Supporting Teen Journeys: BeMe’s Wellness By Design Ethos

Supporting Teen Wellness Journeys Through Supportive Media™

BeMe Health
2 min readFeb 23, 2024

Our Chief Youth Officer, Derek E. Baird, and CEO & Co-Founder Nicki Tessler recently authored an article for the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop titled “Unlocking Teen Wellness By Design: BeMe Health’s Journey with Supportive Media.” The article outlines BeMe’s unique wellness-by-design approach and shares results from our Stanford evaluation.

At BeMe, our content isn’t just made with care — it’s expert-led, teen-approved, and clinically validated. This ensures we provide young people with a trusted resource as they navigate life’s challenges. We designed BeMe TV to merge teen interest in mental health with clinically validated guidance. The goal is to help youth safely explore their emotional health and support their self-directed wellness journeys.

We designed BeMe TV as a supportive and inclusive media platform that merges teen interest in mental health content with clinically validated guidance to help young people safely navigate their emotional health and support their self-directed approach to wellness.

The Stanford evaluation validated the effectiveness of our thoughtful approach. It found that BeMe users experienced reduced anxiety and depression and improved self-esteem and coping strategies. Teens also reported feeling more understood and less alone after using the app.

Providing a supportive media environment where teens feel seen and heard is central to BeMe’s mission. We will continue working closely with youth and clinical experts to evolve BeMe into an invaluable platform for young people charting their paths to wellness.

We invite you to read Derek and Nicki’s full article to learn more about our research-backed efforts to promote teen health through purposeful technology and compassionate content.

The BeMe app is available for download on Google Play and the App Store.



BeMe Health

BeMe is a mobile mental health platform — made for and With Teens In Mind™