Modern technology needs modern choices

Diyan Chanev
3 min readNov 16, 2018


Reading the latest article by Savedroid today, I was truly inspired. This sentence

“ Tesla would be picked by those, who claim that the world and inventions serve them, not the other way around.”

really touches me, because I believe in the future inventions, which put me between the others who pick Tesla.

The “future inventions” is a word combination, including a lot of technology. And with the attention and news around it, the blockchain proudly can say that is a part of them.
Along with other projects who suffer “dips” in the market, Savedroid seems unaffected and continuously working without any excuses, proving the world that improving it, could be really fun.

savedroid&Quantoz joining forces in improving the modern technology

With the time passing, we see that the Savedroid’s application is becoming really cool. We can see that the new look is suiting perfectly the main idea behind the project. You can choose one of the options, using their Artificial Intelligence which is allowing you to make optimal choices, without constantly follow the changing crypto market(The AI will do that work for you.) or make the decisions yourself using your own intuition.

Artificial Intelligence is another great way to improve your portfolio

Providing the world these 4 saving options (Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash and Litecoin) and connecting them with AI is a huge success. One of the main and most important aspects of “modern technology” is Accessibility. The accessibility itself is the bridge between the future and users, where Savedroid takes the lead places.

Every day the keys to your new Lambo are closer and closer to your pocket

Nowadays we see that “Artificial Intelligence” is implementing very well in many ways. Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic, head of AI for savedroid participated in the inTAIL event in Milano, Italy where he shared that this branch is crushing goals every day.

Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic atinTAIL event in Milano, Italy

Reading about these successes every day probably make’s you want to be part of this exciting atmosphere. You can join the team and work together with professionals who are the innovators of the new time with more than 3 years experience.
You can read more about how to be a part of the savedroid team here.

In a conclusion, I want to say that the world will always have people who will choose Volkswagen(because it’s more secure and etc.) but let’s not forget that back at the time, Volkswagen was also a Tesla(in an innovation way).

Thanks for your time!

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