What We Mean When We Say “With Teens In Mind”

Our Commitment to Prioritizing Teen Wellbeing, Safety, Community Guidelines and Privacy

BeMe Health
2 min readFeb 26, 2024

Derek E. Baird, Chief Youth Officer, BeMe Health

At BeMe, our tagline, “With Teens In Mind,” means more than just thinking about what teens want in an app. It’s a commitment to put their wellbeing, safety, and privacy first in everything we do.

Our policies, features, partnerships, and research are designed holistically with teen rights in mind. We collaborate with our community members and leverage insights from the BeMe Policy Center to create an ethical digital environment that supports teens’ growth.

We aim to set the industry standard for youth-focused platforms. Today, we are excited to launch our new Trust & Safety Hub, Policy Center, and Community Guidelines, formalizing our commitment to championing teens’ needs at every step.

When we say “With Teens In Mind,” we mean embedding teen perspectives into the core of our product experience. We mean giving teens tools to explore their interests safely. We mean partnering with experts to shape a digital future that empowers youth.

At BeMe, we know our responsibilities. We take our tagline seriously. And we’re just getting started in our work to build a platform with teens in mind.

About BeMe Health

BeMe is a mobile mental health app — made for and With Teens In Mind™ — to improve teen well-being by bringing together the best aspects of digital media, live support, and clinical care.



BeMe Health

BeMe is a mobile mental health platform — made for and With Teens In Mind™