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Here Are 5 Fun Questions! Answer In The Comments!

Let’s Play A Fun Game : )

2 min readMay 29, 2022


So, I while back I made a blog about 7 questions you had to answer in the comments( read it here). And I love reading the responses there. So I thought I’d write another blog, now with 5 questions, and again please answer them in the comments : ) !

  1. What’s your favourite thing you own and why?- For me it would be my PC Setup. I love that thing. No reason in particular, I just happen to be a pc nerd who likes building PCs and having clean setups.
  2. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?- Either Garry Vee or Steph Curry. Garry Vee because I genuinely think he’s a cool dude, and I could probably learn a few things. Steph Curry because he’s my favourite celebrity and I think he’s fun to hang around.
  3. What’s the worst thing you did as a kid?- I once stole a bakugan( I was a pretty big Bakugan fan back in the day) in kindergarten. The funniest thing here is that I literally told my mom, I stole that. But then I got a lecture on why stealing is bad and I returned it( however I didn’t tell them I stole their toy, rather I made a story up).
  4. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?- Taking out the trash.
  5. What is your favourite form of exercise?- Cardio. For some reason.

