In the Pursuit of Happiness…

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
3 min readMay 8, 2019


Photo by GoodMan™ via DhikrPosters

The United States Declaration of Independence has this golden phrase: “…the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…” These are said to be unalienable rights given to mankind by the Creator of the universe. The pursuit of happiness is one goal everyone craves for, but unfortunately, happiness isn’t found in the things we define. Happiness is positive emotion; a mental state of being that can’t be achieved through materialism or human representation.

There are basically three forms of happiness: false happiness, short-term happiness, and lifetime happiness. The first category is an elusive one, a good example is the use of drugs or substance abuse to overcome a mood. While the chemicals last to suppress the emotions, sadness returns after the reaction have been completed. The short-term one is time-bound as it sounds. This goes in line with goal setting; the sooner you achieve a landmark in our life the happier you are. After the achievement, you tend to find happiness elsewhere. For instance, getting admitted into college, then finishing with good grades. Securing a job, then getting married and so goes on the list. The third type is the true happiness and this is what we should all aspire for. It has nothing attached to wants and is established upon your firm belief in Allah.

The great scholar Ibn-ul-Qayyim Al-Jawzee mentioned in his book Al-Miftah As-Sahadah:

Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing and being repentant when sinning.

These three have been summarized in a previous edition of Jumah Nugget. You may also find below links to specific pieces on the subject in detail and I hope it's beneficial in sha Allah.

i. The Beauty of Being Patient When Tested

ii. Why Gratitude is the Only Solution to Life Cravings

iii. And Why Did God Create Man to Sin?

In sum, here are seven ways to live a happy life:

  1. Keep absolute trust in God, worship Him sincerely and never ascribe partners with Him.
  2. Be contented. Let a little satisfy you and do not be ruined by greed. Know that what will reach you will never pass you and what passed you was never meant to reach you.
  3. Realize life is a test, so use it blissfully. The result will either lead to reward or punishment.
  4. Seek forgiveness from your Lord through sincere repentance.
  5. Express gratitude to God for the little things and ask Him with firm belief for the bigger things you want.
  6. Be good to people even if they are bad to you. For there is no reward for good beyond goodness.
  7. Whatever challenge life gives you, remain patient and steadfast. For patience is the solution to all life trials.

I guess its 2-minutes read today, not to keep you bored with a lengthy lines. May Allah grant us all endless bliss. Ameen! I hope you’d stop by tomorrow bi’iznillah.

Your brother,

Abu Ubaydillah

Yaumul Arba’a, 3rd Ramadan 1440 / Wednesday 8th May 2019.



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.