Increase your Intelligence: Become a Miner

3 min readJan 31, 2023


This is part one of a four part series diving into each attribute of the PhalaWorld Spirit NFT.

Mining Phala tokens not only earns you a profit, but it also raises your INT (intelligence) attribute in PhalaWorld. Phala miners, also known as providers or workers, contribute TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) processing power to the Phala cloud, instead of using energy-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW) methods. The more processing power you provide, the higher your INT score and Phala token earnings will be.

INT is a rare attribute in PhalaWorld, attainable only through running a worker or contributing to specific Phala Github repos. The latter option requires advanced technical skills. While the former requires some technical know-how, it should still be accessible to those willing to learn. Boosting your INT in PhalaWorld could give you a unique edge and set you apart from others.

Common sight, no INT points :(

What follows is an outline of how you can get started with setting up a Solo-Worker:


  • SGX Compatible CPU and motherboard with BIOS that supports SGX.
  • Intermediate computer skills
  • Basic Linux knowledge.

[INFO: SGX - Enhancing Security for Phala’s Secure Cloud Computing
Intel SGX is a security feature that provides enhanced security. SGX creates a secure, isolated area within the processor to run and process code and data, ensuring that it cannot be seen or tampered with. This helps to improve the overall security of computing systems. SGX is critical for Phala to ensure secure cloud computing.]

The Process

How much can you earn?

This depends on several factors. Phala uses a Proof of Stake protocol, where you need to stake your own funds to participate. Your worker (miner) will receive a performance score based on its CPU performance and security integrity, which will be used to derive (amongst other factors) an APR% similar to a savings account interest rate. For example, a high performance score can lead to a high APR, allowing you to earn more Phala tokens over time. You can use a calculator contributed by community and council member 100K, at to estimate your expected APR based on your hardware you intend to mine with. You have the option to stake your funds alone or invite others to join your pool and earn a commission on their stakes. The performance score will also determine the maximum and minimum that can be delegated to the worker. This is usually around min: 2000 PHA and max: 20,000 PHA, but will vary.


This is merely an overview of the basic steps in setting up and running a worker. The Phala Github linked at the bottom of this document should be consulted for full details and instructions.

Setting up a Phala miner will not always be smooth sailing, as you may encounter obstacles that require troubleshooting. Fortunately, support is available on the Phala Network Discord server’s miner channel or on the Phala Forums. There is a wealth of information available and it is likely that someone has already faced a similar issue and documented a solution. Once your worker is operational, you will not only earn Phala tokens and PhalaWorld INT points, but also gain a deeper understanding of how the Phala Network operates, which you will now be a part of as a key player.

Next Steps and Links




Phala Phanatic - Web3.0 Enthusiast - Lover of Technology