Momentum grows as more Republican leaders back Mark Kelly’s campaign

Republican and Independent leaders from across Arizona continue to throw their support behind Senator Kelly

Mark Kelly
5 min readAug 22, 2022


In July, we launched “Republicans for Kelly”, a coalition of nearly 50 Arizona Republicans and Independents who’ve come together to support my re-election campaign. Today, I’m proud to announce that our coalition is growing, and I’m honored to have the support of over 40 additional Republican and Independent leaders.

Arizonans are tired of the gridlock and partisanship that has become the norm in Washington. That’s why I’ve worked to be an independent voice that fights for what’s best for our state. I’ve led on bipartisan legislation to combat drought, fix roads and bridges, and create tens of thousands of great-paying jobs.

The truth is, it’s not about whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat. We’re all on Team Arizona.

— Mark Kelly

What these leaders have to say about Mark:

From left to right: Paul Hickman, Mayor Chip Wilson, and Councilman Bart Turner deliver remarks at the Arizona state capitol about why they’re supporting Mark Kelly.

Paul Hickman, President & CEO of Arizona Bankers Association and Former State Director for Sen. John McCain

“Many of us have come to appreciate Mark’s approach to lawmaking. Mark flies himself across the state, speaks to and listens to Arizonans, whether they’re mayors, community leaders, veterans, students, or seniors. And then he brings it all back to Washington to deliver results. Senator Kelly puts his state and its needs at the center of his work, and Arizonans know he has their back. I’m proud to endorse Senator Kelly for reelection — this was an easy decision to make.”

– Paul Hickman

Mayor Tim Elinski, Cottonwood

“I’ve served here for 17 years, so I know that partisan politics has no place in what we do. That’s the reason I really support Senator Kelly in his bid for Congress. He is a gentleman that has time and again fought for us here in Cottonwood, and improved a lot of infrastructure projects that were desperately needed to keep our rural economy going. So it’s an easy choice for me this November.”

– Mayor Elinski

Heather Carter, Former Arizona State Senator (District 15)

“I am proudly endorsing Senator Mark Kelly. He has done a tremendous job for Arizona and he is able to cut through all of the hyperpartisanship back in DC to do wonderful work for our state. Please join me in supporting Senator Kelly this November.”

– Heather Carter

Paul Brierley, Yuma Community Leader and Rural Advocate

“I appreciate Senator Kelly’s attention to rural and agricultural issues. He has done the hard work of regularly meeting with agriculture folks and digging into how he can help solve our pressing problems. Especially in today’s unprecedented political environment, Senator Kelly has earned my vote and my endorsement.”

– Paul Brierley

Mayor Chip Wilson, Apache Junction

“I appreciate how Senator Kelly tackles the problems affecting us now, while looking to the future and investing in the Valley’s economy. Best of all, throughout his time in the Senate, Senator Kelly has proven that he’s willing and capable to roll up his sleeves and get things done without the partisan bickering we’ve all become too accustomed to these days. He’s got his head on straight and he’s laser focused on problem solving — and I think we could all benefit from that kind of attitude in this climate. So I’m happy to endorse Senator Kelly for re-election.”

– Mayor Wilson

Councilman Bart Turner, Glendale

“Arizonans of all political affiliations and backgrounds can count on Senator Kelly to show up for us and bring our voices to the Senate with him. Sadly, too many elected officials in Washington these days resort to partisan bickering that stalls progress. Mark pushes partisanship aside, gets past the typical Washington gridlock, and makes concentrated, earnest efforts to bring about real progress for his state. I’m proud to give Senator Kelly my wholehearted endorsement. I encourage folks on the fence to join me.”

– Councilman Turner

The full list of Arizona Republicans and Independents endorsing Mark Kelly can be found below:

Adam Brake, Executive Director at Haven Health Group

Bart Turner, City of Glendale Council Member

Bert Coleman, Small Business Owner

Bettina Nava, Former State Director for Senator John McCain

Bill McDonald, Douglas Rancher

Bill Ponce, La Paz County Sheriff

Bill Richardson, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

Bob Worsley, Former Arizona State Senator

Brad Vynalek, Business Leader

Brooks Hilliard, Business Leader

Bruce Dusenberry, Business and Community Leader

Cathy Carlat, Mayor of Peoria

Chip Wilson, Mayor of Apache Junction

Christian Price, Former Mayor of Maricopa City

Craig McFarland, Mayor of Casa Grande

David McIntyre, President and CEO of TriWest Healthcare Alliance

David Ortega, Mayor of Scottsdale

David Adame, President & CEO Chicanos Por La Causa

David Reese, Business LeaderSteve Macias, President of Pivot Manufacturing

David Smith, Former Mayor of Bisbee

Deb Gullet, Former Arizona State Representative, CEO of Health Plan Association

Diane McCarthy, Former State Senator

Dick Lesser, U.S. Navy Veteran

Dionne Najafi, Business Leader

Donald Huish, Mayor of Douglas

Dr. Erika Neuberg, Jewish Community Leader

Francis Najafi, Business Leader

Frank Naughton, Tucson Small Business Owner

Gayle Pincus, Business Leader

Heather Carter, Former Arizona State Senator

Honorable Dan Schweiker, Former Paradise Valley Town Council Member

Jack Dillenberg, Mayor of Jerome

Jack Lunsford, President of Lunsford Group

Jane Lynch, Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party

Jen Miles, Mayor of Kingman

Jeremy Peters, U.S. Navy Veteran

Jerry Hirsch, Business Leader

Jim Boyle, Arizona Dairyman

Jim Kolbe, Former U.S. Representative

John Giles, Mayor of Mesa

John Leech Jr, Mayor of Show Low

Judy Gignac, Former Cochise County Supervisor and Former Chair of the Arizona Board of Regents

Karen Bond, Mayor of Parker

Kevin Hienonen, Small Business Owner

Kristen Smith Eshaya, CEO of JV Smith Companies

Lance Reynolds, Business Leader

Marc Sandroff, Business Leader

Martin Sepulveda, U.S. Navy Veteran

Matt Eyrich, Business Leader

Max Fose, President and CEO of Fose + McKay

Micah Powell , Mayor of Eloy

Michael DeBell, Business Leader

Mirja Riester, Business Leader

Patricia Coughlin, Local Government Relations

Patrick J. McGroder III, Attorney, Beus GIlbert McGroder PLLC

Paul Brierley, Yuma Community Leader and Rural Advocate

Paul Charlton, Former U.S. Attorney under President George W. Bush

Paul Hickman, President & CEO Arizona Bankers Association, Former State Director for Senator John McCain

Paul Johnson, Former Mayor of Phoenix or CEO of Redirect Health

Paul Layeux, Small Business Owner

Peggy Neely, Former Vice Mayor of Phoenix

Pete Hershberger, Former Arizona State Representative

Peter Fine, Business Leader

Peter Palmer, Retired Army Brig. General

Reginald M Ballantyne III, Business Leader

Richard H. Dozer, Former President of the Arizona Diamondbacks

Rick Romley, Former Maricopa County Attorney

Rob Carey, Former Arizona Chief Deputy Attorney General

Robbie Shaw, Former Arizona State Representative

Roberta Voss, Former Arizona State Representative

Sam Campana, Former Mayor of Scottsdale

Sharon Harper, CEO & Founder of Plaza Companies

Spence Udall, Mayor of St. Johns

Steve Alameda, Yuma Farmer

Steve May, Business Leader

Steve Pincus, Business Leader

Susan Gerard, Former Arizona State Senator

Tim Elinski, Mayor of Cottonwood

Tim Riester, Business Leader

Todd Bradford, Former Finance Director of the Arizona Republican Party

Tom McCanna, U.S. Army Veteran

Tommi Pryor, Small Business Owner

Tyler Francis, Chairman of SRP Council

Uday Dalvi, DataWorks CEO

Vic Smith, Yuma JV Smith Companies



Mark Kelly

Navy combat veteran & retired NASA astronaut. Husband to @GabbyGiffords. Senator for the state of Arizona.