Eco-Conscious: Why You Should be an Environmentally Conscious Entrepreneur!

David Milberg
2 min readDec 7, 2015


We are all becoming aware of how our carbon footprint is affecting our planet. Now that we have that level of awareness, it is vital for everyone to play their part in preserving our planet. Everyone’s choices have an impact on our environment.

If we don’t take proactive steps to preserve our planet, the outcome will be devastating. Enough damage has already been done to our planet. We need to reverse this negative effect before it’s too late.

Pollution released into the atmosphere is starting to affect our climate. Deforestation has caused many species to go extinct. The balance of life on earth is very fragile. The extinction of one species is all it takes to throw everything off balance.

Entrepreneurs Can Affect Change

Everyone has the power to positively impact the environment. Small actions can make a huge difference when implemented on a large scale. For example, if everyone resolved to stop littering, that would be a huge step in the right direction. However, entrepreneurs can play a much larger role in the protection of our environment than the average person.

An entrepreneur could decide to turn their business green. Each business that goes green dramatically helps keep our environment healthy. Running a business takes a lot of resources. Most businesses produce a lot of waste. But, by going green, a business will use fewer resources and produce less waste.

Entrepreneurs also have the ability to reach a large audience. They can use this reach to help encourage more people to become environmentally friendly. This action alone can have a profoundly positive impact on the environment.

Generate Goodwill

In case saving the world isn’t enough motivation to get you to help the environment, going green can create a lot of positive publicity. Being mindful of our environment is slowly becoming a trend. More people want to make a positive change. As this trend becomes popular, you do not want your company to be seen as having a negative effect on the planet. If people don’t think you’re mindful of your carbon footprint, you will lose business.

On the other hand, if your company is known for its stance on protecting the environment, you will be able to take advantage of this trend. Some people may buy your product or service for this reason alone. If you support a cause that people stand behind, you will see the rewards.

David Milberg is an investor and entrepreneur from NYC.

