MetaMask NFT Guide: How to buy MATIC for the POLYGON network with NO GAS FEES

Crypto Cruisers
5 min readOct 15, 2021


In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to buy MATIC on the POLYGON network for your MetaMask account without having to pay any bridge fees or gas fees. If you have cold hard cash and want to go out and buy/support a MATIC NFT project, but also don’t want to spend an insane amount on fees, this is the guide for you! If your sick of having to wait until 4am on a Sunday morning to avoid Gas Fees, this is the guide for you!

This is the cheapest, best, money saving method on the market, there’s only one, 5 MATIC fee. I’ll be using Coinbase, Kucoin in this tutorial. (

  1. Go to Coinbase, and buy/exchange for ALGO coin, the reason we’re using ALGO, is because there’s about a 30% fee associated with withdrawing and depositing MATIC onto Kucoin; were as ALGO is essentially fee-less. ALGO will serve as our middle man. (note Kucoin has a minimum withdrawal amount of 40 MATIC, and a SET 5 MATIC fee, so make sure you buy around $75 worth, or ~45 MATIC, the more you buy the better, the 5 MATIC fee is 5 no matter how much you send, it’s constant)
ALGO fees vs MATIC fees

2. Once you have about (45 Matic/~$75 usd) of ALGO, you want to head over to Kucoin and create an account and obtain your Kucoin deposit address.

> side note, I believe there is also a 24h withdrawal hold for new accounts on Kucoin, but once you get past that, this process is a breeze for new

3. Copy your address over to Coinbase, and send your ALGO to Kucoin. In my example, I’ll be using $60 worth of ALGO (but I already had $40 in my wallet on Kucoin to mitigate the withdrawal fee). This transaction should take under 5 minutes.

only .52 cents in fees. not bad at all.

4. Once your ALGO arrives in Kucoin, you want to head over to your trading account and verify that it’s all there. You may need to search for it, just type in, “ALGO” in the search bar.

5. Click Trade, right under Operation, and a drop down menu should appear, you’re going to want to select ALGO/BTC.

6. Once you click ALGO/BTC, this menu will appear and you’re going to want click MARKET, 100% and then click SELL ALGO. This will convert your ALGO coin into BTC. You’ll receive a notification that it went through.

7. Now, once confirmed, click Assets, and return to the Trading Account Menu.

8. Once in the trading account menu, Search, “matic”, in the search bar, and select MATIC/BTC

9. Once again, you’re going to want to click Market, 100%, except this time, you’re going to want to click, “BUY MATIC”.

10. Once your order is confirmed, click on Assets, and go back to your trading account.

11. You’re now going to want to click Transfer, and a menu will appear. Transfer you Trading Account balance to your Main Account. Click the blue numbers next to Available Amount, and click “Confirm”

12. Once you click confirm, your then going to want to go to Main Account, search matic, and click on withdraw (as you can see, I already had 60 Matic in my main account, for a total of ~103)

13.This menu will appear, click the box, and then continue.

14. These next two steps are crucial. You’re then going to want to go to Metamask. Make sure your on the Polygon network and copy your wallet address. It will say, Polygon in the top right of your Metamask wallet. (if you haven’t added Polygon to your Metamask wallet, please follow the guide to do so here: )

15. Once you copy your wallet address, paste it into the withdraw box. Make sure you select, MATIC in the network box and click confirm. (there is a 5 MATIC fee for withdrawals, but the fee isn’t variable, it will always be 5 MATIC). You have to select MATIC for the network!!

16. You’re now done and can freely purchase and mint NFTs using MATIC on the polygon network. Again, this is the cheapest method to obtain MATIC that I know of. You essentially just saved yourself hundreds of dollars in fees! Congratulations.

If you’d like to support me and test out your new MATIC coin, feel free to check out my NFT project down below. I will be doing a follow up post on how to do this same process, but for withdrawals. Thank you everyone!

