When Monsters Die — Return of The Risen

Eggies World
3 min readJul 21, 2019


Image from: Eggies World

The Lake of the Lost

The Lake of the Lost was formed when a large, unidentified object plummeted into the Eggies World jungle from deep Space. The water is thicker than normal and can change from blue to pink as the ripples ebb and flow.

It was noticed that when a dead Monster was placed in the changing waters, not only would they float for longer but sometimes they would return back to life.

Most Monsters stay clear of the Lake, except for the occasional funeral procession. But Off-Worlder, Styx, makes the regular trip through the dense jungle in his hover buggy to bring the dead to the Lake.

And….. for the few lucky Monsters to be healed by the Lake….. he returns with the Risen.

How can a Monster die?
Your Monster can not die in Battle but they can die if you Neglect to keep them Healthy and Fed with Food from the Eggies Market. Read More about Your Monster’s Life Span here

Image from: Eggies World

Can I resurrect a Monster?
Once your Monster dies you will have the option to Revive them for 100 trx. This will bring them back to life with all their previous Stats intact.

Do I have a limited time to bring my Monster back to life?
You have Unlimited time to Resurrect your Monster, so, as long as you remember your Log In you can always get your Buddy back.

What happens if I do not resurrect them?
If you choose not to revive them then you can still use your EGG token. Just move it to a fresh wallet and hatch a new Monster with Stats set to zero. You can then begin getting to know your new Monster

Image From: Eggies World

What is the Necromancer Role?
At the moment this is just a Monster label. But in the future Necromancers will have the ability to take advantage of dying and resurrecting Monsters

Do any Items help with Death?
There may be some Items which give advantages but may decrease lifespan. There are also Items which reward you for death or resurrections. It is best to check out Prof Eggies Hideout in the game to see what is currently available.

Image From: Eggies World

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019

Website: https://eggies.world/

Telegram: https://t.me/Eggiesworld

To buy a ZEZEEGG: https://t.me/ZEZEEGG

Eggies.world How to Guide: Coming Zoon

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EggiesEGG

Instagram: https://t.co/g9d9Ty6XNl

Seed Germinator: https://seedgerminator.sesameseed.org/



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.