Professor Eggies Hideout

Eggies World
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Creating Chaos beneath the Lake

Image from: Eggies World

Shortly after the impact of a large outer-space object formed what was to become the Lake of the Lost, a second smaller object hit at almost 45-degree angle below the newly formed crater. Creating an underground cavern that Professor Eggies discovered after fleeing Zooka’s rampage on the LabShip.

It was prefect a place for him to make camp as few ventured to the Lake of the Lost except to bring their Dead. The Cavern also appeared to buzz with an energy that both soothed and stimulated The Professor. Ideas and inventions seemed to spring forth on almost a daily basis and, every now and then, he would bring them to the surface to barter with those who had been brought, blindfolded, to his Hideout.

What is Professor Eggies Hideout?

The Hideout is a place where you can purchase special Eggies World Items, for Trx and ORBZ, which can aid your Monster in both Battle and Development. Or just help them look cool.

You can also fine the EGG Lab there. Read more about the EGG Lab here

Where can I find the Hideout?

Look for when the Lake of the Lost portal appears on the Main Page. You can then click on this to enter the Hideout to see which Items, Skins and Tokens are available

Lake of the Lost Portal: Eggies World

What kind of Items are available?

The items on offer can change but an example of that may be available are:


Adrenalin’s Helmet: Eggies World

Adrenalin’s Helmet: These helmets can be found in the Alpines, discarded by Adrenalin after another daring feat. Your Monster Starts the new round with a Shield Buff


PolyMorph Skin: Mini: Eggies World

Mini: A unique skin that polymorphs your monster into a baby


Token for Attack Reroll: Eggies World

Attack Reroll: A token that can be exchanged to roll for a replacement of an attack

Can I Trade these Items?

In the future Eggies World plans to introduce an in-game Marketplace where Items and Monsters can be traded.

Will these Items always be available?

Some Items will be limited editions, others will come and go. So, if you have your heart set on an Item it is best to buy it as soon as you can.

Do I need to equip an Item in order to Use it?

Yes you can only receive an Items bonus if it is equipped.

Tormentor’s Teddy Bear: Eggies World

Can I hold more than one Item at a time and will all their effects work at the same time?

You can hold more than one Item and can view them by selecting the Item slot and a drop down menu will appear. However, you will only receive the bonus from the equipped item.

Where Can I read more about Items?

If you wish to know more detailed information about Items, then go here.

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019



To buy a ZEZEEGG: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.