
4 min readSep 21, 2017


Dear Cindicator friends,

Let us share with you some details about the upcoming Tier-4 of our White List Token Sale.

To ensure the same level of security and steadiness as we had in the previous tiers, we will divide Tier-4 into a few queues.

Queue 1:

Start Time: 3 PM UTC, Friday, September 22.

Finish Time: 3 PM UTC, Saturday, September 23.

All the participants allocated to this queue will receive the invitation today, before the start. They will have 24 hours to buy CND tokens. A number of participants is limited in order to guarantee that our maximum hard cap ($15 million) will not be reached during this queue sale. Therefore, each participant of this queue will be able to purchase tokens before the deadline.

Queue 2:

Start Time: 3 PM UTC Saturday, September 23.

Finish Time: 3 PM UTC Sunday, September 24.

Queue 2 starts after the finish of Queue 1. We recommend not to wait until the very deadline with the purchase: Starting from this queue we can’t guarantee availability of CND tokens for each participant — there is a chance that max hard cap will be reached.

In order to decrease possible turmoil, we will invite a limited number of participants to this and the following queue.

All the participants of Queue 2 will receive invitations on Friday, approximately at 6 PM UTC.

The following queues (Queue 3, Queue 4, Queue 5, etc):

Start immediately after the previous queue finishes (For example: Queue 3 will start at 3 PM UTC Sunday, September 24) and lasts for 24 hours. All the participants will receive invitations approximately before 24 hours before their queue starts.

Individual caps for Tier-4 (actual for each queue):

min cap = $50

max cap = $2,500

ETH/USD rate will be fixed before Tier-4 starts and will be the same for each queue.

Only whitelisted participants can participate in Tier-4 Token Sale. Transactions will only be accepted from ETH-address listed in the applications. We remind you that your wallet must be compatible with ERC-20 tokens.


How do you choose participants?

We have shared our vision and philosophy in this article. For Tier-4 we also introduced an additional metric to exclude fake applications: social media account and email verification. We also look through all the information you put into the fields which explain your vision of your participation and contribution to Hybrid Intelligence. Thus we use multiple factors to select the participants.

When will the Token Sale end?

Token Sale will end when the maximum hard cap ($15 million) is reached OR on October 12 — whatever happens first.

How do you calculate the total cap?

The total is calculated as the following: First, we calculate each Tier value in USD: we multiple ETH collected in each tier by the fixed ETH/USD rate used for this tier. Then we sum up all the tiers values.

If I was in the Queue 1 of the Tier-4 but didn’t have time to buy the tokens — can I do that in the following queues?

Yes, you can: but the token sale will end after the max hard cap is reached, so you might miss your chance.

How many queues will be there?

Number of queues depends on when we reach the hard cap: there will be as many queues as we need to reach the hard cap before October 12 . If we reach the hard cap during queue 2, there will be no more queues — so Tier-4 will consist of 2 queues in this case. If we reach the hard cap during queue 6 — then there will be just 6 queues.

Please remember about the security:

Start of each queue of the Tier-4 sale will be announced simultaneously in three separate Cindicator’s channels: on Twitter, Telegram and by email.

We will publish the full address of our ETH contract only on the Token Sale page of our website. The 7 last digits of this address will also be published: on our Twitter, Telegram channel and in the letter. Please make sure that the ETH address on the website ends on the same digits that were published in the channels before making a transaction.

Please remember to carefully inspect the email that invites you to your queue of Tier-4. In case of any suspicion, please contact the team at our telegram chat: we are present there all time.

Please do not act in haste! Even if you are concerned about missing the opportunity to buy our tokens, please be cautious. Losing your money by phishing attack is much worse than missing your place in a queue.

We remind you that there are no bonuses or discounts.

You can only buy our tokens from our official token sale web page.

Please stay safe!


Cindicator Team.

