HNW REFINERY — Let’s talk about the numbers 🔥

6 min readApr 13, 2022


Go to the REFINERY dashboard:
Wingman: 0x428a10825e3529D95dF8C5b841694318Ca95446f

If you haven’t read my other articles yet, I recommend you to do that first:

HNW REFINERY — up to 1.2% daily
HNW REFINERY — Dashboard explained

In my third article about HNW REFINERY I would like to present you some scenarios of different strategies and investment sizes. For this I have used a calculator. To use it yourself, you need to make a copy or export the calculator. Go left in the menu over File -> Create Copy

The original source code is from Kelly Snook, thanks a lot.

First I want to explain the functions of the calculator. You can find the navigation below in the tabs:


= the output of the strategies (please change only the white fields; the price of HFUEL is always current — if you don’t want this, just edit the desired price in this cell)

What is “My max hfuel deposit size”?
Depending on your max payout % your deposit account will reach a size in the dashboard of REFINERY where it makes no sense to compound (refuel) anymore. From this deposit account size on you will claim every day until wallet exhaustion.

The calculator automatically adjusts the number

Refinery Overview

= the numbers of the REFINERY in the overview

#1 / #2 / #3

= in these tabs you can add your strategies and compare them in the “Calculator” tab.

Compounding Template

= templates of different strategies

As default I have selected the templates #2, #1 and #7. You can find the description of each strategy in the Templates tab.

If you want to compare another strategy (look at Compounding Template), you have to mark the column of the strategy, copy it (from line 8 to the end of the window) and paste it into one of the tabs #1/#2/#3. Then the table will be updated automatically and also the calculator tab.

If you have questions about this, you can always contact me in Telegram or ask in the HNW Telegram Channel.

I have prepared the following investments for you:
1.000 BUSD, 5.000 BUSD, 10.000 BUSD and 26.000 BUSD

The following calculations refer to the predefined prices of the respective tokens and also keep in mind that the ratio between the tokens and the staking tokens will change in the future:

HNW = 10.50 BUSD
SK = 0.16 BUSD

I can’t cover everything in a short article, please try the calculator.

Briefly to recap: In the REFINERY everyone receives at least 0.8% daily interest and has a minimum payout of 255.5%. With the staking token xHNW and xSK you can improve both values (see picture below).

1000 BUSD

Image 1 shows an investment of 1000 BUSD only in HFUEL tokens.

When will the wallet be exhausted?
#2 → 1080 days
#1 → 1840 days
#7 → 1333 days

Image 2 shows an investment of 500 BUSD in HFUEL and 500 BUSD in SK (= 3000 Token equals 2000 xSK) to get 1% daily interest.

When is the wallet exhausted?
#2 → 938 days
#1 → 1620 days
#7 → 1166 days

5000 BUSD

Image 1 shows an investment of 5000 BUSD only in HFUEL tokens.

When will the wallet be exhausted?
#2 → 868 days
#1 → 1422 days
#7 → 1050 days

Image 2 shows an investment of 2800 BUSD in HFUEL and 2200 BUSD in SK (= 13500 Token equals 10000 xSK) to get 1.1% daily interest.

When is the wallet exhausted?
#2 → 690 days
#1 → 1148 days
#7 → 842 days

Image 3 shows an investment of 2800 BUSD in HFUEL and 2000 BUSD in HNW (= 195 Token equals 100 xHNW) to reach a max payout of 299.3%.

When is the wallet exhausted?
#2 → 978 days
#1 → 1601 days
#7 → 1181 days

10000 BUSD

Image 1 shows an investment of 2800 BUSD in HFUEL, 5000 BUSD in HNW (= 480 Token equals 250 xHNW) to reach a max payout of 365% and 2200 BUSD in SK (= 13500 Token equals 10000 xSK) to get 1.1% daily interest.

When will the wallet be exhausted?
#2 → 752 days
#1 → 1182 days
#7 → 891 days

Image 2 shows an investment of 7800 BUSD in HFUEL and 2200 BUSD in SK (= 13500 Token equals 10000 xSK) to get 1.1% daily interest.

When is the wallet exhausted?
#2 → 588 days
#1 → 952 days
#7 → 709 days

Image 3 shows an investment of 5000 BUSD in HFUEL and 5000 BUSD in HNW (= 480 Token equals 250 xHNW) to reach a max. Payout of 365%.

When is the wallet exhausted?
#2 → 957 days
#1 → 1466 days
#7 → 1119 days

26000 BUSD

Image shows an investment of 10000 BUSD in HFUEL, 5000 BUSD in HNW (= 480 Token equals 250 xHNW) to reach a max payout of 365% and 11000 BUSD in SK (= 67000 Token equals 50000 xSK) to get 1.2% daily interest.

When will the wallet be exhausted?
#2 → 578 days
#1 → 859 days
#7 → 667 days

Buy HFUEL here:

Go to < Refinery Dashboard > and click on CONNECT YOUR WALLET (1). Check if your MetaMask wallet is set to Binance Smart Chain “BSC”.

If you like you can add me as your WINGMAN (2), my address is:


Then click on UPDATE (3) and confirm the transaction. If this has been done correctly, you can find my wingman address under Current Wingman. Then you can put your HFUEL into the REFINERY.

In the upper box you can see your HFUEL Balance. Here you can deposit HFUEL. You need at least 1.07 HFUEL to use the REFINERY (1 HFUEL after taxes and fees). Choose the desired amount of HFUEL Tokens, then click DEPOSIT (4) and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

Congratulations! Your HFUEL has been deposited into the REFINERY, from now on you have passive income per day!

If this article has helped you, I’m glad, you can forward the link to friends and acquaintances to make the REFINERY more popular.

I am also happy if you would become my wingman and join my team 🤗

My Wingman Address: 0x428a10825e3529D95dF8C5b841694318Ca95446f

Website →
Dashboard →
SideKick →

HFUEL → 0x157Ba4bBbb2bd7D59024143C2C9E08f6060717a6
HNW → 0x8173ccc721111b5a93ce7fa6fec0fc077b58b1b7
SK → 0x5755e18d86c8a6d7a6e25296782cb84661e6c106


