Socialism Explained in a Series of Tweets

My Twitter Conversation with The Socialist Party of Great Britain

2 min readJan 31, 2016

I wrote an opinion piece here about the apparent obsession Medium users seemed to have with Bernie Sanders and his socialist ideas. Then, like most of us, I tweeted out a line from the story to generate a few views.

Well, it seems that the highlighted text offended the socialist feelings of @SPGB — The Socialist Party of Great Britain. According to their Twitter byline —

We want real socialism. The whole society DIRECTLY owning productive capital (factories, farmland, railways etc) bringing free access to all goods and services.

So, you would think they would want to engage in a real conversation about the merits of socialism. Right?

So, when you have this as a response about socialism, you almost seem to be at a loss for words. However, the actual typed response was —

Name one country with classless socialism. Just one.

Well, if you combine that line with the image. It makes a little more sense. So, as the person who thinks socialism — in all forms — is a failure, I responded with —

Followed up with (since Twitter is all about conciseness) —

With my real point coming —

For those who didn’t read the original post, Kelly Marshall is a British woman freeloading off the system because — her mum paid taxes all her life and she does not need to.

But you would think The Socialist Party of Great Britain could mount a defense of socialism, they believe in this stuff.

Such intellectual debate. You know I could not let this go —


However, I tried to engage in an actual discussion (well, somewhat since it was clear that The Socialist Party of Great Britain could not defend their position )—

I actually got something resembling a reasoned argument —

Well, time to drop the hammer on this conversation, don’t you think?

They didn’t…so

Total silence!

And that folks is why socialism — in all its forms — will fail.

