Sell Your Music for XRP

Craig DeWitt
5 min readNov 30, 2019


Note: This is a personal project and still in Beta.

Sell Your Music for XRP

Sell your music in xSongs. Receive and manage your XRP in Payburner.

xSongs is a marketplace that lets creators sell their digital content for digital assets. Musicians can sell their music and receive 100% of the revenue through peer to peer payments in XRP. That’s right, 100%!

To get paid in XRP, you need to create a wallet in Payburner.

Payburner is an integrated payment system built on top of the XRP Ledger (XRPL). Payburner is the API and brains behind xSongs. (It will be available to developers soon, so if you have a website from where you want to accept payments, let me know!)

xSongs is in Beta but now you can upload and sell your music within a few minutes. There will be bugs and UX issues, so please reach out with any issues and feedback to @CryptoCwby on Twitter. We’ll keep working to make this a better experience!

High Level Steps

Selling your music at requires that you:

  1. Create a Payburner XRP wallet.
  2. Upload your music to xSongs.

Create a Payburner XRP Wallet

For new users, this section explains how to create an XRP wallet in Payburner. Later, we explain how to upload songs to xSongs so you can get paid for your music.

  1. Go to, click the ☰ icon in the upper left and select “Sell My Music on xSongs Store”. Click through the “Connection with Payburner” request.
  2. Within “Create Account” choose “Fund a new account with an invitation code”. Send a minimum of 21 XRP to the XRP Address and Destination Tag displayed.
    Note: 20 XRP will be reserved by the XRP ledger for every new account. Any additional XRP you send will be available for you in your Payburner account.
  3. Click the generated Payburner invitation code link and follow instructions to create your Password, User ID and Display Name.
    Remember to export and save your account profile file! Only you have this information and without it, you cannot log into your account. There is no recovery if you lose this file.

Tip: You can create multiple accounts with the same password.

Pro-Tip: If you have music to upload but cannot afford 21 XRP, DM @CryptoCwby on Twitter and Craig will personally fund the invitation code for you.

Now we’ll go over the above steps with pictures. Your account creation flow will look like this. First go to

Click the ☰ icon in the upper left.
Select “Sell My Music on xSongs Store” and click through the next request to Connect with Payburner.
Within Create Account, select the option to “Fund a new account with an invitation code”. Note: Existing users will have the ability to select either “log in” to input a password or Import Account to upload a saved Account Profile File.
Send a minimum of 21 XRP to the XRP Address and Destination tag displayed on your screen. The above is an example, do not send XRP to the above example. You can send XRP from another wallet or withdraw from a Digital Asset exchange. If you don’t have an exchange account yet, here is a Coinbase referral code:
Once the XRP has been sent, click the invite code displayed on your screen. This will take you to the account creation portal for Payburner. Follow the instructions to create your personal password, user name and display name. Save you account file!
You’ll see a screen like this once you’ve successfully created your Payburner wallet.

Remember: Save your exported Account Profile

It is important that you export your Payburner credentials and store the file securely to maintain access to your XRP. Payburner is a non-custodial wallet which means the key to your XRP wallet is generated on your computer only. Only you can recover this account.

When you first log in to Payburner, you are prompted to export your account credentials, but you can always export again from the user account drop down, in the top right. Be sure to save the `payburner-credentials-<userid>.json` file in a safe place!

The exported account is a JSON file with your private XRP address information. Do not show it to others; keep it for account recovery. Anyone with this information can log into your account. You will also need your credentials file when you log in to Payburner on a new device.

Remember to export and save the account profile!
Your XRP address is the string just below your XRP balance. You can send additional XRP to this balance. There is no need for a destination tag when sending additional XRP to this address. You can also send XRP from this account. Click the ☰ icon in the upper left to send XRP from this address.

Note: See the XRPL Docs for information on the XRP reserve. More information on Payburner can be found here.

Upload your music to sell on xSongs

xSongs allows you to upload your original music and sell it for XRP. No uploading fees, no processing fees, no platform fees. You keep 100% of the revenue. Once you have a Payburner account:

  1. Log into xSongs: Go to, click the ☰ icon in the upper left and select “Sell My Music on xSongs Store”. Click through the “Connection with Payburner” request. Click your account name, enter password and connect with Payburner.
  2. Within the xSongs Publisher, click the + sign in the upper right and follow the directions to upload your music.

Now we’ll go over the above steps with pictures. Your account creation flow will look like this. Now that you have a Payburner account, go to

Click the ☰ icon in the upper left.
Select “Sell My Music on xSongs Store” and click through the next request to Connect with Payburner.
Click the text of your username, enter your password and connect with Payburner.
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see a blank screen on the xSongs Publisher page. Click the + to upload your music.
Fill out the information for your uploaded song. Only MP3s and MP4s are currently supported. The most common price for songs on xSongs is 1 XRP. There is a file size limit of about 30 minutes.
Successfully uploaded songs will look like this screen. You will immediately be able to sell your music if all symbols are green. Turn off selling your music by click the green globe icon.

You are warned when you upload a song that is copyrighted:

xSongs checks for copyright infringement when you upload music. It will let you upload anything but only let you sell original music. If your music fails the copywrite review and you have the proof of copywrite ownership, DM @CryptoCwby on Twitter.

