Meet Jacque, ELES token holder that is used to the best that the world can offer.

Jacque travels a lot but not because this would be job-related. He travels and enjoys the gifts of the world and life simply as he is able to do so. When cruising near Dubrovnik (a Croatian jewel) with his yacht for the second time, he imagines how would it be to stay here on the ground each year for a few months.

Jacque starts looking for a nice real estate in Dubrovnik and soon finds an individual Villa with a price tag of 1.800.000 ELES tokens. As he is already nearby, he decides to take a look and after a while decides this Villa would really suit him well. He calls his financial advisor and soon after, the proper amount of money is on the crypto exchange for a purchase of ELES tokens that are needed. But, because he wants to purchase this Villa very soon and there is a fear that not enough of ELES tokens at the exchange could be bought unless increasing ELES token’s value, liquidity pool of ELES platform is activated and helps to provide him up 50% of the needed ELES tokens for the purchase of Villa at the current market price.

Through Smart-contract he pledges ELES tokens and Jacque soon enjoys the staying at the Villa in Dubrovnik, while his agent arranges the needed formalities to list Jacque as the proud owner of this Villa.

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