$BEACH Cleanup in the Philippines

Beach Collective
2 min readSep 6, 2021


Global Reach for the $BEACH Token

The $BEACH community has made an instant impact in the Philippines despite only launching 2 weeks ago.

The Philippine Community has embraced the $BEACH ethos and are now part of the $BEACH family.

Our clever tokenomics model means that for every transaction a 1% tax is collected and ringfenced for Clean Ocean projects around the world. A further 0.5% tax is also collected and will be deployed in Carbon Free initiatives around the world. The $BEACH team look forward to making announcement on these projects in the coming weeks and months.

Masao Beach, Butuan City, Philippines
Tunay Beach, Liloan Cebu, Philippines
Lumbocan Beach, Butuan, Philippines

No matter where you are in the world there is a beach that needs cleaned.

Every second breath we take comes from the ocean. And yet, through a combination of the impacts of man-made climate change and as a result of the tons of waste and pollution we release into the oceans every day, we as a society are slowly destroying the marine biome and the fragile ecosystems that make up our oceans. #DoGood and join the $BEACH community today!

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Beach Collective

The Beach Collective is the blue circular economy powered by our native currency $BEACH. #DoGood with every transaction.