Q1-2018 Roadmap

9 min readJan 31, 2018


Dear participants of the Cindicator ecosystem!

As we have said already (check out our annual action plan), 2018 is set to be a very busy year for our company, the Cindicator ecosystem, and the market as a whole.

We have outlined the key growth points for the New Year in all areas of our activities, and are now working actively on each and every one of them. In this post we will give a more detailed account of our development plan for the first quarter of 2018.

0. Expanding the Cindicator team

There’s a good reason why we put this point in ‘zeroth’ place. Our goals are very ambitious and out of the ordinary, and they require more resources than we currently have. This means bringing in more highly qualified specialists across different areas. After all, it’s people who are going to make the roadmap a reality.

At present, our team comprises 31 full time employees and 23 technical, financial, marketing and legal advisers and consultants (plus seven partner companies).

Cindicator’s current company structure:

  • Data science team — 8 members;
  • Analytical team — 6 members;
  • Product & dev team — 10 members;
  • Support & community team — 4 members;
  • Management team — 3 members.

At the start of the quarter we developed a process for finding and recruiting the specialists we need. In addition to the company’s internal resources, including its reputation and HR, we also enlisted the help of several professional HR agencies.

There are currently 13 vacancies at Cindicator. The processes we have devised consist of a series of successive stages, including carrying out specific tasks and undergoing an intensive testing and trial period. Each week we review over 500 candidates who enter our recruitment funnel.

Since December we have already welcomed the following new employees to our team:

  • 5 data scientists;
  • 3 financial analysts;
  • DevOps engineer;
  • SEO engineer;
  • Support manager;
  • 2 product managers.

By the end of the quarter we aim to expand our capabilities in the following areas:

  • 2 backend developers;
  • DevOps engineer;
  • Algorithmic trader;
  • Quant trader;
  • QA engineer;
  • UX analyst;
  • iOS developer;
  • Android developer;
  • Frontend developer;
  • 1–2 traders;
  • Analysts (we are about to present a totally unexpected process for recruiting new analysts at Cindicator);
  • Head of marketing;
  • Marketing manager;
  • PR manager;
  • Content manager;
  • PR agency.

1. Cindicator Collective Intelligence platform

Key tasks for the web and mobile development team to the end of the quarter:

  1. Displaying forecast history, points calculation and funds won. As the incentives system improved, a majority of our analysts began to check their balance on a daily basis. A positive balance of any size can now be converted into cash, and we are working to make the process for doing this more user friendly.
  2. Introducing a new question category: predicting the date on which a given event will occur. This could take the form of a question about prices (when will Bitcoin reach a certain price level?) or an event indirectly affecting the market (when will the SEC announce a new official document regulating the ICO market?). The new question category will allow analysts to apply their predictive skills more widely, and will in future become a valuable analytical product.
  3. Implementing achievements and updating the statistics screen. Training is an important aspect of the platform’s value to a large proportion of our analysts, and the development team aims to provide analysts with an effective tool to track their progress before the end of the quarter.

We will continue to release updates to our applications roughly every fortnight, increasing overall stability, removing bugs, improving the user interface and adding new functionality.

In the first month of 2018 we have already rolled out updates to our iOS and web applications which, in addition to debugging and increased stability, offered useful new features:

  • Redesigned filters, with a filter for all answered questions in the Past tab;
  • Improved UX for account editing.

Upgrades to the incentives system for analysts

A logical step forward in the development of the incentives system for active analysts will be the introduction of non-financial rewards. This quarter we will roll out several innovations simultaneously:

  • Access to Cindicator Bot for the best performing analysts of the month;
  • Access to new analytical products for ratings leaders in specific assets;
  • Built-in tools allowing analysts to track their progress.

Community public sprints

The decentralised Collective Intelligence community will become even more autonomous, and will have an even more active role in the collective process for taking decisions on the development of the entire ecosystem. We are continuing to develop our system for collective, community-based decision-making in the run up to a new public sprint.

All tasks from the first sprint have now been completed except the improvement to the statistics screen, which has been moved to the second sprint in view of its complex implications for other tasks associated with a significant overhaul of the statistics screen. The next sprint will start at the beginning of February and will run until the end of the quarter. In the upcoming sprint we are planning to involve the community not just in voting on and prioritising tasks, but in working directly on their implementation (crowdsourcing ideas for achievements, feedback on redesign, etc.). We will also introduce an incentives system for the most active and valued contributors to the sprint.

2. Cryptometer 2.1–2.3

We are readying the release of the next version of the arbitrage bot, which will include a number of significant improvements:

  • Better range of currency pairs;
  • UX redesign: there will be a redesign of the main menu as well as enhanced functionality (introduction of new markets and currencies, new settings);
  • Ability to set different thresholds for different pairs;
  • Three-point arbitrage — triangular arbitrage for several currency groupings (of two or more). To be included in the upcoming second plan of the product.
  • Volume increase alert — alerts indicating when a given asset is seeing significantly increased trading volumes on a particular day. To be included in the upcoming second version of the product.

3. Analytical products — Cindicator Bot

Since December we have been conducting a number of serious investigations into binary questions and developed a new model, offering a tangible improvement on existing models in terms of accuracy. The model has already undergone forward testing and will be moved into production in February.

In January, when a sharp fall was seen in the value of all assets on the crypto market, we collected price statistics from our forecasters. We are now developing ML models on the basis of this data, which will vastly improve the accuracy of indicators in case of a sharp drop in the market. Some of these will be moved into production in February and March.

Our researchers are now focusing on single- and double-price indicators with a view to making them significantly more accurate.

Furthermore, in the first quarter of 2018 the Cindicator Bot will see new functionality added:

  • Additional info related to indicator reliability: sometimes Cindicator Bot users need to know more than just the value of the indicator. They also need to understand to what extent the indicator can be trusted. A number of parameters will be added to the indicator, allowing users to determine the degree of its reliability;
  • New indicators: the majority of the new indicators will be connected to ICO and token sale analysis (exchange listing indicators, post-token sale growth of tokens etc.), but most importantly we will be giving a limited number of token holders the opportunity to send questions to Hybrid Intelligence.

4. Portfolio adviser for crypto economy

We will be presenting a new product, the likes of which have never been seen before on the market — a comprehensive analytical system (based on indicators), tracking company tokens in the ICO and post-ICO periods using Hybrid Intelligence. This will be a separate product with its own pricing structure, and will meet the growing demand among investors for crypto economics solutions.

The comprehensive analysis will include ICO rankings and information about tokens’ growth/fall prospects after market listing.

After completing their ICOs, selected companies will be added to a list for analysis by Hybrid Intelligence. Using Hybrid Intelligence, we will be able to assist crypto investors, providing them with timely trading indicators to help them to make their investment decisions.

Limited access to these analytical products will be regulated by our tiered access policy, based on CND token ownership. We are developing the access system in anticipation of the release of the first products. The access system will be dynamic, and will be updated constantly to reflect the continuing growth of the Cindicator economy.

5. Working with active token holders and the community

We have embarked on a path of development for new type of decentralised organisation, in which the ecosystem’s active participants take a direct role in the direction of the company’s development, and are now seeing the first positive results. We are currently developing a structure of incentives for active and valued participants, and will present its first iteration in the near future. All the contributions participants have made will be recorded and taken into account. In the first quarter of 2018 we will launch two sprints in new areas, calling on the new skills of participants of the Cindicator ecosystem.

Analytical products sprint launch

Around 70 people participated in the sprint, with some contributing worthwhile ideas and others taking an active role in the voting process. The results of our sprint made it clear which features were most in demand among the community, helping us to set our priorities for product development. These priorities have already been added to the list of innovations planned for rollout in the first quarter.

Work on the features selected as a result of the vote will be completed in the second half of the quarter. Participants can find a more detailed list of the features which came up during the sprint in the Doing section of the website. If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know in our private Discord channel. If you require access to the channel, please fill out the form.

Marketing sprint launch

We will be assembling a fully-fledged marketing team in Q1 meaning that, in addition to the launch of our global marketing strategy, we will be able to hold our first proper sprint involving all active members of our community with hard skills in digital marketing, tech PR, SMM, performance marketing, and growth hacking.

6. Marketing & business development

Our team and partners have begun to implement their global marketing strategy for 2018. The strategy is already seeing impressive results, with the number of analysts on the platform almost doubling in January, from 38,000 to 72,000. Growth continues apace.

We have set ourselves the goal of topping 100,000 analysts on the platform by the end of the first quarter. For us, however, quality is more important than quantity, and we will carry on working intensively to increase the incentive and long-term interest of analysts so that they continue to actively contribute their intelligence, making Hybrid Intelligence as effective as possible.

We will continue to develop and to create long-term partnerships with exchanges, laying the foundations for future integration, launching join analytical products and creating convenient ways to purchase CND tokens for professional market players interested in our technologies and analytical products.

In the first quarter of 2018 we also plan to bring speakers to a number of major events, giving us a platform to share our knowledge and experience, and to tell the global community about the progress of Cindicator and our unique technology. Our founders have already confirmed their participation in TOKEN 2049 in Hong Kong and at the major Nordic IoT Week tech summit in Helsinki.

We are working continuously to promote our products and technologies to professional traders, investors, analytics companies and funds. Our aim is for the percentage of token holders actively using all the products available to them to reach 100%. Expanding our tariff options and product range will also allow us to work effectively with a broad cross section of individual traders, offering them valuable alternative predictive products, which for a number of reasons were not available to them previously.

We take huge inspiration from being at the cutting edge of technological and economic progress. This is what motivates us to grow each and every day, creating unique products and studying every aspect of our activity. We look at every single possibility to synergise the collective intelligence of people and combine it with artificial intelligence. We invite you to join us on this journey!

Let’s make the new economy more intelligent,

The Cindicator team.

