The Best Slack Teams For Developers in Vancouver

Meet, reconnect, and learn something new with your fellow YVR developers and beyond :)

3 min readMay 18, 2017
CodeCore classroom in Vancouver, 📸: Jennifer Chin

We’re addicted to Slack, and no it’s not just because it’s #BCTech (Stewart Butterfield). Slack is an extremely convenient and easy way to keep tabs on the tech community, most of which also use Slack internally. At CodeCore, we use Slack to stay in touch with the 550+ members of our community made up of Alumni, TAs, Instructors, and Staff. Here are our top recommendations for developers who want to stay connected:

Protip: if you’re an active member on more than one Slack team, get the desktop app to switch between teams more easily, and never miss out on that awesome thread, or sweet job opportunity.

Vancouver Developers

The largest developer focused Slack team in Vancouver with over 1600 developers and counting, this group is a goldmine for everything from data science, to job opportunities, with 98 other channels to choose from we’re positive you’ll find your niche. In addition, they’ve utilized Sameroom to connect several other big dev Slacks (Including CodeCore!) into the #vandevs channel so that staying connected just got even easier.


A community for entrepreneurs and startups, this group is run by the stellar team at Wantoo and has a reputation for always being ready to lend a helping hand. Those looking for dev-specific conversation can check out the #dev_engineering or #talent channels.

Women Who Code Vancouver

Women Who Code (WWCode) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. They work to support this generation of technology professionals in being and becoming leaders and role models in the tech industry, and is one of the largest communities of women engineers in the world, garnering a membership of more than 50,000 people in 20 countries. The Vancouver chapter only started this year, but already they have 900+ members on Meetup, help them grow even more!


The Open Data Society is a non-profit, member-driven organization created to promote and support open data initiatives in BC. They are a collection of independent designers, programmers, data management experts and analysts passionate about making our province even better. They also host a ton of cool events like hackathons, seminars, and show & tells, so be sure to join their Meetup as well!


An awesome Slack team that came out of the VanVR Meetup, this community will is your prime resource for chatting and connecting with local VR startups and developers.


Suggested and founded by Shawn Mayzes in Vancouver. This is one of the top PHP + Laravel online communities, and currently has over 16,937 members worldwide. As a plus, they also operate a pretty slick podcast called LaraChat Live with speakers from PHP Unicorn, DevDojo, Laravel News, and more!


Suggested and founded by Shawn Mayzes in Vancouver. Love devops and want to connect with other people who share your passion? DevOpsChat is 5878 members strong and counting!

Outside of Vancouver and Beyond


These are just a few of many awesome Slack Teams out there, but if you think we missed a really good one, comment below and we’d be happy to add it to our list!

CodeCore is a full-stack web development bootcamp based out of Vancouver, BC that specializes in JavaScript, Node, React, Ruby on Rails, and lots of other awesome tech. We help aspiring developers gain the practical skills they need to succeed on the job. We are also hosting our next Demo Day on May 25 for those looking to add some junior developer talent to their roster or start their career in code. RSVP HERE

And for those out of town, it will be live streamed on Facebook at 6PM here:




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