July 20th 2009 ; “Dear Mr. Cullen, Thank you for your correspondence of May13 2009 in which you enclose a copy of your report regarding child pornography”. R.D.Nicholson He knew the report was not just on that. Click to hear ;

I have PROVEN and RE-PROVEN and RE-PROVEN, that criminal codes and constitutions of all nations were and are dis and mis designed by dis-and-mis information.


Have you wanted to know the real nature of politicians and people you see and hear on television ?


I have, proof-founded, key-insights on people and youth and-a-insight-on-the-Occipital-Lobe-Visual Cortex, which-is-proof-people-by-nature-are-attracted-to-a-number-of-maturing-youth. What-I-have found does in deed-fit-with-the decades-old-human sense or inkling that it is-total-utter nonsense, yes that-its-dis-and-mis-knowledge, dis-and-mis-information, that-people-spent-many-decades-acting-as-if-youth-magically-turn-mature-when-the-clock-strikes-12-on-their-eighteenth-birthday. With this-I-record here that a repeated-October-16th-2019-cpac-episode-of-Canada’s-Supreme-Court-hearings-exposed-itself-by-a-judge-saying-that-fifteen-year-olds-are-particularly-vulnerable-to-sexual-assault, yes-vulnerable-as-if-there-is-a-great-urgency, a-great-potential-emergency, that-they-are-saying-is-or-appears-a-false-alarm-at-16,-yes-saying,-that-which-is-anti-lawfull-nonsense-that-equates-into-feeding-everyone-the-unreal-belief-that-there-is-a-definitively-explosive-metamorphosis, (as-if-youth -grow-within-hours-like-bacteria), yes-a-metamorphosis-that-we-see in-reality-is-not-according-to-a-definition-and-is-without-any-physical-and-biological-basis-in-reality.-yes-they-are-feeding-everyone-a-lie-that-inside-of-a-day-or-weeks-before-16,,the-15-year-old-is-of-a-great-lack-of-social-and-self-awareness-and-physical-design,-and-that-when-the-clock-strikes-twelve-they-become-otherwise.They-are-using-the-word-protection-yet-they-are-not-acknowledging-my-report-on-dis-and-mis-information.-You-know-you-are-being-lied-to-when-federal-policy-designers-judges-and-policing-persons, are acting-as-if-youth-metamorphisize-when-the-clock-strikes-twelve, and-as-if-a-hour-or-weeks-before-that-Clock-strike-your-criminal-responsibility-is-explosive,-yes-as-if-the-rule-of-law-concept-of-questioning-or-testing-is-designed-to-start-by-causing-people-to-feel-they-are-threatened-with-Nitroglycerin.-Here-you-see-that-I-have-exposed-that-theres-a-great-matter-of-dis-and-mis-knowledge-that-is-acting-as-greatest-propaganda-at-the-neural-circuitry-of-conscience-and-at-freedom-of-public-human-senses.-By-that-we-know-there-was-and-is-a-old-and-aging-breach-to-the-constitution-and-to-the-civil-rights-of-everyone. This here knowledge is paramount !!!

Here is a key insight for knowing why people that appear warm and of great knowledge are accursed; A paramount answer to a great mystery; For a great time great people possessing power and wealth told their selves that they are righteous as they lust at youth and children. They deceived their selves by saying they can handle that and by saying the public cannot. By saying that they headed far away from a greatest clue of their hypocrisy. How to know great people are accursed; First know, accursed is danger of being forever cursed. Every such great person is acting out exercises of knowledge that cause their self to appear good without being good. Their language is their system of gears. Their false exercises of knowledge causes two illusions that are at work as, a illusion that is in reality a curse. That false exercise of great knowledge causes (a illusion of distance) and (a illusion of speed).

By nature exercising causes illusion that your distance to saving your self or to being saved IS NOT FAR, and causes by that illusion; illusion that you are not far from rescuing people and children. (Yes that false exercise causes illusion of distance), (and of speed because illusion of distance causes illusion that you are not a opposition to speed people need)

As great people use their language gears, that system of gears causes that illusion that they can lust at youth and children, and that every other citizen cannot, (every other who is not inside that knowledge matrix of false centrality). By that they think they can get away with a wide number of lusting acts.(They are now in denial as they are at work to deny any reminder or proof that they were and are condemning, prejudicing and discriminating others based on illusions). Yes their illusions are not heading where they wanted. Years ago a MP responded to my highest priority emails by confessing on cpac, "We are going the wrong way". Yes yet they should have acted on that confession. Their illusions show fragmentation related to being cursed. This revelation lets every body see that by illusions you cannot escape judgement with respect to a old matter of hypocrisy. This paramount just judgement which is of God is a great warning that if adversaries will not stop lying about youth and children, then they will be cursed. You are now a eye-witness of my unprecedented summit insight on why persons that see their selves as good are accursed. *And keep in mind that every false light shines or glows !!! This knowledge founded on much long suffering is a further reminder and warning to high court judges, political people, rich and upper-class people; that if you will not follow the honest and real knowledge and words I have given within my recordings and report, then your hope is an illusion !!! Now you get why people that appear bright, warm and rich in knowledge are accursed, yes here you get why persons that see their selves as good, are accursed. - Romans 2:1

And hypocrites will not admit to truth because their innermost subconscious guilt suspects that if they reverse their course they curse their course !!! They will not review and examine their century old inherited accursed lies !!!

They that deny our present by denying needed history have no real future and hope !!!

Here is knowledge which exposes a great matter (related to) that matter of illusions by their false exercises of knowledge; Shutting out knowledge of what you are, shows you are of (most unidentifying) variety of that which you accuse others of. By that we know they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal that they tell their self they would if they could yet that they fear every neighborhood so they choose what hypocrites say they should, by that, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!! - By you denying the sine qua non truth, (just and honest people) face menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!! That is what their mind and conscience face!!! -This social point I raise here is of world-wide national and societal public interest.

Further on that great exposed matter of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary security need, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a matter of persons managing information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass into being savable, serviceable. No, what matter we face is not that !

Therefore what is it that we face? What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become. Here you see the leading foundation point of law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report on dis-information and mis-information by and with respect to people youth and children, yes my report which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securities !!! Here you see further what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!!

IN THIS PARAMOUNT PUBLIC REPORT IS THE PROOF Alberta State and others attacked me to try to cloak and conceal their secret of decades of State involved Family Nudism and a market of youth material which truthfully I have now EXPOSED by my God-given unprecedented insights, enduring spirit and unprecedented civilian detective work!!! IN THIS SUMMIT REPORT IS THE PROOF Ontario Child Advocate's Office conspired to head to Edmonton to act out criminal perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my years of unprecedented online public investigating and reporting, into systems, online civilian detective work for the public good according to a never before used coded section of the law called Sub-Section 6. By this we know, that Office cannot be trusted with children and people, and we know this is A TITANIC SCANDAL that is reason for Albertans and Canadians and others to neither trust Alberta nor Ottawa.

Just ahead you will be eye-witnesses I have perfectly revealed and exposed why we know Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and why we know it is legalized youth pornography for older people.

How could they deceive people for so many years. The subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not lie about otherwise that equates into (instant) greatest mind control and brainwashing.

“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court!

Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!! That prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios.

A FURTHER PARAMOUNT POINT EVERY ALBERTAN AND ALL NEED TO KNOW, WHAT YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa.

Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye organ is a messenger and superior camera sleightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes and sleightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that can. By this we know, by nature eyes and sleightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity, but for re-writing the laws of our constitution, so other citizens are not criminalized and mischaracterized for those people !!!

Canada's Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in thousands of new visitors daily. And in Toronto is Bare Oaks that has a children's playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials, nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to Edmonton's gay citizens. They say they don't put up with people acting strange yet Helios that likewise has a playground possesses home surveillance advantage.

As was written, here you shall see a cornerstone proof Shawn has caught the proof proving systems persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at you citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation !

Here we are; I found evidence of that wide open unblocked site that Shawn's criminal lawyer Ronald Morin refused to comment on. Remember the audio podcast;

The entrapping warning sign says; The page ahead might contain some inappropriate or adult content.

Be careful if you want to go there! Click the button to open Open site

That site every time heads to thousands of links to youth and a million tons of material. Shawn warned Mr. Morin while Shawn was facing a kangaroo trial, that he (Shawn) was told about that! In court room 412 in 2019 Mr. Morin strangely did not raise that incredibly significant point of interest.

That warning sign which is a pink color like the access page, is not designed to copy ! Below is a proof of the public page.

That warning sign which equates into a systematic invitation is found at

The nnclub warning page says "adult OR inappropriate material". The word (OR) and the word (inappropriate) is 100% proof that the warning page is designed to invite youth and children.

Yes youth fit with the words ("or-inappropriate"). Their curiosity fits with what might only be inappropriate. It is legal for youth to follow the term inappropriate. It was and is totally contradictory to say their nnclub warning page is to protect children while warning language used invites youth and children. And get this; the warning page is years old. The system was and is making material available, therefore they need to stop heading at Canadians with ammunition, psychiatric needles, false brands and labels, otherwise it is a Mephistophelian Orwellian Distopion, provincial and national tyranny in provinces bereft of reason, fitting with doctrinal prophesy of latter days.

Further proof is that that so-called warning page uses the words MIGHT be SOME. (The page ahead might contain some material) It is known that that site every day, every hour, every minute definitely heads to a millions tons of material of youth, not to some, but at every turn in every way, to thousands of links, a million tons of youth porn. And that site always firsts has that face page appear, seen just ahead in this public report.

It is nakedly obesely rich that they are not the unprecedented author on lust as I am yet they want to sell that by their undefined and definition-less designs, sell that they are immune and I am otherwise!

If that language of the warning is changed then its a cover-up. Shawn says that if system person want that site to be open to the public then they need to put that into terms, but system persons need to hit the brakes on heading at citizens and others with ammunition and psychiatric needles to brand and label. If that site is blocked then that is proof of a cover-up. Any security administrator that blocks that is definitely not to be trusted. Shawn says verily they were not to be messing with his identity and records and rights just for him being the leading investigator and for being the only one with the leading answers. Shawn says that after investigating for a decade, being a leading social scientist, he is able to say that lusting at youth was normalized long ago, and therefore you cannot re-normalize what is. He says, lying about that is putting everyone and every child in great secret danger and he says he has been threatened and tortured for operating to make sense of what others could not. It was inhumanely brutally unjustly not right, interfering with my knowledge on this! According to the total visitors to nnclub was 4,601,867 counting since November 5 2015 to Dec 2 2019 / 23:55 = As any can see here, nearing 5 million visits to that wide open site is extreme access to that material not blocked on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada.

I found this face page proof for Shawn's report. This is nevertheless fastly accessible and is not blocked. This was on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada while Shawn faced that shockingly unjust trial targeting his sub-section 6 right and constitutional right to address systems and the internet for the public good, and this site has not changed day and night five months later as of December 2019. This site heads to thousands of links and a million tons of material of youth. Shawn says as the leading investigator and witness of ten years he is able to assure every citizen nation-wide that without any doubt there are massive numbers of system persons, rich and upper-class Canadians involved in that material. Shawn says that if any say they want to stop that they are either bloody liars or they do not have a clue about what they are saying. Shawn says if this site is not decriminalized there will be a greatest threat to our national and international security and public safety !!! - And I am able to say following ten years of my investigating that there are great numbers of youth acting out in that nnclub porn which are definitely not innocent. Any that suggest otherwise are acting ignorant and acting stupid in a way that is incontinent and a danger to all people and children.

And Shawn says, do not be fooled by any claim that at sites there are alert scams. After ten years of investigating Shawn is able to assure every Canadian that persons running systems are indirectly and at times directly using cyber-crime alert ads, to intimidate people so they do not investigate sites and learn that material is not illegal yet is illegal for any that might vary against system persons. What is a cyber crime is acting as if that malware is a scam. Here is a example of what you might see;

And as a social scientist I Shawn Cullen must believe there is a connection between anorexic porn and people trying to arrive at realities forcibly repressed into their reserve or subconscious mind. It is evidence that there are people in society that are desperately sick from decades or years of being "fed" disinformation and misinformation on the subject of young people and children.


I also found and emailed the largest dossier in world history evidencing that persons running systems in Canada were and are playing in and are in on distributing material of youth while using laws to brand and label the poor and citizens. Yes from my years of investigating I found a dossier of nearly 2000 sexibl sub-addresses. I was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fastly deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300. I sent my proof to political people I was emailing. I publicized that sexilb member VickyLove of (a sub-address) wrote a Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anonnews forum, stating that Frank of sexilb regularly met with Canadian Law Enforcement Officials, and yet in my investigation I witnessed day by day, day and night for months hundreds of sexilb sub-addresses to material of youth, from sexilb links that were totally easy to find and not blocked. Here are a number of proofs; The simplicity of search terms and messages seen written inside of the sub-addresses here prove that if any were spreading youth porn- it was, is, system persons, and not I who was (forced) to report and raise the data to fight for Canadians against systematic and societal hypocrisy. - Behold :

You are right now looking at, witnessing, PROOF http://girlsgirlsgirls' http://upskirt.sexibl http://lillyfee/? http://lilsoft/ http://loli/? http://loveg/? http://luvcp/? http://small/ As any can see, material was of youth and wide open, just as I was reporting before eps persons illegally interfered.


May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of risk of governors using a bill to get cp porn for their selves. parliamentary-work/speech-in-the-house-on-bill-c-30/ ICE Chief Anthony V. Mangione was caught with material of youth after he declared;“We will continue utilizing our unique immigration authorities to identify and arrest those who are a threat to our communities. We will continue to use all law enforcement tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these types of crimes." - * There you can see what language hypocrites are using !!!

There is much talk about Trump yet if politicians were not hypocrites heading to hell they would be talking on what I say, what I have written. Did you know that Donald Trump's campaign manager,

Did you know that PM David Cameron’s special child porn Advisor Peter Rock was found with material, and by hypocrites Jeffery Jones who starred in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and BeetleJuice?

Did you know that the chairman of the Northeastern Catholic District School Board was charged by Ontario Provincial Police Digital Forensics Unit and Child Sexual Exploitation Unit. Hypocrites run that OPP and as you shall see I have caught Toronto cops in a great exposed scandal of conspiring with corrupt eps cops to attempt to target, facilitate and consign to a grave my identity and reporting. Did you know that veteran weatherman meteorologist Mike Davis was accused and that Alberta's College of Physicians and Surgeons spokes-person Kelly Eby in 2013 messaged that while he was being investigated for possessing youth porn Dr Michael Graff, “is still allowed to practice” Is prosecutor J.Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer, or world-renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight global disease, or founder of Pan U.S. flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender, or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii's shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson."


Perhaps you are beginning to see and understand I am the one giving you the real media for Canada and world-wide. Any that will not give attention to my public report and podcasts, are, fake news!!!


Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusters want hope, lusters are devourers, That is why lusters are not keepers who have any hope. Now take your time thinking on every one following words here; {Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want fears and misuse by authority, acting little, acting belittling. By that nature we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind, which is what I partly call the reserve mind. By that we know that lusting heads to lust at and corrupt children, lusting heads to affect or effect children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or lusted at a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, possessor, danger. This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children. They that have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve and non-reserve parts of their mind. They that have a right relationship do not see one another in ways which are 'acting' little and belittling. This insight is the way of saying that persons of lust by nature lusts at children, in time by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies.

Here is another way of giving reproof on the insight; Shawn says, addedly know, that lusting is to pervert your self, perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart. (like flooding)

**Here-are-the-unprecedented-paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen-Proof-of-scandal-Proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted **

**The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = THE REST IS ON SHAWN G. CULLEN PERFECTLY ADDRESSING JUDGE AND FORCED PROCEEDING = FURTHER PARAMOUNT PROOF !!! 2020**

Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!!

**Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — Black Eyes — 2020 -New Year —

**Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my life, knowledge and free speech — **Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal **to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to falsely brand and label** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone, (terrorism)** 2020 -New Year —

**Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal — First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted**

**Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted to ‘attempt’ to stop campaign.**

**Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court, **

**Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy, fitting with Part 6 of Conspiracy and Scandal**

**LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE = Part 7 of Conspiracy and Scandal **to false brand and lable to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — 2020 New Year

Right here Shawn gives **perfect proofs which prove persons running systems are attracted to youth and that they legalized youth porn in Alberta and Canada.** How can any see this proof and call Shawn a liar or act as if he is a liar, if they their self are not a cursed liar or totally mad ???

**Added pdf proof **

**Here is paramount proof by Shawn’s own lawyer;**

**Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world**, on sick leave …


**MESSAGE TO SATANISTS AND TO SHAWN’S ADVERSARIES** Shawn speaks to scriptures, false belief in Aliens, speaks of supernatural signs. Shawn says;

**Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity** in Alberta;

Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption by psychiatric persons protecting a market of material and state involved family nudism

**City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal;**

**Shawn boldly tells the police what the reality is;**

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

The twitter world needs to wake up ;

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton


Two hackers were caught at work with respect to this link;

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

**Watch for this, which is a latest conspiracy** to threaten Shawn and his liberties. If people do not hear from Shawn you need to make noise !!!


Don’t pay any attention to these old medium posts. Some body is trying to lead people to these old, (NON updated posts. (40775) posts with the fiery red eye). Perhaps persons running parts of google and facebook really are cursed.


Shawn Cullen — Medium › @shawncullen_40775


Shawn Cullen targeted for giving revelations fitting … — Medium › @shawncullen_40775 › shawn-cullen-justice-denied…

Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was madly and brutally targeted for his truthfull free speech. What you shall be a eye-witness of is one of the very …

SCIENTIST JUDGES THE NATIONS — Shawn Cullen — Medium › @shawncullen_40775


Responses — Shawn Cullen — Medium › @shawncullen_40775 › responses




Shawn Cullen

I am told that a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer knows Shawn Cullen is sound and not guilty yet she is pricking up a reminder to Shawn that he must follow