Minting Assets on Blockmarket Desktop 3.0

2 min readJun 28, 2018


For first-time use instructions, please see Using Blockmarket Desktop 3.0 for the First Time.

With Blockmarket you can easily mint your own tokens in just a few seconds. Go to the “Assets” drop-down menu and select the “Assets” option. Your Assets will be listed there. Click on the “Mint” button represented by a dollar bill. Enter the “Supply to mint”(the number of new tokens you would like to generate). Click on “Yes” to finalize your transaction.

Minting assets is simple and takes only a few seconds.

A confirmation message will appear a few seconds after minting your tokens.

A confirmation message will appear a few seconds after minting your tokens

A few minutes after your transaction, your balance will be updated.

A few minutes after your transaction, your balance will be updated.

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