Creating an Alias with Syscoin-QT

9 min readMay 30, 2018

IMPORTANT: If your wallet.dat containing Syscoin was created before Syscoin-QT 3.0.2(including all Blockmarket applications), make sure you follow these IMPORTANT instructions first.

Things you need to know:

How to locate your Application Data folder

For Windows, the folder is located:


For Mac, the folder is located:

/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SyscoinCore

Note: the Library directory is hidden by default, you can quickly access this directory by pressing:
CMD + Shift + G
in Finder then typing:
~/Library/Application Support/Syscoin

Step 1: Delete old software and Install the latest software for your operating system:

If Syscoin-QT or Blockmarket was already installed on your computer:

First, always make sure you back-up your wallet.dat, located in your Application Folder.

  • Locate your Application Data Folder and delete all files located inside(after backing up your wallet.dat).
  • Delete all old Syscoin and/or Blockmarket software from your computer.
  • Empty your trash/recycle bin.
  • Install Syscoin-QT on your computer, open it, and close it.

Step 2: Edit your Syscoin.conf file:

  • In the Application Data folder, edit the syscoin.conf file and add the line “addressindex=1" without quotes, then save the file.

Step 3: Get an updated wallet.dat, containing Syscoin

3.1: If you already have a wallet.dat containing Syscoin from Syscoin-QT 3.0.2+, move it to your Application Data folder and then jump over to step 4

3.2: If you don’t have already have a wallet.dat:

  1. Get Syscoin at one of these exchanges.

2. Open the Syscoin-QT software you just installed.

3. Click “File” on the top-left menu.

4. Click the “Receiving Addresses..” menu option

Find your Syscoin “Receiving” address

5. The Receiving addresses window will pop-up, showing your Syscoin receiving address (When someone sends Syscoin to this address, it will show in your wallet balance.).

Receiving Addresses Window

6. Right-click on the address and select “Copy Address” (Which will copy the address to your clipboard.).

Copy Your Address

7. Paste the address in a notepad or a document in your computer. You will need it later.

8. Send Syscoin to your Syscoin address (this process is different for each exchange); as long as the exchange has upgraded to the current Syscoin wallet they will not be experiencing a delay/downtime, it should take you just a few minutes to get to your wallet.

You received Syscoin

Note: It will take a few minutes for a Syscoin transfer to show up in the “Available” section and will not be useable until they do.

Step 4: Assign an Alias to your Syscoin Address

4.1 Find all the Syscoin addresses associated with your wallet.dat

  1. In Syscoin-QT, Click on the “File” menu (for Windows) or “Syscoin Core” (for Mac) menu option near the top left.
  2. Select the “Options” menu (for Windows) or “Preferences” menu (for Mac) option; this will pop-up an Options menu.
  3. 3. Click on the Wallet tab.
  4. 4. Check the “Enable coin control features” option, then click “OK”
Coin Control Allows you to see the “Inputs…” section in your Syscoin wallet

5. Click on “Send” near the top-left

Syscoin-QT Send Menu

6. Click on the “Inputs…” blue button not far below the top-left.

The Coin Selection Menu appears after selecting “Inputs…”

7. Copy each address that contains coins and paste the addresses in to a separate document. This will be important for the next steps.

4.2 Unlock your wallet (If it is locked)

  1. Select the “Settings” menu on the top-left of the screen.
Find the “Unlock Wallet…” Option

2. Click the “Unlock Wallet…” option.

3. Enter the password you had previously set for your wallet, then click “OK”; your wallet will be unlocked as long as you entered the password correctly.

Enter your password for unlock your wallet

4.2.1 Aliasinfo: Open the Syscoin Debug Console and see if the Alias you want is available.

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu item on the top left menu.

2. Select the “Debug Console” option.

The Debug Console is used for Syscoin Commands

3. In the console, paste the following command:

 aliasinfo YOURALIAS

4. Replace “YOURALIAS” with the alias you want to assign to your Syscoin address. In this case, the output provided after the command clearly shows an Alias assigned to address SSiuRbddTt6QweUWW1pFCFoUHow4zmF3i6 and is not expired (“expired” is set to “false”); this means that the Alias is already assigned to an address.

Check if your Alias already exists

When an Alias you want is available, you will receive the following error code: “SYSCOIN_ALIAS_RPC_ERROR: ERRCODE: 5517 — Failed to read from alias DB (code -1)”. This means that you can proceed with the following steps, using the alias you selected.

This alias is not yet assigned

IMPORTANT: There are a few things to understand before we proceed.

You need to provide the console two addresses. The address that will pay the fee to create the Alias(referred to PAYMENTADDRESS in these instructions), and the address you want to assign the Alias to (or ALIASADDRESS). Please note that you can use the same address for both the PAYMENTADDRESS and the ALIASADDRESS, just make sure you have enough Syscoin to cover fees with the PAYMENTADDRESS; in this example, we will be using the same address (SSiuRbddTt6QweUWW1pFCFoUHow4zmF3i6).

You need to determine when you want your alias to expire. Alias creation is very inexpensive. However, the longer the expiry date, the more it will cost exponentially. We suggest that you create an expiry of no more than two years from today’s date and renew it when you are closer to your expiry. Syscoin uses Epoch time (or Unix time) to determine the expiry of your Alias, so you need to determine what epoch time you want the expiry to take place.

  • Enter the date that you would like your Alias to expire on at; in this case, we will expire the Alias two years from now on May 28th, 2020.
  • Click “Human date to Timestamp”
  • Copy and paste the number that appears under “Epoch Timestamp” somewhere safe; in this case, the number is 1590702110

4.3 aliasnew

  1. In the console, paste the following command:


2. Replace “YOURALIAS” with the alias you want to create

3. Replace “EXPIRYTIME” with the epoch time you determined earlier

4. Replace “ALIASADDRESS” with the address you have selected to assign to the alias.

5. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex (without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “FIRSTHEX” in this tutorial.

1st Console Command: aliasnew

4.4 syscointxfund

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
syscointxfund FIRSTHEX '{"addresses": ["PAYMENTADDRESS"]}' false

2. Replace “FIRSTHEX” with the hex that step 4.3.5 provided you.

3. Replace “PAYMENTADDRESS” (but keep the quotation marks) with the Syscoin address you will use to pay for the Alias creation.

4. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex (without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “SECONDHEX” in this tutorial.

Second Console Command: syscointxfund

4.5 signrawtransaction

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
signrawtransaction SECONDHEX

2. Replace “SECONDHEX” with the hex that step 4.4.4 provided you.

3. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex (without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “THIRDHEX” in this tutorial.

Third Console Command: signrawtransaction

4.6 syscoinsendrawtransaction

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
syscoinsendrawtransaction THIRDHEX

2. Replace “THIRDHEX” with the hex that step 4.5.3 provided you.

3. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, you don’t need to copy this hex.

Fourth Console Command: syscoinsendrawtransaction

4.7 Wait!

Quite simple really, just wait a few minutes. This is mandatory as you need to wait for the blockchain to work its magic. Take a breather, you deserve it!

4.8 aliasnew (again)

  1. In the console, paste the following command:


2. Replace “YOURALIAS” with the alias you already assigned.

3. Replace “EXPIRYTIME” with the epoch time you determined earlier.

4. Replace “ALIASADDRESS” with the address you have selected to assign to the alias.

5. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex(without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “FIFTHHEX” in this document.

Fifth Console Command: aliasnew (again)

4.9 syscointxfund (again)

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
syscointxfund FIFTHHEX '{"addresses": ["PAYMENTADDRESS"]}' false

2. Replace “FIFTHHEX” with the hex that step 4.8.5 provided you.

3. Replace “PAYMENTADDRESS” with the Syscoin address you are using to pay for the Alias creation.

4. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex (without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “SIXTHHEX” in this tutorial.

Seventh Console Command: syscointxfund (again)

4.10 signrawtransaction (again)

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
signrawtransaction SIXTHHEX

2. Replace “SIXTHHEX” with the hex that step 4.9.4 provided you.

3. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, copy the hex (without quotes) for the next step. We’re going to call this “SEVENTHHEX” in this tutorial.

Eight Console Command: signrawtransaction (again)

4.6 syscoinsendrawtransaction (again)

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
syscoinsendrawtransaction SEVENTHHEX

2. Replace “SEVENTHHEX” with the hex that step 4.10.3 provided you.

3. Press “Enter” and this will return a long strand of letters and numbers called a hex, you don’t need to copy this hex.

Ninth Console Command: syscoinsendrawtransaction (again)

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now the proud new owner of a Syscoin Alias! Follow the next steps to verify that you have correctly followed the steps.

You can repeat these steps to assign aliases to all your Syscoin addresses.

STEP 5: Verify

5.1: aliasinfo

  1. Wait a few minutes, it will take another few minutes to confirm your transaction.
  2. In the console, paste the following command:
aliasinfo YOURALIAS

3. Replace “YOURALIAS” with the Alias you just created.

4. Press “ENTER”, your alias should now show the address you assigned to it under the “address” field as shown in the example below.

aliasinfo confirms that your alias is linked to your Syscoin address

5.2 aliasbalance

  1. In the console, paste the following command:
aliasbalance YOURALIAS

3. Replace “YOURALIAS” with the Alias you just created.

4. Press “ENTER”. Your alias will now show the balance of the address you assigned it to.

aliasbalance shows you the balance of the address linked to your alias




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