Hold’em Poker Tips — Part 1

Social Cryptonia Poker
3 min readApr 15, 2018


A good poker player knows the odds of the game.

If you want to evaluate the game on the table and the cards in your hand while playing, then follow our 5-part guide on statistics related to Texas Hold’em Poker.

This evaluation of cards and odds of getting them in the game will help you make many important calls.

Let’s look at a few important possibilities.

  1. Flush Draw

Here is an interesting statistic — If the flop has been dealt, and you have a flush draw, you have quite a good chance to be happy. By quite good, we mean almost 34.97%

2. Top and premium hands

A premium hand is one with double aces, A-K suites and pairs of picture cards. The chances of getting these hole cards to start with is quite small.

There is only 2.1% probability of you getting a premium starting hand.

There are two things to consider — firstly, to play big, if you get these cards, keep an eye on the cards on the table to ensure that the overall game makes sense for you, and secondly, don’t wait to get these cards to play big, as the possibility of getting them is very small.

3. Pairs

This is something you should just know is true for everybody in the game. There is about 32,.43% chance that one of the hole cards in a players hand will make a pair on the flop.

4. Suits

If you have two cards from the same suit, don’t get too excited. We don’t want to kill your buzz, but this improve your hand by only 2.5%.

Remember that all these rules are true for everybody on the table. Play consciously, as the game is a lot about logic. You can win a lot if the odds are in your favour, but if it isn’t your day, then you can lose nothing or less if you play by logic.

May the odds be with you!!

If you want to play online poker in a safe and transparent environment, you can check out cryptonia.poker.

Cryptonia Poker is a blockchain-based platform that enable swift movement of funds, RNG and complete privacy of user accounts.

Read Part 2 of the story here.

