Meet Dejun, a former Asian student that studied several years ago in Europe, and wants to move from England to Cyprus.

As Asian countries had very economically progressive years behind and the purchasing power raised dramatically, a lot of people from this important world region has studied and also permanently moved to western countries. Dejun is one of them and is now considering to permanently move from England to Cyprus.

The reason he has chosen Cyprus is that the majority speaks English. Besides, Cyprus is in-between Asia and England which suits him best. Dejun had some doubtful thinking in the beginning, regarding moving and purchasing real estate. But when he discovered he can acquire Cyprus citizenship through an Investment program, the decision has been taken with full commitment.

He was eager to discover the best way to firstly acquire the citizenship and than also the real estate. Soon he discovered Elements Estates and its ELES platform, offering not only real estate with good value but also all the administrative help in acquiring the Cyprus citizenship.

The process described and used by him, was very simple. He decided to purchase a Villa evaluated at 1.7 million euro and one 4-bed apartment evaluated at 0.6 million euro. The reason he decided to do so is that a person is eligible to Citizenship if he purchases a residential real estate (one or more) in value of at least 2 million euro for the period of 3 years. After this period the person stays the owner of the real estate of value at least 0.5 million euro. So Dejun has decided that after three years he will sell the Villa and move to the apartment he will first put up for rent, for the period of three years.

So immediately after the purchase of the Villa and the Apartment over the ELES platform, the Elements Estates team starts all the procedures in his name to secure him a Cyprus citizenship. Dejun could not be happier with the outcome.

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