Entrepreneurs, Take a Vacation!

David Milberg
2 min readDec 3, 2015


When was the last time you took a vacation from your daily entrepreneurial grind? If you are like most people who work for themselves, it has probably been a long time since you took a vacation.

As an entrepreneur, you routinely invest long hours in your business in order to meet your goals. Although having a strong work ethic is admirable, working long hours without a break can stress you out and compromise your health.
Contrary to the popular belief of many entrepreneurs, taking a vacation in entrepreneurship is not a luxury. It is a necessity. Here are 3 good reasons you need a vacation if you are an entrepreneur.

Vacations Rejuvenate Your Body and Brain

It is not possible for you to work 15 hours each day without it taking a toll on your body. When you take a vacation from your work, you allow your body and your brain to recharge.

After a time away from your work, you will notice a few things. Your memory will improve because you will not have as many tasks on your mind. Your body will feel less tense, and you will be able to relax. Your brain will be able to solve problems more quickly because you are not anxious.

Your Employees Will Become More Confident

It is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to forgo vacations because they do not want to leave their business in the hands of employees. If this is your concern, you may not trust your employees to take the right actions.

You spend a lot of money and time training your employees. At some point, you will have to trust that you have invested enough in them to see a great return.

When you go on vacation, your employees will protect your company as if it belongs to them. They will become more confident as they solve problems and handle the daily operations.

Encourage Self Care for Your Employees

Successful companies are not run by employees who are constantly stressed. Employee burn-out decreases morale and lowers productivity.

As a leader, you should show your employees that it is important to take care of themselves. Regularly scheduled breaks away from the office send an important message to your employees.

If you take care of yourself, they will follow suit. Your organization will be a happier and more productive environment because of it.

David Milberg is an entrepreneur from NYC.

