Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Fiction Galore! Short Stories.

112 stories

Left is Jayden, a man in his twenties with curly brown hair and green eyes. Right is Maxwell, a man in his early thirties with dark hair, obsidian eyes and a driftwood complexion.
Three men. Salliandë, a fae man with silvery ash blond hair, blue eyes and pointed ears. Aaron, a cowboy with ash blond hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears hiding beneath his hat. And Ryder, a dark-haired cowboy with green eyes.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Fantasy Written Works (Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Random)

17 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Vampires, Werewolves, Fae from the Underworld.

55 stories

Three men. Salliandë, a fae man with silvery ash blond hair, blue eyes and pointed ears. Aaron, a cowboy with ash blond hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears hiding beneath his hat. And Ryder, a dark-haired cowboy with green eyes.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Erotic Romance Short Stories

37 stories

Two handsome men facing each other. Cameron on the left, dark hair, short beard, glasses. Jonathan on the right, blond hair, clean shave, stronger build.
Police office, a muscular and gorgeous blond man, standing with his arms crossed.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Healing & Emotional Freedom

11 stories

A woman in a jail cell, wearing a bandit’s mask.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Bloggy Things, Anecdotes & Lovey-Dovey Things

93 stories

Beautiful woman with wide eyes, biting her lip to suppress an urge.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Writing & Publishing Tips/To Do's/How To's/Anecdotes

42 stories

A girl reading a book, floating in the air. The book projects a starlit sky with a moon.
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Epic Fantasy Short Stories & Lore (Stardust Destinies)

41 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Contest Entries & Announcements

25 stories

Two vampires in love
Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Paganism and Witchy things.

5 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Mature Star Wars Old Republic Fanfiction Series

13 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Photoshop and Extras from Protectors of the Force

13 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Dragon Age Fan-Fiction (clean) Dark Fantasy Short Stories

4 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Poems - Poetry

7 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Images Generated from Prompts with AI

5 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Drinks and Cocktails

6 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Abuse, Trauma & Healing

3 stories

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing


1 story

Binky Ink Writing

Binky Ink Writing

Best Performing/Earning Stories

5 stories