Community Update — December 22nd

Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2017

There’s no doubt about it: 2017 has been an incredible year for BlockCAT. We successfully completed our token sale, opened our new office, hired an incredible team and launched our contract simulator in a matter of months.

With our first contract simulation deployed, and the holiday season fast approaching, our team has been wrapping up projects this week so we can wind down and spend some quality time with our loved ones next week.

ERC20 Feedback

Since we successfully launched our beta, we’ve received tons of feedback submissions that will ultimately help us build, refine and polish our final product. The feedback thus far ranges from feature requests, UI/UX suggestions, contract ideas— and even a few minor bug reports.

Note: If you haven’t checked out our ERC20 contract simulator, click here.

As we’ve stated before, your feedback is super important to us. Every piece of feedback that is submitted through our submission form gets viewed, categorized and prioritized by our team. We can’t guarantee that we can act on every suggestion, but we can promise to consider them.

In fact, thanks to feedback submitted from our community, we were able to quickly squash a few minor bugs and improve navigation elements in the contract simulator the very next day after launch.

In 2018 we’ll be releasing many more updates to our app based on feedback we’ve collected.

We’ve received great feedback about our v171214 changelog, so we’ll be sure to communicate future iterations going forward. We’re also looking for more effective ways to highlight the bigger changes we’re making to the app.

For now, you can find the latest updates in our Discord channel.

EtherDelta Security Breach

This week EtherDelta announced via Twitter that it suffered an unfortunate security breach via a DNS attack.

According to EtherDelta, if you were using @metamask_io or a hardware wallet on EtherDelta, your funds are safe from the phishing attack.

EtherDelta also noted that deposits can only be accessed through user’s individual private key via the EtherDelta contract. If you had never imported your key on the imposer’s phishing site, your deposit should be safe.

This morning, EtherDelta announced that the issue has been resolved.

We’d like to remind our community to please stay vigilante and cautious when using any app/website/software where finance or cryptocurrency is involved. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to reach out to their team directly.

While this isn’t the first (or last) occurrence of malicious activity in the blockchain space, let’s hope that 2018 brings less hacks, tighter security and more widespread adoption for all.


We’ve made a few statements already, but understandably, the same questions keep popping up in our community.

We unfortunately cannot discuss any arrangements or possible future arrangements with exchanges regarding the listing of our token.

Again, we have been strongly advised to wait until possible arrangements have been completed, as discussing them publicly could negatively impact our ability to partner with exchanges.

It’s a long process to get listed due to the increased concern with regulators and the recent bans happening in China. What we can say is that we’re actively investigating ways to improve liquidity of our token. We have a few ideas, but we don’t have anything solid to share at this time.

Please remain patient. We’re working on it.

Team Building

Throughout the hiring process, we were determined to hire the right people the first time. This meant not only finding driven individuals who possessed the necessary skills and experience for each role, but also ensuring they would jive well with the rest of the group and be a good fit for the team.

Synergy. Harmony. Unity.

It doesn’t matter which buzz word you use; it’s imperative that your team can function both individually and as a collective group in order to build a great product and achieve company objectives.

That’s why we are adamant about investing in our team.

From health and wellness, to education and professional development, to group outings and team activities. Some experts would even argue that team building is the most important investment you can make.

Fun Fact: Eric, pictured here in the very centre, was by far the fastest of the group.

For our holiday party, the BlockCAT team (and our +1’s) went snow tubing at Big White. There’s nothing like sliding down an icy tundra, hand-in-hand on air filled cushions, to help build camaraderie. ❄️

Happy Holidays 🎄

Lastly, we want to wish our community a safe and happy holiday season.

A few of our team members will be away on vacation next week, but we will still be active in Discord should you have any questions or concerns.

Note: There will be no Community Update next week, due to the holiday. We will resume our regularly scheduled programming the following week.

- Happy Holidays from the BlockCAT team!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.