Anglerfish 02: The Second Interview

7 min readOct 6, 2022


Photo by Kurt Francois on Unsplash

Read Anglerfish 01: The Interview before reading this.

Kay returned piecemeal to consciousness. A dull aching pain throbbed in the back of her mouth. Her eyes snapped open but saw black nothingness. She tried to move but found herself immobilized by a crushing hug. After a few deep breaths, she oriented and took stock.

It was pitch dark. The hug had multiple precise arms. Kay was bound. Air stirred languidly from her feet to her legs, thighs, belly, chest, neck and face. She was naked and reclined at a 45-degree angle on a hard, smooth surface. Her arms were pulled tightly behind her back. A velvet and vice-like grip held them together above her elbows and at her wrists. Ankles were secured to upper thighs, and her legs were held up and widely open. Her head, also held fast, was pointed up so that she could not see her body.

Kay’s entire body jerked as she reflexively tested the limits of her mobility. She could move only her hands, feet and jaw. Forcing herself to relax, she realized that the bondage wasn’t uncomfortable.

Suddenly, it occurred to Kay how aroused she was. Her body had never felt like this before. It was exquisite and revelatory, and Kay would remember this moment for the rest of her life. She was completely immobilized, open, vulnerable and helpless. And not alone.

A rubbery, gloved hand touched Kay’s left thigh just above her bent knee. She moaned without meaning to, and her body fruitlessly convulsed like a startled housecat. A second hand caressed her right breast and gently took her nipple between its index finger and thumb.

The first hand dragged its fingers gently down towards Kay’s pussy, but halfway there it disappeared. The second hand released her as well. Kay’s mind grasped desperately at the sensation as it faded into a mere suggestion, an evocation of the possibilities. Then came the voice. Hot, humid, sultry and smokey. It was a woman. Behind her.

“I’m the Master’s attorney,” the voice dripped in her ear, “I’m going to continue your interview. You will not speak unless I ask you a direct question. The purpose of this discussion is to establish what you desire and more importantly the scope of your consent. I strongly suggest that you answer every question with complete honesty. In addition to myself, there are a number of witnesses present.”

A strobe light flashed just enough times to burn the image of the others in the room into Kay’s mind. There were quite a few of them, men and women, unrecognizable, silent, all around her.

A soft light appeared above Kay. Feminine forearms and manicured hands passed over her head. The hands returned from behind her with a device. In the diffuse light, she saw that it was mounted on an articulated arm and appeared not unlike the light over a dentist’s chair. As the device passed over her, Kay got a brief look at it. It was a curved panel, with several blinking red lights and protrusions. It pressed cup-like against her inner thighs. Kay reflexively lurched at the touch, but there was no pain, so she relaxed.

The attorney continued, “Think of this as a lie detector. It senses subtle changes in blood flow and other physiological indicators. In short, it measures the degree of your arousal. It is connected to the light in the ceiling above you. The brightness of the light will indicate how excited you are. Your excitement will be clear. For all to see.” And with that, the attorney turned it on.

The diffused light immediately flared into focus and concentrated brightly on Kay.

“You’re already very aroused, I see,” the attorney asserted matter-of-factly and without mockery. “You’re enjoying the strict bondage, a female interrogator, a visual representation of your excitement and people watching you. Excellent. I will mark this as your baseline, and recalibrate the machine.”

The light faded back to darkness as the attorney made her adjustment.

And then the attorney conducted a comprehensive survey of Kay’s fetishes and kinks. The results were more than impressive. Kay was deeply aroused by the full suite of BDSM practices.

The attorney paused the interrogation and stroked Kay’s cheek. “We are almost finished. I have just a few more questions. You stated in the first interview that you don’t want any permanent and visible markings on your body. Do you consent to tattoos and piercings that are not visible?”

Kay hesitated, but the light flared brightly.

Pausing only briefly, the attorney continued, “You stated in the first interview that you want your relationship and activities with the Master to remain a secret. Do you consent to exhibitionism so long as the audience is vetted and no recording or data-connected devices are permitted?”

Kay’s entire body throbbed, and she was dazzled by the light above her.

The attorney’s voice hardened, “I need an answer.”

Kay was too stunned to respond coherently. In the silent conversational beat, the attorney continued, “The purpose of this interview isn’t only to find out what you had to say. Your words certainly matter, but they aren’t the only important thing that does. Our main goal here is to measure your physical responses. I haven’t been interviewing your mind. I’ve been interviewing your pussy.”

Kay panicked, but the light brightened again.

After a short, sharp inhale, Kay tried to say the escape phrase. Suddenly the dull ache in the back of her mouth erupted into painful pressure that locked her jaw open. She attempted to scream, but her vocal cords would not engage. Air rushed through her throat, but there was no voice. Kay was muted.

The attorney leaned in close to Kay’s ear and calmly spoke, “I’ve locked your jaw and disabled your voice. Control will be returned to you shortly, but first, hear me. You’re always free to stop. And always free to leave. This is true. But that decision is final.” She did not yell in Kay’s ear, but the attorney’s closeness made her voice seem very loud. “Look at that light. It hasn’t faded for even a second through this whole conversation. Even this turn of events, this very instant, might frighten you, but your pussy loves it. And there’s simply no denying it.”

Returning to her full height, the attorney looked impassively down into Kay’s face and continued, “Now, I’m going to free your mouth and enable your voice. You may end the arrangement now. In fact, if you aren’t inspired by your experience so far, I’d strongly suggest you do. Things will only get more … personal.”

The locking pressure on Kay’s jaw disappeared, but she said nothing.

The attorney smiled more to herself, and her voice softened for a moment, “You’re distraught. I won’t tell you not to worry. That would be pointless. But you’ll survive this, and the experience will make you strong. I wouldn’t be where I am today were it not for the Master’s guidance. When things get difficult, just remember that the Master has no wish to harm you. He wishes only to set you free.”

The attorney then spoke crisply to another who waited in the darkness, “Approved.”

A large man, dressed and masked in black, stepped out of the darkness into the bright light of Kay’s display. Pushing a tray cart, he sat down in front of her. The strange jaw lock that she could not see forced her mouth open. He grabbed her tongue with medical tongs and without warning unceremoniously pierced it.

Kay yelped, and her eyes watered, but the light flared. Then he pierced her nipples as well.

Kay could not look down at him, but she did see that he was moving the measuring device away from between her legs

His latex covered fingers grasped Kay’s left labia. She was doing her best to take deep meditative breaths. At the precise moment that she completed an exhale, four quick sharp pains marched from the top of the lip near Kay’s clit to the bottom near her perineum as he expertly pierced her. With empty lungs, she could not scream and by the time she’d filled them, the pain had disappeared.

After he’d repeated the process on her right labia, Kay’s endorphins began to kick in. Anxiety and apprehension began to fade into heady euphoria. But unfortunately, not quickly enough for what came next.

The man waited for Kay’s breathing cycle to wind down. Using the medical tongs, he clasped the hood of her clitoris firmly and pierced it. Kay sucked a gasping breath and shrieked, but again the pain dissipated almost as soon as it exploded. She sobbed, and tears filled her eyes and flowed freely down her cheeks.

Despite the discomfort, Kay was very aroused. With the hood pulled back, her glans clitoris stood there erect, sensitive and innocently waiting. The man deftly and gently seized it with the tongs and pierced it. Unable to move and again at the end of her breath, Kay seized against her bindings. When she caught her breath, her head was swimming.

No device was needed to measure her excitement. It flooded her pussy, and dripped and puddled on the floor. The Master permitted himself a moment of hope. Kay showed real promise. She suffered beautifully, and she was deeply aroused by it.

Having completed the piercing, the man took up a new tool, a tattoo machine. He raised his chair so that he had a comfortable angle on her forehead where he was to begin. She was too shocked to think, much less to beg him not to do it. Before she was able to process what was happening, he placed the mask and canister over her face. The sharp press of the needle into her skin just above her left eyebrow was the last thing she felt before he granted her the mercy of oblivion.

The Master would awaken Kay the next morning in her own room and in her own bed. There He would begin her training in earnest.





Taught philosophy. Tended bar. Poetry, sex, kink, ethical non-monogamy, erotica, horror, philosophy, living with depression and this thing called life.