10 Major Signs Of Oral Health Gum Disease

Dr John Michel
4 min readAug 5, 2022


An infection of the tissues that support your teeth is known as periodontal (or gum) disease. Poor brushing and flossing practices frequently contribute to it by allowing plaque, a sticky film of germs, to accumulate on the teeth and harden. When periodontal disease is advanced, it can result in painful chewing issues, bleeding gums, and even tooth loss.

10 Major Signs Of Oral Health and Gum Disease
Photo by asierromero from freepik — Oral Health

What are the causes of gum disease?

We have lots of microorganisms in our mouths. These bacteria continuously generate a sticky, colourless “plaque” on teeth together with mucus and other debris. Plaque can be removed with the aid of brushing and flossing. The unremoved plaque has the potential to solidify into “tartar,” which brushing cannot remove. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist during a professional cleaning. Smoking is the biggest risk factor for gum disease out of all the others. Smoking can also reduce the effectiveness of gum disease treatments. Other risk factors include genetic predisposition, certain diseases, such as AIDS, accompanying medications, hormonal changes in girls and women, diabetes, drugs that reduce saliva flow, and diabetes.

What are the 10 signs of gum disease?

  • Reddened and swollen gums — Gums that are red and swollen along the gum line are some of the early symptoms of gum disease. Women frequently have colour changes in their gums during adolescence, menstruation, or pregnancy. Children and adults may experience swollen gums if there is a severe tooth infection or something is stuck between the teeth. It could be time to see the dentist if, despite good oral care, your gums continue to be red and irritated.
  • Dental tenderness and sensitivity — Gum disease can also lead to dental discomfort and sore gums. You might have gum disease with extreme sensitivity to hot and cold meals or touch-sensitive gums.
  • Bad breath — Gum disease causes persistent foul breath that is more severe than you may typically feel. Using mouthwash, a tongue scraper, and good oral hygiene are ineffective treatments for this kind of bad breath. It frequently leaves you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth. It’s crucial to see the dentist as soon as you detect it because a severely rotting tooth might leave your mouth with a terrible taste.
  • Shifting or loose teeth — Gum disease can cause tissue deterioration as it advances to more severe stages. When this happens, your teeth may shift and become loose, causing dental discomfort and misalignment.
  • Inability to chew — It is concerning if your tooth sensitivity worsens and keeps you from successfully using both sides of your mouth to chew and bite down. Even though a tooth infection can make it difficult to chew, it usually just affects one area of your mouth. However, gum disease is a common ailment that affects the entire gum line and can make biting down uncomfortable.
  • Gum recession — Your gums are fashioned to encircle the root of your teeth completely. This prevents food and bacteria from getting stuck below the gum line and creates symmetry and a beautiful smile. Gum disease can separate the gums from the tooth’s root by forming pockets between teeth and along the gum line. This not only results in receding gums and the appearance of longer teeth but also makes it possible for bacteria to enter the roots of the teeth.
  • Modifications to the fit of your dentures — As was previously mentioned, gum disease can lead to the deterioration of both hard and soft tissues. When both happen, and you are wearing dentures despite not having any teeth, it may lead to uncomfortable dentures. You should take urgent action if your dentures slip more than usual and are uncomfortable to wear.
  • Visible infection symptoms — Pustules that form at the gum line are one of the more severe adverse effects. These sores are uncomfortable and typically contain pus, which can drain and spread throughout the mouth. Gum disease is an issue with oral health, but it’s also been connected to major physical illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. For your general health, you must treat the infection quickly.
  • Tooth loss — At some point, teeth will either need to be extracted or will need to be loosened or rot as bone loss continues. Early gum disease treatment can help you keep your natural teeth and avoid more expensive restoration operations.
  • Visible infection symptoms — Pustules that form at the gum line are one of the more severe adverse effects. These sores are uncomfortable and typically contain pus, which can drain and spread throughout the mouth. Gum disease is an issue with oral health, but it’s also been connected to major physical illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. For your general health, you must treat the infection quickly.

If you are experiencing these signs, you should visit your best dentist, Belmead Edmonton in Design Dentistry, to get immediate treatment and not worsen the gum disease. Call us at 780–484–8138 to book an appointment.

