BDT Token to BDT Coin SWAP — THE SWAP WILL END ON THE 05th February 2019 8am GMT+1

2 min readDec 18, 2018


How do I start the swap?

  1. Download your BDT Coin Desktop Wallet and Stop with the BDT Token trading

Desktop Wallets:

Backup and Restore your Desktop Wallet:

Android App:


Right now in Progress

2. Register here

Insert your E-Mail Address and Your BDT Coin Address “NOT YOUR BDT TOKEN ETH ADDRESS”

3. You get an E-Mail from

4. Please check that the BDT Coin address in the email is your registered BDT Coin address

5. Transfer your BDT Token to the BDT Token (ETH Address) in your unique E-Mail

6. You will receive your BDT Coins within the next 48hours after receiving your token with us!

We are not liable for incorrect entries or wrong transfers from you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in our Telegram Community

Best regards

CEO & Founder of Bitdepositary
Tobias Graf




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