How to do a Kettlebell Swing

Craig Marker
4 min readNov 24, 2018

The kettlebell swing is a fundamental skill that is great for beginner to advanced athletes. It has almost magical properties, in that it increases strength in many domains. The reversal of momentum of a heavy object is one of the reasons for many of the effects. The body learns to absorb force and quickly turn it around in a similar fashion to Verkhoshansky’s depth jumps.

In this article, we will discuss the hard-style swing popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline. The Girevoy Sport style swing is a great exercise that relies on efficiency of movement, so that one can perform it for long durations. The hard-style swing relies on putting maximum effort into each rep. It emphasizes explosiveness over efficiency.

Key Kettlebell Swing Components

There are key points to remember in the kettlebell swing:

  • Hinge, don’t squat: The swing is a simple exercise that is done wrong in so many popular media sources. It is not a squat movement, but a hip-hinge movement. That means that the hips go back (hinge), and the knees only bend slightly (they bend…



Craig Marker

Craig Marker, Ph.D. CSCS, Associate Professor, is a health psychologist who has spent his life trying to help people improve their lives.