First Ever Bitcorn Auction

3 min readApr 13, 2018


Taking place in our Telegram chat, while simultaneously live streamed on Youtube, an auction was held for the first-edition in-game assets.

Why A Bitcorn Auction?

Some of the cards sold have been anticipated since the Token Sale document. The idea was to create a fun event to commemorate the First Bitcorn Harvest and to allow players a shot at getting their hands on these first-edition cards.

What Was On Auction?

On auction were six kinds of in-game assets, each auctioned individually, for a total of eleven auction lots. Some of the cards were from the game developer, while others were actually user-submitted art from the players themselves.

HELIPAD (2 of 31)

First-edition Bitcorn Card offered by the game developer and mentioned explicitly in the Token Sale document, these cards have gone on to define what a “Bitcorn Card” looks like. This one is a very a useful helipad upgrade.

Auction Results

Lot #1 | 5,000 BITCORN| Johnny Carsonogen
Lot #6 | 11,000 BITCORN| In Vodka We Trust

YACHTDOCK (2 of 31)

First-edition Bitcorn Card offered by the game developer and mentioned explicitly in the Token Sale document, these cards have gone on to define what a “Bitcorn Card” looks like. This one is a practical yacht dock addon.

Auction Results

Lot #2 | 10,000 BITCORN | Scrilla
Lot #7 | 12,500 BITCORN | In Vodka We Trust


First-edition Bitcorn Card offered by the game developer and mentioned explicitly in the Token Sale document, these cards have gone on to define what a “Bitcorn Card” looks like. Here we have a humble lambo garage.

Auction Results

Lot #3 | 15,000 BITCORN | Tony Kamm
Lot #8 | 18,900 BITCORN | Scrilla

FARMHAND (2 of 21)

The first-ever user submitted in-game asset. Quite the claim to fame! The artist and seller of this card was Roger Fliporian and this card’s inclusion in the auction event was an exciting surprise for participants!

Auction Results

Lot #4 | 12,000 BITCORN| Johnny Carsonogen
Lot #9 | 5,100 BITCORN | Zak


A close second, in terms of user-submitted assets, CORNCOMBINE was the first card to “break out of the mold” with a new card style. Its inclusion in the auction was also a surprise and unannounced during promotion.

Auction Results

Lot #5 | 5,000 BITCORN | In Vodka We Trust
Lot #10 | 4,150 BITCORN | Indelible Trade


The LAMBOGARAGE.COSBY is a rare one-of-a-kind variation of the LAMBOGARAGE. The only other copy is on permanent display at the Bitcorn Crops Museum and is not in circulation. It will likely be the only subasset!

Auction Results

Lot #11 | 32,000 BITCORN | In Vodka We Trust

Auction Total: 130,650 BITCORN

Additional Resources

All this info and more can be review on our auction results spreadsheet. To be alerted of any future auctions follow us on Twitter and Telegram. A big thank you and shout out to our wonderful auctioneer Theo Goodman.

