The Second Bitcorn Auction

3 min readMay 6, 2018


Taking place in our Telegram chat, with banter and auctioneering simultaneously on Discord, we held the second Bitcorn Auction!

Why A Bitcorn Auction?

The first auction went over so well, we are making it “a thing”. Think of it like our farmer’s market, but less frequent and more corny than your local farmer’s market has ever been before.

What Was On Auction?

On auction were ten lots, each one a unique and newly minted Bitcorn Card. Excitingly, all of the cards that were auctioned are user-generated pieces of… pop(corn) art.

FARMHAND (1 of 21)

The first-ever user submitted in-game asset. Quite the claim to fame!

Auction Results

Lot #1 | 2,700 BITCORN| Johnny Carsonogen

FARMCAT (50 of 300)

An incredibly large lot of the most judge-y farm cat this side of the corn.

Auction Results

Lot #2 | 7,000 BITCORN| Wheeler


The first GIF in the entire game, as well as, the first coop shout out.

Auction Results

Lot #3 | 3,500 BITCORN| Zak

RAINICORN (20 of 2008)

Making it’s debut at the auction, this is the first international card. Très bon!

Auction Results

Lot #4 | 3,300 BITCORN| Zak

RARECORN (5 of 25)

An interesting cross-over meme, transforming Rare Pepe into Rare Corn!

Auction Results

Lot #5 | 7,000 BITCORN| Worm

CORNLEGEND (1 of 25)

A photo-realistic tribute to the creator of the Bitcorn Crops game.

Auction Results

Lot #6 | 2,500 BITCORN| $crilla


Do you have gas in your tank? Please drink/use responsibly!

Auction Results

Lot #7 | 5,500 BITCORN| Worm

BITCORNECT (5 of 54)

A meme that needs no introduction… Wasa wasa wasa!

Auction Results

Lot #8 | 3,700 BITCORN| Zak

CORNHUB (2 of 100)

Two of the first card in landscape orientation.

Auction Results

Lot #9 | 2,500 BITCORN| Johnny Carsonogen


First-seen during the auction itself and the darling of the event, this card saves your farm from becoming DRYASABONE. Exceedingly rare, strategic card.

Auction Results

Lot #10 | 50,000 BITCORN| moonbrunch

Auction Total: 85,000 BITCORN

Additional Resources

All this info and more can be review on our auction results spreadsheet. To be alerted of any future auctions follow us on Twitter and Telegram. A big thank you and shout out to our wonderful auctioneer Dante DeAngelis.

