The Vassal Corporation

Eggies World
5 min readJul 21, 2019


Image From: Eggies World

Currently in control of The Lab on Eggies World — this is the multinational company that developed EGG technology on Earth with the aim of creating standardised Bio-slaves to do the jobs humans could not, or would not, do.

Usually constrained by Life Laws on Earth their principal aim is to make money. However, now on Eggies World their primary goal is to find out about the 21 Monsters that The Professor has created and see how they can exploit them.

In addition, the Security arm of the Corporation have been summoned from Earth to help in the search for The Professor with the aim of detaining him, and putting him to work, in one of their secure facilities.

Curator Hella Dali — Vassal Corp Fixer

Image from: Eggies World

Operating high up in the rankings of The Vassal Corporation she is considered one of their most effective Fixers. On first meeting her, people are most often struck by her lean and pale features, somehow both beautiful and terrifying. Thick, dark hair tucks behind her ears and is held in place by her glasses. It is a daily struggle to pluck the stray hairs which try to emerge on her top lip and all those who have dared to mention them have disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

Already tall, she is rarely without her high heeled shoes, no matter what the terrain. Frequent changes of footwear are not so much a fashion statement, as a practical necessity as her assistant removes the blood from the heels of the previous pair.

It is rumoured that she has secret crush on Professor Eggies and that is the real reason she did not have him executed on Earth. She has made no secret of her hatred of Dr Zoe Topaz though.

Khalia King — Vassal Corp Lab Tech

Image from: Eggies World

Ostracized by many at the Lab for simply being odd, Khalia King is a Corporation Technician with big ambitions. Obsessively neat and organised in her work she works tirelessly in her own small section of the Lab. She takes a freer approach to her appearance and can often be found smoking in one of the decontamination chambers.

Charged with the duty of trying to create unique Corporation EGGS capable of competing with The Professor’s Army of The 21, she can not resist the urge to look for ways to gain her own advantage from these new life forms.

Dr Nox — Vassal Corp Doctor

Image from: Eggies World

Some get into the medical profession to heal, others to explore how to cure diseases, Dr Nox joined so that he could dissect. Like a mechanic who enjoys taking things apart to see how they work, Dr Nox enjoys cutting up the living in his quest to understand the concept of the human soul, something he feels he does not possess himself.

Now, on Eggies World, he is studying The Army of the 21 to understand how Prof Eggies and Dr Topaz created Monster souls. Many enter his makeshift hospital but few leave alive.

Deighton Jones — Vassal Corp Scientist

Image from: Eggies World

Deighton Jones was the first of all the Scientists to finally decipher The Professor’s notes about Lab Monsters, discovering and hatching Whacko. Currently working for the Corporation on the Lab Ship, he now helps turn Regular EGGs into the rarer Lab EGGs


Image from: Eggies World

No one is sure whether RASP is a Man made into machine or a Machine made into human. His sole reason for being appears to be to do Hella’s bidding but only the foolish would call him her Pet out loud. Needing little, or no, sleep he is the perfect tracker and has spent many nights searching Eggies World for Professor Eggies.

It is said the Hella had his mask forcibly attached and that he is fed with a special gas to keep him docile and loyal. If it was ever removed who knows what carnage RASP would unleash…

Lieutenant Pozzer — Vassal Corp Security Forces

Image from: Eggies World

The first of his family to ever leave Earth Lieutenant Pozzer has found the Vassal Corporation’s Security Forces an unsettling place to work. Keen and friendly in his approach to most things he seems an unlikely fit next to the brutal muscle of his male and female colleagues. However, his talent in seemingly being able to climb any terrain or building at super-fast speed has earned him a degree of respect.

PS A quick note about The Monsters of Eggies World

Originally created by Professor Eggies to be his own personal army for revenge the Monsters on Eggies World have now developed their own path. While some are loyal to their Human owners to the point that they would die for them, others secretly plot the day they can remove all Non-Monsters from Eggies World.

Over time the Monsters themselves have created friendships and enemies. Alliances formed and broken in the heat of Battle. Relationships developed off the Battlefield some through genuine connections, others through necessity.

You can read more about the Army of The 21 HERE

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019



To buy a ZEZEEGG: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.