4 min readOct 6, 2018


If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die - Warren Buffett

ANON is rising as one of the strongest privacy cryptocurrency with fact it is truly anonymous as well as decentralised. But there is one important feature which should not be ignored as it is adding high value to ANON- that is MASTERNODE . Yes you read correctly — ANON supports MASTERNODE.

Before we come to the todays topic, Lets first understand Masternode, its value addition to any cryptocurrency and how it is profitable for its investors.


Masternode is simply a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that keeps the full copy of the blockchain in real-time, and is always up & running. Masternodes perform several other functions apart from just keeping the full blockchain and relaying blocks/transactions as a full node does.

Some of the special functions that these nodes perform are:

  • Increasing privacy of transactions
  • Doing instant transactions
  • Participating in governance and voting
  • Enable budgeting and treasury system in cryptos

These masternodes are not standalone but they are always communicating with other such nodes to make a decentralized network and are often referred in short form as MN.

Just like full nodes in a cryptocurrency, masternodes can be run by anyone. However, there is an entry barrier in place to ensure that the system doesn’t get malicious. The entry barrier is what one needs to commit or collateralize certain units of that particular cryptocurrency to run a masternode.

Now that you have understood the concept of masternode, let us see what all things are required to set it up:

  • One needs a minimum amount of coins of that particular crypto. (For DASH MN you need 1000 DASH units and for PIVX MN you need 10,000 PIVX units) So this minimum number varies from crypto to crypto
  • One needs a VPS or server to host that wallet for 24 x 7
  • One needs a dedicated IP address for that
  • One needs some storage space to save the blockchain

How Are Masternodes Useful For Cryptocoin Investors?

Masternodes are very useful for crypto investors because of running a masternode you are incentivized. Consider it just like earning a monthly or weekly interest on your crypto holdings. I call it SMART PASSIVE INCOME.


ANON Masternode

As of 6th Oct 2018, 1 ANON price is just $0.52 at super cheap privacy coin. ANON masternode setup required only 500 ANON, which makes ANON the cheapest masternode cryptocurrency.

500 ANON = 1 ANON Masternode (Just $260)

ANON Price


Though ANON is born just 1 month back,currently total 1796 ANON masternode is up and running (while writing this blog).

This big numbers of ANON masternode running count justify popularity of ANON masternode and show cryptocurrency space has big trust in ANON’s vision and upcoming success.

Live statistics can be checked on

ANON Masternode Live Stats


ANON masternode setup process is super simple and even a newbie can setup ANON masternode easily with following simple steps.

Few ANON community members also written step by step guide to help ANON community and shared with us. Whosoever wants to setup ANON masternode can follow these trusted and approved guides and can setup ANON masternode by themselves.

Follow my ANON MN Setup Guide (1 Click MN via HostingStudio VPS)- For Windows

  1. Cryptoangel ANON MN Setup Guide For Windows

Some other ANON MN Setup Guide-

2. ANON MN Setup Guide For Linux

3. DarthCrypto ANON MN Setup Guide for Windows

In case technical assistance is needed, ANON also provides MN setup support to its community, Feel free to reach on ANON Technical Support channel on telegram-


While setting up a masternode, investor always needs to see the masternode setup cost and ROI to identify if setting up masternode is profitable or not, Masternode should be profitable as it is a way to earn while you are doing nothing — Its your PASSIVE INCOME.

Here is my short analysis to make your decision easy on choosing masternode for yourself — where ANON easily running ahead on all comparison factors as MN Setup Cost and ANNUAL ROI.

PS- Statistics of all cryptocureencyare collected from

Masternode ROI Comparison

If you see my comparison analysis, you will find ANON is certainly the best masternode as it is super cheap and has best ROI annually. Given that ANON is just born and has big space to grow from price perspective. however I would advice DYOR.

So guys what are you thinking now Ger your ANON masternode and earn while you are sleeping.

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die — Warren Buffett

If this blog helped you identifying your favourite masternode and setting up ANON masternode and you want to say thanks, feel free to tip me:

ANON: AnTrRhU4u1dYKsM1Tyq88HuCA7tHZo9yWMn
ZClassic: t1WWN5zyQpnKpzr4wYTWVpKAFh6Jugruzsv
Bitcoin: 1Pb2yU1u6Cwv3ix2vrw2dTAagvvSjDkoZr

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Thank you All!!!



