Socialism and the 2016 Election

5 min readFeb 11, 2016


As I wrote about here, I got into a Twitter conversation with “The Socialist Party of Great Britain” about the true meaning of socialism. I found their definition which I posed to them to ensure that is what they did indeed believe.

I have had a chance to think about their definition and that started to get me thinking about what life in a socialist society would indeed be like — where everything was owned by the people who were all of equal status and so forth. Everything would be “for the people.”

Then it hit me.

Did you not hear the socialist propaganda in this speech?

It sounds like Bane ripped off a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton speech almost in its entirety. There are socialist catch phrases littered throughout this speech that would make any socialist proud.

“…the corrupt..the rich…”

I found it quite ironic that in a speech that started off talking about corrupt politicians — Bane found a way to implicate the rich in their “oppression” of the people. If this does not sound similar to any speech given by Sanders or Clinton, you need to go back and reread them.

They will tell you who is to blame for your woes, for your suffering. They will tell you that the corrupt, the rich are —

“…the oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity…”

Again, how many times has Sanders or Clinton told people that the economy has to work for all people and “not just the 1%” — or “for those at the top?” How the way society is now exploits those who were not born into “privilege?”

So, according to Sanders and Clinton — I mean the socialist, the only option here is to —

“…free the oppressed…”

But there are so many people who seemed to be oppressed in society that it would take me all day to list each and everyone.

“…tearing down this corrupt city…”

That is what Sanders and Clinton have said about American society — that it has become completely corrupted throughout and must be changed. Sanders called for a “political revolution” and Clinton said that changes must be made that will require the “political will” to do so for the benefit of everyone.

Wonder what kind of changes they have in mind? In a socialist society —

“…the powerful will be ripped from…”

…their lives of comfort and opulence at the costs of the weaker, the less fortunate in society. In order to understand their “crimes” of greed, of selfishness, they must be —

“…cast into the cold world we know…”

So, that they will realize that what happened to them is “just” and, for the good of all, the socialists will say —

“…we give it back to you — the people…”

“…Do as you please…”

Because after years of oppression spanning generations, you have earned it. Now, as you have taken what was “rightfully” yours to begin with, the socialist — I mean Sanders or Clinton — will tell you that —

“…spoils will be enjoyed…”

How else can you describe it when they label those who have worked for what they earned as greedy? As causing the suffering in society? Why should you be the only one to have the good life?

“We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” — Hillary Clinton

It is the only way. Sanders and Clinton have preached that there is nothing in the way society is now worth saving. It all has to change — even the police because they have been corrupted as well.

“…the police will survive…”

Have not the police been demonized in today’s society? There are the instigators of violence — not the maintainers of order. How many times has Clinton or Sanders called for reform? For change? For them to serve —

“…true justice…”

The problem is who gets to decide what “true justice” is or how it will be enforced? Will it be left up to “the people?” If, according to socialism, decisions should be made by the people, then yes — the people would make all decisions.

Wonder what would happen when the “people” — the “community” — are in charge to make up their own mind and not according to the rule of law —

“Rome is the mob.” — Senator Gracchus

“There has been a mistake…”

With no order in a socialist society because the “community” is in charge, there is a power vacuum. One of two things will inevitably happen. A single individual will step in and assume power as you had with Adolph Hitler — who deemed himself a socialist.

Or the society will devolve into a mob because there is —

“…no authority here…”

The difference between anarchy and socialism — even the socialism that Sanders and Clinton are advocating — is the facade of order. Power would inevitably concentrate power into the hands of a single individual (or entity — the government) or into the power of the mob. People not deemed worthy of living in such a Utopian society will be punished. They would be placed —

“…under arrest…[by] the people…”

Even though the socialists will claim to be acting on the moral authority of the people, there will be some rather glaring holes in their search for “true justice.”

“No lawyer…no witnesses…”

“What sort of due process is this?”

In our society, you have the right to be represented. You have the right to due process. But when a society devolves, your rights will be trampled upon as “they” see fit. But even as the rich could honestly say as a member of the very same society that —

“I am one of you…”

The socialist will tell them that they are not. The socialist cannot maintain power without someone to blame — without someone to focus the anger of the mob towards. That is how it works. That is what it would become. (History has shown us multiple times this to be true.)

So, even though their membership is true, it simply would not matter because the corrupt, the rich have —

“…been living for years off the blood and sweat of people less powerful than [them]…”

So, their —

“…guilt has been [pre-] determined…”

And it is simply a matter of determining the most appropriate punishment for their oppression, their crimes against the “common good” of the society.

“…exile or death…” [The mob cheers wildly.]

This is the type of society you will end up with if true socialism were to be implemented. Think about it. If Hitler deemed himself a socialist, how did he treat those he deemed unworthy?

If Sanders or Clinton were to be elected and were able to enact their policies, would they not begin the process of sending us down the road? The answer is yes. All of the programs, the confiscation of property, your personal rights…or as Clinton said

“No. We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices … Government has to make those choices for people.”

And it’s not like Sanders would disagree with her on that.

“…the government has an important role to play…”

But why would they say that? Well, they have already told you why.

“We are at a stage in history in which remolding society is one of the great challenges facing all of us in the West.”

Welcome to your Socialist Utopia — if you’re lucky enough to survive it.

