Why Do You HATE Capitalism So Much?

Or Why Can’t You See the Inevitable Failure of Socialism?

5 min readJan 31, 2016

There has been a trend I have seen recently when you click on the Politics tag here on Medium. There seems to be an overwhelming obsession with Bernie Sanders and all of the socialistic ideas that come with him.

Photo: Tiffany Von Arnim via Flickr

You can see it in the headlines for these posts such as the one I borrowed this image from

Don’t tell me Bernie Sanders is unelectable; don’t tell me he’s a protest candidate either

Then you have multiple posts on this site that would echo the sentiment found in this headline

Clinton’s Claim of Sanders’ Aspirations Being too High Misses the Big Picture

My question is why do these people hate capitalism so much? Why can’t you see that socialism (democratic or otherwise) is nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure?

In order to provide all of these social safety nets, single payer healthcare, welfare benefits, and such — they need a working populace that would actually be capable of growing an economy at ever increasing rate as more people would choose to leave the workforce for one simple reason — because they can and the society would STILL take care of them. Case in point —

Kelly Marshall of Great Britain — where they have social safety net benefits.

Do you really think she is the only one? (Source)

She has never worked a day in her life. Or as she put it —

‘What’s the point? My mum worked all her life and she paid taxes so I feel I am getting what I deserve,’

Because, as most people who live at other people’s expense, she flat out tells you —

‘I don’t care that it is at the taxpayers’ cost,’

Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because she does not pay any taxes into a socialist system that she is completely able to legally fleece? This is something that the Sanders supporters do not seem to get — or unwilling to acknowledge that this is the reason that socialism will never work.

Let’s stick with Great Britain a little longer —

It seems that the NHS (the British Healthcare Service) had to consider some cost-cutting moves.

NHS patients may be sent to INDIA for cheaper treatment at private healthcare firms

She voted for something she did not even read. (Source)

But that was the #1 lie that Obama used to shove Obamacare down our throats. It would control costs without sacrificing the quality of care. The British have had universal healthcare since WWII and they cannot control costs. They are outsourcing the very care they are supposed to provide.

Do you still like socialism? If so, you are not paying attention.

AARP, an early supporter of Obamacare, did a study of the healthcare systems of European countries. What did they find out?

…the French system plagued by chronic operating deficiencies mostly due to the waste and abuse of the system.

Then there is Germany —

…which has had universal healthcare the longest, is trying to find ways to increase the source of funding, including raising income taxes and passing the costs back to the patient.

For you bottom line people, the World Health Organization puts it best.

“…health system revenue is insufficient to meet health system obligations.”

Welcome to socialism where all of those lovely programs will eventually implode under their own weight. Feel free to do the research, but the countries with universal healthcare are struggling to find sources of revenue to maintain a socialist system that not enough people are contributing to to make it viable.

We have had entitlements as part of the federal budget for longer than I have been alive — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid being the most well-known. These programs continually increase in costs, increase in fraud, increase in waste and completely fail in accomplishing their intended goals. We are stuggling to pay for these entitlements. How are we supposed to do even more?

According to the socialist — Introduce another massive government program that will fail…Obamacare. Wonder what will happen?? Do you really?

Real Socialism

Unlike Obama, who always identified himself as a progressive, Sanders has repeatedly identified himself as a democratic socialist or just a socialist. His plans for the country make Obama look like a rank amateur.

There is no such thing as free. (Source)

It seems the Sanders and his supporters failed math class when they were in school. Because there is no such thing as free. Someone always has to foot the bill, and with socialist programs that have been enacted — no one will ever shut them down.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security…you would not hear of that party again in our political history.” — Dwight Eisenhower

People want “free stuff” as long as other people have to pay. These people have no clue as to how an economy actually works.

So, as you can see from the image, the rough costs of Bernie’s socialist programs is in the neighborhood of $18 TRILLION — yes, with a T. (I have seen it as high as $19.6 trillion.) Where’s the money coming from?

The socialists will tell you to soak the rich in higher taxes…or better yet, let’s just the “eat the rich” entirely.

If there is not enough money to pay for a $3.7 trillion dollar budget, how in the world can the “rich” pay for an additional $20 trillion in taxes. (Let’s just round off since we are talking about the government and the costs will go up.)

Is there a socialist out there who can explain where this money is coming from? Better yet, can a socialist please explain how a government that cannot handle spending $3.7 trillion without running up a huge deficit is supposed to be responsible enough to spend an additional $20 trillion in taxes?

Because it does not work. Case in point —

Swedes Chip Away at Cradle-to-Grave Welfare : Social services: The government’s program is intended to make the economy more open, competitive and productive.

That was a headline from an LA Times articlein 1992. The poster child for socialism determined that socialism was destroying their country and started working towards dismantling their socialist programs. Hopefully it was in time.

It is time for a reality check — socialism is a failure. People can legally fleece the system because the socialist will them it is OK. Does anyone remember what happened in Greece with all of their generous social benefits?

The country is imploding!

Athens burned because the government could not fulfill its obligations! (Source)

Welcome to your socialist utopia!!

