Ethereum Is One Step Away From Mass Adoption

Drew Mailen
2 min readMar 13, 2018
Photo Courtesy of Chris Li on Unsplash

trueDigital is on the verge of offering a derivatives market place through which the company will provide more transparency and regulation to the growing virtual currency market as moves closer to mass adoption.

What does this mean?

This company will provide future contracts through which the benchmark rate for the price of Ethereum will be set. This provides a platform through which investors can order a specific quantity of ETH with a specified price for a specified date (hence, future contract).

Investors have been begging for a service like this to come out for years now because the market is clouded in dark corners and seriously lacks oversight.

The products and services offered by trueDigital will have to pass through the scrutiny of the US Commodities and Future Trading Commission before it is open for public use.

As a result, the currency will have more centralization in a global, 400 billion dollar community that often detests any notion of centralization. This may provide some backlash from investors just like we saw when BTC was first offered through CME.

Before the services are offered, they must be fully reviewed by the USFTC, a process that may take weeks or months. After trueDigital becomes fully compliant, the world will then be able to purchase ETH on futures.

Brace yourselves.

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