Three Domestic Economic Trends to Track

David Milberg
2 min readDec 11, 2015


Keeping an eye on domestic economic trends is important for businesses, taxpayers and consumers. The greatest impact of domestic economic trends is usually on businesses with a ripple effect on consumers and taxpayers. This is the basic triangulated structure of domestic economics. There are three useful strategies to keep an eye on domestic economic trends. Here are three useful strategies to keep an eye on domestic economic trends:

  • Choosing the most reliable economic data resources
  • Proactively advancing business to absorb up or down economic trends
  • Implementing a regular program of economic vigilance

Be in the Know about Domestic Economic Trends

Clearly, forewarned is forearmed when it comes to domestic economics. Watchfulness is the key to choosing the next business step forward. There are several reliable resources of domestic economic trends. However, it takes vision to see the overall designs behind the economic trends. These resources are the federal bureau of economics, financial institutions and consultants and business management experts. Study the various theories, opinions and sources that provide data on economics to determine their validity and expertise.

Proactive Business Advancement

Businesses rely heavily on the state of domestic economic trends. This is seen in the waxing and waning of Wall Street corporate buyouts and mergers. Small businesses are especially impacted by domestic economic trends due to their reliance on suppliers, domestic and international. Proactive advancement of businesses based on constant studies of economic trends absorb the swing and sway of business markets with less impact because they are able to envision outcomes of economic trends more quickly.

Implementing Domestic Economic Vigilance

How businesses view the economy affects their growth. When they view economic trends in the negative, businesses are naturally repelled from taking giant steps they fear might fail. Conversely, businesses who view economic trends in a more positive light are far more flexible in planning for future growth. The actual balance between these two phases can be neutralized by implementing a regular program of domestic economic vigilance of trends. Divide the markets most likely to be affected by economic trends into separate categories. Create a regular watch dog program for each category. For example, divide the categories according to suppliers, customer base and economic impact. This will help create a full picture of the momentum and activities each of these entities experience in real time domestic economic trends. With this data regularly activated, the full picture of the impact of domestic economic trends becomes clear.

David Milberg is an investment banker from NYC.

