Cindicator in 2018

11 min readDec 21, 2017


2018 is set to be a groundbreaking and defining year, not only for the digital economy and crypto community as a whole, but also for our company. In 2018 we aim to capture a significant share of the international predictive analytics market, covering investment funds, analytics companies and traders. At the same time we will continue to work actively in two areas — crypto markets and traditional financial markets. 2018 will see us focusing largely on the creation of professional analytics decisions for the crypto economy.

Before we talk about our 2018 action plan, we would like to present a short summary of our work over the three-month period following the Token Sale.

Three months since Token Sale: a brief summary

Collective forecasting platform

In a little over two months since the Token Sale, our platform has shown tremendous development, both in terms of new features and user engagement.

Some of the biggest releases include:

  • New analyst motivation system — we received a great deal of analyst feedback after changing the prize fund distribution system, and drove analysts’ engagement up by 40%(!) in just one week;
  • Cindicator Specials — forecasters showing outstanding analytical performance now earn additional rewards;
  • Web version of the platform — since its release, the Cindicator website has been used to sign up 25% of new analysts;
  • New question type — the rank question quickly became as popular as our other question types, receiving hundreds of answers every day;
  • Four big updates for the mobile apps (every two weeks on average) — the latest one includes two new features that were chosen by users in our first ‘public sprint’.

As a result, 9,500 new analysts have joined the platform (the size of the Cindicator analyst community now exceeds 30,000). 263,000 new forecasts have been made — 40% of the current total of over 600,000 forecasts. Analysts also now make 10% more forecasts — while in September the average analyst was forecasting 18 times over the course of the month, in November this number increased to 20.

Analytical products

It seems hard to imagine, but we released two analytical products in a single month! Take a look at our articles about the Cryptometer Bot and Cindicator Bot releases, including technical specifications. As you can see, our trading community members found both products extremely useful for their short-term trading activities. Some are publicly sharing their achievements via our official Telegram group chat. We are delighted to see how our Token holders are reaping their rewards, using our indicators to make decisions and taking advantage of arbitration opportunities sourced through the Cryptometer.

About 30% of our top-tier token holders have been using both products on a daily basis. This is a 100%(!) organic user base, acquired without any marketing campaigns targeting our potential audience. Users wishing to access the best features of both bots as early as November and December 2017 should hold at least 1,000,000 CND. We see huge room for improvement in terms of increasing the products’ value for lower-tier users, and increasing the overall user base. The total number of users across all tiers for both products currently stands at 778 — our current user base for the products can therefore be classed as early adopters.

This is only the beginning of the story, but even now we can see how complex the economy of the Cindicator ecosystem really is. Demand for CND Tokens, growing demand for our products, our pricing policy, overall community growth and our quality improvement indicators — all of this is interconnected! Each of these elements should function like a player in an orchestra, and we’ve already started conducting the symphony of our ecosystem.

Key growth points for 2018

A global marketing strategy

In 2018 we will begin to implement our global marketing plan. We would like to highlight some of the most important goals in this plan:

  1. The majority of the investment fund market (hedge funds, private equity funds, family offices) and professional traders’ market need to be aware of Cindicator, the Hybrid Intelligence technology, and our products. We expect significant growth in token holders representing these professional crypto market participants. This will provide for the effective functioning of the Cindicator ecosystem’s internal Token economy, whereby a large group of professional finance market participants is interested in gaining access to our analytical products, purchasing that access with Tokens.
  2. Exponential growth in our user base of crowd forecasting platform analysts from different countries. The more motivated analysts that take an active role in the generation of prognoses and analytics inside our platform, the more new kinds of indicators can be researched by us and presented to the market. It will also increase the stability and credibility of the data received.

Key points in the implementation of our marketing plan:

  • Active work with finance, tech and business media. We will cover the advantages and special features of Cindicator’s technologies, and also reach a large audience with every major update in the evolution of Hybrid Intelligence;
  • Online marketing for effective growth in our target audience for analytical products and our crowd forecasting platform;
  • Work with opinion leaders and bloggers;
  • External marketing sprints capitalising on the entire capacity of our community;
  • Participation in major global events in a public speaking capacity;
  • Active work and organisation of local meetups in a range of countries. We have already begun this process in Australia and New Zealand in December. Our Head of Analytics Kate held more than 80 meetings, showcased our products to the local crypto community, and entered into a series of partnerships as our representative. We are planning similar visits to Japan, the USA, China, the UK, Canada and other countries in 2018.

Analytical products

We are planning to implement a significant expansion of our analytical and predictive product range and to undertake work of a broad scope to increase its value and improve its usability. Our planned stack of work and products includes:

  • Increase of crypto (currency, token, new ICOs) and traditional (stocks, futures, currencies) assets, covering the US, European, Asian and Australian exchanges that we provide predictive analytics for;
  • Increase the range of analytical product types for our Token holder audience: an advanced ranking system (tokens and coins, traditional financial assets), Hybrid Intelligence Heat Maps (tokens and coins, traditional financial assets), Short- and Long-term Countertrend Indicators, Black Swan Indicators, Super-loser Indicators, etc.;
  • In-depth ICO analysis: our in-depth research and consultation with ICO investors and crypto hedge funds have proven that there is high demand for professional ICO analysis and our aim is to build the first composite analysis for upcoming token sales: Price Action Indicators, Capital-to-raise Indicators, Advanced Ranking System, Exchange Indicators, Heat Maps;
  • Products using NLP (natural language processing) technology;
  • Roboadvising for crypto markets;
  • Cryptometer: activation of new exchanges and currency pairs, triangular arbitrage support;
  • Execution trading bot for arbitrage and other automated trading strategies (all-time high breakthrough for instance);
  • Products which allow direct interaction with Hybrid Intelligence, in particular setting customised questions and gaining access to interaction with top analysts;
  • Development of new analytical product distribution solutions for Cindicator clients (SaaS mobile apps, API, bots);
  • Development and improvement of interfaces and graphic representation of indicators;
  • Tech partnerships/integration with related services: stock exchanges, terminals, news feeds, etc.

Business model, CND Token economy and pricing policy

Analytical products and access in exchange for CND Tokens forms the basis of the inner life and economy of the Cindicator ecosystem. Their distribution and use have multiple implicit applications.

We are planning to conduct a series of experiments in our product pricing policy so as to promote the growth of the fundamentals of the Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem (demand for products, effectiveness of utilisation, ecosystem development) as efficiently as possible.

For the most exclusive Hybrid Intelligence products, we are planning to implement a pricing system based on auction and competition for access. This system will allow traders and funds to compete between themselves for the right to gain access to products. Auctions and competitions will be used to provide access to those products which can be accessed by one or several market participants only. The advantage of competitive access to our ecosystem is that the Token holders interested in the products, on the one hand, can determine the price themselves, which will also have a positive influence on the creation of the dynamic motivation fund for the system’s analysts, and on the other hand will contribute to the development of the adjacent sections of the ecosystem (for instance, the most accurate analysts from the top echelon, who provide the greatest contribution to the ecosystem, will be granted priority access to exclusive trading signals).

We will also develop and strengthen the team’s connections to our most effective users, so that the analytical product can be as comprehensive as possible for the purposes of ecosystem development.

Collective forecasting platform

We will continue to develop our ecosystem’s core — the platform which brings together the collective intelligence of tens of thousands of decentralised finance analysts. Our key areas of work are:

  • Monthly updates to the platform, enhancing the quality of interaction with the platform, the stability of its functions and introducing new features;
  • Development of a financial and non-financial incentive system for analysts, enhancing this system and therefore promoting market analysis of higher quality and broader range;
  • Training analysts; an internal programme intended to enhance market knowledge and forecasting skills; partnerships and joint projects with institutional representatives and other organisations;
  • Launch of the Hybrid Intelligence portfolio for the creation of a dynamic prize fund.

Technological development (AI, ML, NLP, Neural networks)

In 2018 we expect exponential growth in the number of Cindicator analysts and, as a result, exponential growth in the quantity of data collected for the training of machine learning models and in the load on our systems.

In order to provide continued support for the effective work of our financial analysts, we are planning significant infrastructural development, both in terms of system logic and system load, failure resistance, stability and, most importantly of all, the security of all ecosystem participants.

The expected growth in the number of finance analysts will give us the possibility to connect different types of neural networks to existing model ensembles, and to connect many other machine-learning models which were not available to us in previous analyses of gathered data.This will allow us to migrate completely to deep learning in the training of the Hybrid Intelligence.

In 2018 we are also planning to expand our data sources for the Hybrid Intelligence and expand the reach of the HI market, not only in terms of analysts, but also in terms of Internet sources (social media, news resources and blogs) using NLP (natural language processing) technology.

Thanks to this, we can predict an increase in the quality and precision of existing and future products.

Partnerships and business development

We believe that the next significant phase in global intelligence development for the new economic system in 2018 will be the symbiotic integration of a new breed of strategically thinking networked organisations, like the Cindicator Hybrid Intelligence system, and for the key institutions of the existing economic system, readying them for the transformations that the future will bring.

Thus, based on the growth of the fundamentals of the HI economy, we will create an ideological synergy for the benefit of the entire ecosystem:

  1. Partnerships with exchanges — analytical products, special projects and market making strategies;
  2. Assistance to and collaboration with other DAO projects in order to develop the intelligence of the global ecosystem of the new economy, driving global innovation and ensuring sustainable, intelligent growth for the new economy;
  3. International offices or representatives in different countries — the USA, China, Japan, Australia, Europe;
  4. Educational programmes: organisation of online/offline lectures and courses using curricula from universities and online platforms;
  5. Continued listing at top exchanges;
  6. Pilot projects with partner blockchain, crypto, financial and data science companies in order to jointly create products and develop technologies;
  7. Partnerships with international financial and analytics companies on the creation of joint analytics products and the launch of efficient channels for the distribution of our products;
  8. Partnerships with major venture funds in order to create specialised products for the VC market;
  9. Promotion of our products on the global markets for hedge funds, venture funds, PE funds, and analytics companies to increase usage of Cindicator products.

Development of expertise in researching aspects of Hybrid Intelligence functionality.

In 2018 we intend to continue to deepen our experiments in the investigation of the collective intelligence phenomenon.

An important aspect in the evolution of this phenomenon is the development of feedback loops between participants of the ecosystem and raising awareness of Hybrid Intelligence as an entire symbiotic existence. We will therefore continue developing the relationships between our product users, analysts, contributors and other ecosystem participants.

We will train the HI to look for key growth points in the new economy and make a conscious effort to focus the attention of the entire HI on its development as a symbiotic and effective collective mind. In 2018 we shall see the first training steps allowing the HI not only to predict the future, but also to determine the future, benefiting the complete HI ecosystem in particular and the new economy in general.

Team development

In 2018 we are planning to conduct experiments on the formation and research of strategic decision-making systems with the help of the active part of the Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem. We will also continue launching external sprints in all areas of the company’s development, making the most effective possible use of the relationship between our active community members and the Cindicator system as a whole.

We will enhance the quantity and quality of internal competences and expand our team:

  1. The scientific team consisting of data scientists and mathematicians (after the Token sale we have already been joined by six new data science researchers; we will publish a separate post regarding the current growth of the team and its new members a little later on);
  2. Quant traders and financial analyst teams;
  3. Expansion of the student internship programme;
  4. Expansion of the Content & Community Team;
  5. Expansion of the User Acquisition & Activation Team for all types of products for the efficient implementation of the global market strategy.

This will be a very interesting and busy year. We are very excited about this opportunity to become the market leader in predictive analytics and Hybrid Intelligence technologies for financial and related markets.

Our team is proud to have such a strong and dedicated community, making the Cindicator ecosystem truly one of a kind.

We see an ecosystem of incredible scale and depth, whose influence is growing right before our eyes.

We now have the rare opportunity to join a revolutionary social and technological ecosystem in the early stages of its evolution.

Expand your intelligence, and share this story with your trusted friends to join the future.

Let’s make the new economy more intelligent,

The Cindicator team.

