How to get to 100 Followers in 2 days!

2 min readJan 15, 2022

So, a little over 48 hours ago I saw an article about how to get 100 followers FAST on Medium. Of course, I read it because I would love to be part of the Medium Partner Program! Basically, the article outlined a sort of follow-for-follow situation for new bloggers on the platform. I wrote my own article and rules, encouraged others to do the same, and promised to update on the status of my growth after the 48 hours were up! Well, here we are after the challenge has ended and its time to weigh in!

I started at 11 followers and at the time that I’m publishing this article I’m at 65! I think that’s quite impressive. Sure, I didn’t make it to 100 yet, but it’s so close I can taste it! I’m 35 follows away from my goal and I estimate that it will be another 48 hours before I reach the coveted 100 followers count! Here are what my stats look like

Nothing much else to read here folks! Check out my first article about the challenge to get the rules and to see the others that commented on the article so you can follow them too and get them to follow you back. We all know why we’re here! Thank you for reading and good luck on your Medium journey.

