How to Make Your First Big Sale as a Cryptocurrency Writer

Drew Mailen
5 min readJun 2, 2018


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work for yourself and leave your full-time job? Have you ever wanted to work from your computer so that you can spend more time doing what you love?

Well before that, you need to seriously evaluate if you’re cool with making some serious sacrifices. The first two years of my business I went BAMO (broke and maxed out) probably a dozen times. But I stayed the course and it eventually worked out. This level of sacrifice is not for everyone, and I had age and time on my side as well. So seriously, before you go all-in as a writer, think this one through please :).

You can also take the same approach that the founder of Spanx did, to wait to land the big partnerships before burning the bridge with the careerist inside of you. Strong move.

Read this blog post to learn more about the future of cryptocurrency — ( a blockchain that is being used by Disney, Facebook, and Reddit!)

Photo by William Warby on Unsplash

Working for yourself, especially in your teens or twenties, will probably end up taking a few years off of your life from the daily knocks to the face that just sometimes never seem to end. Don’t give up.

The difference between the people that make it and the people that don’t is most often persistence.

If your dream is to work for yourself and nothing will take you away from that, then writing about cryptocurrency might be for you. Or write about whatever it is that you’re passionate about. The world will tell you not to. You need to keep going. Feel to reach out if you have any questions!

This post explains how to get started and make your first big sale writing about cryptocurrency.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

How to Earn From Writing About Crypto

Today I’m going to talk to you about how you can make your first sale as a writer in the cryptocurrency space. I will show you the exact steps that I took, how I prepared, and what I did to land my first sale (3 articles for $60.00 USD total).

This is 100% free. I’m not selling you at a PDF at the end or my nonsense course. Maybe one day.

This is my startup guide that outlines exactly what I did to earn my first sale.

If you want to read more about what I did to make my first $10,000 as a blogger in this space, please check out or watch this video below.

Subscribe to my Youtube channel “The Blockchain Writer” to recieve more writing tips that will make you money!

Order my book “A Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Advertising” available today:

What’s First?

A. The first thing that you need is, minimum, 3–5 awesome writing samples.

Ideally, you should have a blog or a contribution page to another website that you can just quickly share the link to. is great! But at the very least, you should have some samples that you can replay back with at a moment’s notice.

Very few clients have asked for a specific type of sample, but I think you should diversify writing samples a little bit.

A good mix of articles would be:

1) A list article, e.g., “10 tips for how you can start writing about tech.”

2) One analysis article, perhaps providing an in-depth breakdown of an ICO or STO.

3) A subject article “ICOs will Soon Be Replaced by OPOs” or something that goes in-depth on a certain subject.

Also, make sure that you pick a good title for your articles. Don’t just choose anything that comes to mind. AND PLEASE make sure that you spell check and grammar check your work. I highly recommend Grammarly. I have the paid version and it’s worth every penny.

Use keywords on LinkedIn such as #contentwriter or #freelancewriter and post consistently with those keywords.

(Recently, I started using TTS Reader which reads my text aloud back to me for free, so I can both hear my text, and read my text. It’s helped me identify a lot of mistakes in my writing:

B. Once you have a nice foundation of articles to work from, now you have to decide on your pitch.

The pitch includes a few different key components. The pitch should include, probably in order, some sort of credibility statement about yourself, the services you offer (e.g., content marketing, blog post writing, ICO reviews. Your services should ideally match your samples), and finally something like “Let me know if you’d like to see some samples or price packages.”

You should keep this “pitch” short and sweet. One to two paragraphs, tops. Don’t mention prices, don’t sound over-solicitous, and most importantly, make it sound friendly. Use the person’s name. You have to make your pitch not sound like a pitch.

As my client list has gone on to include more companies, I started a pitch deck. You can find my pitch deck on my website along with the services I now offer and my prices

C. Sit back and pray, or whatever it is that you do to process phenomena.

I had my first client respond with an assuring yes within 12 hours after sending out my first message. He is still my client today and he is the best client you could ever ask for.

It takes a lot of confidence and preparation to have your samples and pitch ready. You need to make sure everything is perfect maybe 3 times before casting your first line. If you nail it, you will have yourself a part-time career that can turn into a full-time career that can hopefully last a lifetime. Happy fishing.

Order my book “A Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Advertising” available today:

Drew Mailen is the founder of BountyBase and He enjoys cooking and surrounding himself with people smarter than he is. He takes pride in direct messaging strangers on LinkedIn. He loves his grandma, an exercise enthusiast named Grace that still does daily gym workouts at 84 years old. You can find more about his work here:

