Hold’em Poker Tips — Part 2

Social Cryptonia Poker
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Hold’em Poker is a lot about logic. A smart player must know the odds of their winning, despite the fact that getting certain cards is purely based on luck. Logic can help one win or minimise losses in a poker game.

We are back to offer you some more stats about your Texas Hold’em poker games, so that you know the odds of your winning.

1. Coin-flip

In a classic situation, a coin flip occurs when a player is holding a pair, and the other one is holding two Over cards on the flop. Both the players have almost equal chance of winning, which is why it is called a coin-flip or race.

The pair has 46–54% chance of winning if the over cards are suited. The suited over cards may have a higher chance if they are separated from the pair by a large gap.

If the over cards are not suited, the pair may win 48–57% of the time.

2. Overpair

If there is a Pair vs pair situation, then there is 80% of the chance that the larger pair will win. So, if you have a pair of Jacks, and your opponent seems to be playing one raise over another, they might have a bigger pair than you do.

3. Bigger Kicker

If the two players have the same top card, then the person with the bigger kicker card will win about 76% of the time. In the above image, A7 has the winning cards.

4. Perfect cards

Getting two exact matching cards on turn and river can be very tricky. There is only 0.3% chance of getting an exact card on Turn, and if you get that card, there is only 4.55% chance that you’ll get the other one, too.

We hope you play your cards keeping the odds in mind.

May the odds be with you!

Read Part 1 of the story.

Read Part 3 of the story.

